Waking up.

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I got woken up by music being played, Trouble Man, Sam's favorite, and also slight whispering. I furrowed my eyebrows and my eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light. I take in my surroundings and I'm in a hospital. I panic. My monitor starts beeping really fast, taking notes on my heartbeat.
"Hey, hey, baby. It's okay." I feel a hand grab mine and a familiar voice say. I loosen up.
I look to my right and there the wonderful man is, sitting in the hospital bed next to me. I sit up from my bed, pulling all of the wires off of me.
"Charlotte, what are you doing?" Steve worries.
"I want to lay with you." I whine. He smiles.
"Come here, darling." He opens his arms, but quickly puts his right arm back down, considering that was the wounded one. I walk over, laying my right leg carefully down, and snuggle into his left shoulder, making sure I don't hurt his stomach wound.
"Hey sleepy head." Sam chuckles.
"Hey." My voice rasps.
"Have fun out there?"
"Best time of my life." I jokingly smile.
Steve's arm starts rubbing my back.
"How are you doing?" Steve kisses my head.
"It hurts, a lot. But I'll live," I move my head up, the first thing I see is his beautiful blue eyes staring back down at me. "How are you doing?" I ask, Sam knows that we are heading to a private conversation and heads out of the room.
"Well, the stab hurts a lot, so does my stomach-"
"Charlotte," he whispers. "Not here."
"Alright." I say, the music continues to play. I decide I need to get Steve's mind off of things, and the pain. I pull my hand up to Steve's face. I kiss his cheek, mouth, and trail kisses down his jaw, to his neck.
His right arm pulls me closer to him. He hums.
"Charlotte.." He moans slightly.
"Hmm?" I suck on his neck a little.
"We can't do this here either." He chuckles.
"Do what?" I tease.
"You know what." He says, and dips his head down, my lips meet his hungrily but also lovingly.
"Am I interrupting something?" I hear Natasha say. We pull back and I look at the doorway, she's smirking.
"Hey Nat." I laugh.
"Hey Char," She smiles and walks towards the beds. "We need to get you two out of here." She laughs.
Natasha a few moments earlier

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but he truth?" A female bailiff asks Natasha.
"I do." She says.
"Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?" A committee member asks.
"I don't know what there is left for him to say. I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently." She sasses.
"Well he could explain how this country is expected to maintain its national security now that he, you and Charlotte I hear have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus."
"HYDRA was selling you lies, not intelligence." Natasha states.
"Many of which you seemed to have a personal hand in telling." He responds.
"Agent, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your service record, both for this country and against it, that you belong in a penitentiary. Not mouthing off on Capital Hill." Another committee member speaks up.
"You're not gonna put me in a prison. You're not gonna out any of us in a prison. You know why?"
"Do enlighten us."
"Because you need us," she smirks. "Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes, we help make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it. So, if you want to arrest me, arrest me. You know where to find me." She says and gets up, walking out of the room with people shouting questions at her. But she heads towards the hospital, where Charlotte and Steve were.
3 weeks later, Steve and I got released from the hospital, Steve was pretty healed up, as was I, but I was still soar and hurting. We walked to Nick's fake grave and stood there. Later, Nick walked up behind us.
"So, you've experienced this sort of thing before." Nick says, with glasses and a hoodie on.
"You get used to it." Steve says.
"We've been data mining HYDRA's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm headed to Europe tonight. I wanted to ask if you'd come. Charlotte could come with, she would be there with you."
"There's something I go to do first." Steve replies.
"How bout' you, Wilson? I could use a man with your abilities."
"I'm more of a soldier than a spy." He answers.
"Alright then," he looks at me, I nod. He knows I stay to take care of Steve and get him out of the trouble he shouldn't be in, and keep him in line. Then shakes each of our hands. "If anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me, right here." He nods towards his grave.
"You should be honored. That's about as close as he gets to saying thank you." Natasha says, walking towards us.
"Not going with him?" Steve asks.
"No." She smiles.
"Not staying here." I confirm.
"Nah," She smiles. "I blew all my covers, I gotta go figure out a new one."
"That might take a while." Steve says.
"I'm counting on it."
"That thing you asked for, I called in a few favors from Kiev," she hands him a file. "Will you do me a favor? Keep her safe." She looks at me and I blush.
"I always have."
"Those bullet wounds sure say that."
"I will, Nat." He chuckles.
"I can take care of myself guys." I laugh.
"No you can't." Natasha mumbles when she's hugging me. She goes to Steve and kisses his cheek as a friendly gesture.
"Be careful, Steve. You might not wanna pull on that thread." She nods towards the file. She starts walking away.
"I'm gonna miss you, Nat." I yell slightly.
"I know you will!" She yells back. I chuckle. I look at Steve and he's looking at the file. I rub his back. He opens it and a big picture shows Bucky in the ice and a small one paper clipped to it, of Bucky in the 1940's.
"You're going after him." Sam says and walks beside us.
"You don't have to come with me."
"I know," he pauses. "When do we start?"
Steve and I walk into his apartment door. I had been spending a lot of time there lately, but neither of us cared. I throw my bag next to the couch and hang my coat up. I sigh from being soar in my left shoulder and right leg. I walk towards the kitchen to get a beer.
"Hey, darling, would you get me one too?" Steve asks from the living room couch.
"Yeah," I say, I open the fridge and the only thing in there is milk and cottage cheese. My mouth falls open and I open the freezer. The only thing in there was Ice, ice packs, and packaged vegetables. "How do you eat!?" I yell.
"What?" I hear a chuckle say.
"Come here!" I say. I hear Steve's footsteps get closer to the fridge. He walks next to me, putting his hand on my back.
"Oh, that." He says.
"We're going shopping." I say, closing the refrigerator doors and getting my coat back on.
"Right now?!" Steve whines. I shrug my jacket on and walk towards him.
"Yes, right now!" I say and squeeze his cheeks.
"Why?" He says, his face getting chubbier when he talks between my hands.
I giggle. "Because you have no food!"
"Can't we just go tomorrow?" He whines again, tackling me into the couch. I fall backwards.
I start laughing as Steve buries his head into my neck.
"Steve," I whine. He groans. "Do you want to survive?!"
"Then let's go get food." I grab his face between my hands, but I'm not squeezing.
"Fine." He gives in. He pecks me on my lips and gets his shoes and coat back on. I grab my purse and we walk out of the door.
Steve and I get out of the car and walk into the store.
"I've never really been to a store before," he grabs my hand. "I've always had people make me food or go get it for me."
"Really?" I look at him.
"Yeah." He laughs.
"Well let's hope I don't lose you."
I grab a cart and head to get him a few loafs of bread.
"Steve, what kind of bread do you like?"
"Wheat." He follows beside me. I grab four loafs of bread. Since this man eats a lot.
"Hey, can we get bagels?" Steve looks at me in complete seriousness.
I look at him strangely. "Steve you can get what you want, its your apartment. I'm just getting the necessities." I laugh.
"Well maybe I'm just used to us living together." He smirks and kisses me. I blush.
We walk around a little more and I grab all of the needs in a persons home. We head towards the back where the Apple Juice was at. I chose to get Apple Juice because Steve and I loved it. I opened the fridge, grabbed three of them and turned around to place them in the cart. But Steve wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Steve?" I say aloud. "Steve?" I say again, nothing. I start to panic. I walk down the isles and grow faster and faster from worry. I stop dead in my tracks when I see him with a toy Thor hammer in his hands, a Captain America mask on, and Captain America figurines in his other hand. I clear my throat and he looks up.
"Oh, hey baby," he smiles. "Look how cool this is?! I'm worthy!" He yells and holds the hammer in the air. I crack up laughing and snap a picture.
"Hey!" He yells, taking the mask off, throwing the hammer and the figurines back in the basket. I take off running back towards our cart. I squeal when I hear Steve catching up to me. He sweeps me off my feet, literally. I start giggling.
"Delete it!" He demands.
"Never!" I yell. People start to stare. I wave at them. I manage to get out of his grasp.
"Delete it." He says, walking towards me. I back into a refrigerator.
"No." I smirk.
"Oh yeah?" He steps closer and I keep my stare at his eyes. He takes his advantage and snatches it out of my hand.
"No!" I yell and jump on his back. "I wanted that as my screensaver." I giggle.
"I look weird!"
"No you don't, you look sexy."
"Fine." He gives in and I laugh.
"Let's go get beer then pay." I laugh and walk to a register. The cashier scans our things and he tells us the price.
"$378.56 please." He smiles.
"Holy shit!" Steve yells. The cashier snorts then tries not to laugh.
"Steve!" I hit him.
"Sorry. But damn," He whispers. I pull out my card.
"No. I'm paying since it's nearly 400 dollars." He says.
"Oh yeah? Where's your wallet?" I ask. He digs in his pants and curses.
"Shit.." He says with his eyes closed. I laugh and swipe my card. We put our groceries in the car and drive home.
We have to get a huge cart to bring to his apartment for the groceries, because we're too lazy to take another trip. We walk towards the room and I take out my key. But when I go to stick my key in, the door is slightly opened.
"Steve," I whisper, still looking at the door. "Did you forget to lock the door?"
"No, I locked it." He says. We creep in and I grab the gun under the table where we walk In. Steve grabs his shield. I point my gun up and walk towards the living room. All of the lights were off and it was pretty dark. Someone walks in front of me and as a reflex, I grab their arm, twist it behind their back and push them against the wall.
"Shit!" He says. I let go of his arm and put my hand on my hip.
"It's just fucking Sam." I say, putting the gun on the table and going to get the cart outside.
"You seem disappointed." He laughs.
"Oh no I'm not! You get to help us put the groceries away!" I smile brightly, pointing at the groceries. I hear Sam groan behind me.
"So how have you two been holding up?" Sam asks us on the opposite couch from us.
"We've been doing good." Steve smiles.
"Yeah, not trying to get killed is cool I guess." I shrug and take a sip of my beer. Steve and Sam chuckle.
"How are you Sam?" Steve turns his head towards Sam.
"I've been doing good. But I'm bored as hell, considering that the only friends I have is you guys," He shrugs and laughs. "So whenever I feel like having a fun ass time, I'll just break into your apartment." He says, I crack up laughing.
"Hey you never know. We might already have plans." He smirks and takes a drink.
"Steve!" I hit his shoulder.
"What it's just Sam!" He laughs.
I huff and turn to Sam again.
"I'll knock," he says. "Then I'll break in."
"Okay." I smile.
I walked out of the room and decided to get my phone and text Natasha.
Hey babe. I'm thinking about everyone meeting up again soon?
Yeah that sounds great. I'll have to catch a plane to New York then. She replies.
I'm sure Tony would get someone to come get you.
Where are we hanging out?
The Avengers tower.
Okay, I'll see you there babe. :)
"Hey Baby. Sam left. You alright?" Steve comes up behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. He gently rubs my left shoulder, knowing that I'm still hurting.
"Yeah, I just kinda miss them." I sigh.
"Then why don't we go see them?"
"But I know how you and Tony are together, and I don't want any of that happening." I say and turn around.
"Hey, if you want to see them, then let's go see them. Tony and I will be fine."
"Why are you so sweet on me?" I put my hand on his chest.
"Because I love you." He said, my mouth dropped and I quickly closed it.
"You do?" He puts his hand on my cheek.
"Yes, Charlotte, I do. I fell in love with you when you fought with me on that helicarrier, When you tried to get Bucky to remember me, when you said you loved me, I knew that second, that I loved you back."
I grabbed the sides of his face and pulled his lips down to mine. I wrapped both of my arms around his neck tightly. He had his arms tightly around my torso. His tongue grazed my lip and I opened my mouth. Our mouths molded together perfectly.
A few moments later he pulled back.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you."

This chapter was pretty much a filler. We're heading into a new movie in the next chapter. ;))))))) I'm so excited because STEVE
but anyways. I love you guys so much & thank you.
Remember to vote and give me your feedback!
Thank youuuuu
Much love potatoesss xx

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