Safe House

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We arrive at our safe house. We walk off of the jet, Natasha and Clint going first, Steve and I going in front of Bruce. I grab Steve's hand to soothe him from whatever he saw.
"What is this place?" Thor asks.
"Safe house." I smile.
"Let's hope," Clint says, opening the door. We all walk in and crowd around the room. "Honey, I'm home," Laura walks in the room and looks at all of us. "Hi, company, sorry I didn't call ahead."
"Hey." She says, and kisses him.
"This is an Agent of some kind." Tony comments to Thor.
"Gentlemen, this is Laura."
"I know all your names." Laura laughs.
"Ooh, incoming." Clint says after hearing footsteps become louder.
"Hi sweetheart! Hey buddy!" He says, hugging the kiddos.
Steve makes a face.
"These are smaller Agents." Tony says.
"Did you bring Auntie Nat and Charlie?" His daughter, Lila, says.
"Why don't you hug us and find out?" Natasha says, we walk towards her and she hugs us at the same time. I pick her up and put her on my hip.
"Sorry for barging in on you." Steve says, like his gentleman self.
"Yeah we would've called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." Tony says to Laura.
"Yeah well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined. Kept it off of SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low." Thor steps one of the kids' houses, and kicks it under the chair.
We walk over to Laura.
"How's little Natasha?" She holds her stomach.
"She's-- Charles." Laura makes an apologetic face and I smile. I put Lila down.
Natasha bends down and talks to her stomach.
Steve walked out and I followed.
"See, you're worried for nothing, can't even feel the difference, can you?" Clint says to Laura. She was feeling his hip, where he got shot.
"If they're sleeping here, some of them are gonna have to double up."
Clint laughs. "Yeah that's not gonna sell."
"What about Charlie and Steve? They seemed close and comfortable."
"Yeah, those two I guess are alright for it. They're together."
"What about Nat and Doctor Banner? How long has that been going on?"
"Has what?" Clint says, grabbing his flannel. Laura laughs.
"You are so cute."
"Nat and- and Banner?" Clint stutters.
"I'll explain when you're older. Hawkeye."
"Uh- okay."
"It's bad right? They seem really shaken. Nat and Charlie."
"Ultron has these allies. Kids- punks really. They carry a big damn stick, they took a serious hit. Someone's gonna have to teach them some manners."
"And that someone being you? You know I totally support your Avenging. I couldn't be prouder. But I see those guys, those gods-"
"You don't think they need me."
"I think they do, which is a lot scarier. They're a mess."
"Yeah, I guess they're my mess."
"You need to be sure that this team is really a team. And that they have your back. Things are changing for us. In a few months time. You and me are gonna be outnumbered. I need you," They stand in front of each other. "Just be sure."
"Yes ma'am." Clint says politely and kisses her. She puts her hand back on his hip, where he got shot and she feels around it.
"I can feel the difference." She whispers.
"Hey." I say when I follow Steve outside.
"Hey, darling." He pulls a fake smile. I automatically felt sympathy for him. He shuffles around, not wanting to sit still.
"Hey," I walk over to him, stop him from moving any more. I put my hands in his and my head in his neck. "You're not okay. I can see that."
"I can see that you're not alright either, Charlotte."
"Talk to me." I look up at him. Our faces inches apart. His eyes close and he kisses my head.
"Peggy.." He whispers.
"You still love her, Steve."
"No-yes- don't take it the wrong way-"
"Steve. She was your first love. I don't expect you to be over her. It's okay to think about her. You should go see her soon."
"I want you to meet her."
We sit in silence for a few minutes. My face in his neck, him holding onto me.
"Talk to me." Steve repeats my words. I sighed.
"It was about the people I love most finding out what I really am." I say slowly.
"And what really are you?" He rocks us back and forth.
I pause.
"Nothing," I pull a smile. "It's okay."
Steve pulls me back.
"Charlotte, please." He pleads.
I sigh. "Worthless." I huff a laugh.
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing. Forget about it." I shake my head.
"Charlotte," he puts his hand on my chin. "You are not worthless. Believe it or not, you are my world. I don't like you being out there with us. Truthfully, I don't. Because I don't ever want something to happen to you. Ever. I don't want me to turn around and for someone or something to hurt you when I do. I don't want to make the same mistake again. You are a great Agent. And you can take care of yourself. But I can't help but protect you. You are mine. And mine only. When this is all over, I expect to have a future with you, Charlotte. You are so perfect to me. I may be the Captain, and they need me, but I need you. We may be a huge bunch, but we couldn't succeed without you. You are my light in my life. I love you, Charlotte. You are not even close to worthless. You're my everything."
I saw the deepness in his eyes.
"I don't deserve you, Steve," I whisper to myself.
"Charlotte," he puts his hand on my cheek. I close my eyes. "I need you."
I hum and My voice cracks and I capture his lips. My hands on the back of his neck, pulling him down to me, He was pulling me closer to his body. We were in the middle of Clint's front yard, kissing. We didn't care who was watching us. We pull back and rest our foreheads against each other's.
"You're so beautiful." He smiles. I smile and peck his lips one last time.
"C'mon. Let's get some different cloths on." I laugh and wipe away my tears.
We walked back into Clint's household and I walk into him.
"Hey Clint. Can we borrow some cloths?"
"Yeah sure. Grab anything out of the closet." He said and walks past me.
"Thank you!"
"Don't mention it!" He laughs.
I grab Steve's hand and lead him into Clint's room. We walk into the closet and find our outfit.
Steve ends up picking out a tight blue shirt with denim jeans. I get one of Laura's long sleeve black V-neck shirts with skinny jeans.
Tony and Steve were cutting wood and talking. I was on the deck with Laura, Clint and the kids. I was looking at Steve, Taking this time to examine his features. His blond hair, his body, his arms when they chop down on the wood.
"You really love him don't you, Charlie?" Clint says, taking me out of my thoughts.
I smile. "Yes. Yes I do."
"I'm happy for you." He sits next to me, walking away from the kids for a moment.
"Thank you Clint," I pause. "Don't you ever miss them?"
"Who, them?" He says, pointing at the kids and Laura.
"Of course I do. But I have to fight and believe I'll see them soon." 
I nod and look back at Steve and Tony.
"That would affect the team."
"That would end the team! Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the why we fight, to end the fight, so we get to go home?" Tony says loudly. My eyebrows furrow. Steve rips open a piece of a log.
"Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time."
Laura walked out to Tony and Steve and got their attention.
"I'm sorry. Mr. Stark, Clint said you wouldn't mind but our tractor doesn't seem to want to start and I thought maybe-"
"Yeah, I'll give it a kick," He interrupts Laura. And walks with her. "Don't take from my pile!" Tony points to his small pile. I look at Steve's giant one.
"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say he's building something. The amount of Vibranium he made off with, I don't think is just one thing." Nick tells us. Lila brings Natasha a picture of a butterfly she drew.
"What about Ultron himself?"
"Oh, he's easy to track he's everywhere. Guys multiplying faster than a catholic rabbit. Still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans so."
"Still going after launch codes?" Tony says, concentrating on the dart game he was playing.
"Yes he is, but he's not making any headway."
"I cracked the Pentagons firewall in high school on a dare."
"Yeah, well I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that."
"Nexus?" Steve questions.
"World Internet, Oslo. Every bite of data goes through there, fastest access on earth."
"So, what'd they say?" Clint asks.
"It's fixated on the missiles. But the codes are constantly being changed." Nick says.
"By whom?" I ask. Clint throws a dart right past Tony's head, onto the bullseye. Tony looks at Clint, he shrugs.
"Parties unknown."
"We got an ally?" Natasha asks.
"Ultron's got an enemy. That's not the same thing. Still I'd pay folding money to know who it is."
"I might need to visit Oslo. Find our unknown."
"Well this is good times boss, but I was kinda hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that." Natasha says to Nick.
"I do. I have you. Back in the day I had eyes everywhere, ears everywhere else. You kids had all the tech you could dream of. Here we all are, back on earth, nothing but our wit and our will to save the world. The Avengers are the only thing between him and his mission, whether or not he admits it. His mission Is global destruction. All this," he said, pointing at all of us. "In a grave. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard."
"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk." Natasha mumbles.
"You know what Romanoff.." Steve says. I giggle.
"So what does he want?" Nick pulls us back in.
"To become better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies."
"Person bodies. The human form isn't efficient. Biologically speaking, we're outmoded. But it keeps coming back to him." Tony says.
"When you programmed him to protect the human race you amazingly failed." I say.
"They don't need to be protected. They need to evolve," Bruce says, everyone stares at him. "Ultron's going to evolve."
"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" Bruce says. My jaw drops.
"I'll take Charlotte, Natasha and Clint." Steve says, grabbing his shield and putting it on his back.
"Alright. I'll join the nexus and join you as soon as I can."
"If Ultron is really building a body," Steve says.
"It'll be more powerful than any of us. Maybe all of us. An android designed by a robot."
"You know I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science created was me."
"I'll drop Banner off at the tower. Mind if I barrow Ms. Hill?"
"She's all yours. Apparently. What are you gonna do?"
"I don't know. Something dramatic I hope."
Nick says. He looks at me and looks away quickly. I quickly jog towards him and stop him.
"You know what happened to me."
He looks at me confused. "Excuse me?"
"What did you do to me while I was asleep at the hospital with Steve?" I step closer.
"What are you talking about Charlotte?"
"I was fighting. I was about to fall right on the ground but I never hit it. I was floating an inch away from the ground." He stares at me.
"Look Charlotte-"
"What did you do to me?" I say sternly.
He looks at me for a few seconds and sighs.
"We injected you with some serum-"
"You did what!?" I tell loudly. Steve's head snaps towards us and Nick grabs my arm.
"Your causing attention-"
"I don't care Nick! Why would you do that?!"
"I didn't do it."
Before I could respond, someone comes around the corner.
"I did."
That voice I recognized from a mile away.
"Phil?" I say.
"Yeah, Charlotte. It's me." He smiles and walks towards me with open arms.
I push him away and my eyes water.
"Why would you-" my voice cracks and I stumble back. I turn around and storm out of the room.
"Charlotte," Steve follows. I go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. Tears come out of my face and I look at myself blankly. "Baby." He says, grabbing my waist, trying to turn me away from the mirror.
"No!" I scream, tears coming out like a waterfall. "Why would he do this to me?! They're exactly like HYDRA! They make people their experiments without caring what will happen to them!" I sob, Clint walks behind Steve and he nods at him, Clint leaves. I look at my reflection and punch the mirror, screaming as loud as I could. Blood seeps out of my knuckles but I don't care. I'm heartbroken. The man that I took as a father injected me like a science experiment. This whole time, I thought he was dead. "Help me." I whisper-sob to Steve. He picks me up and hugs me tightly. I cry in his neck and he rubs my back. I calm down after a few minutes and I look up at him.
"We have to go." He kisses my forehead.
"Are you okay, doll?"
"Yeah. I'm okay." I put my hand up to his cheek and connect our foreheads.


"Are we still friends?"
"Depends on how hard you hit me."
Ugh I'm so sad
"Your moms name was Sarah. You used to wear newspaper on your shoes."
y u do dis Marvel
Peace out potatoes
Much love Xx

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