CH 15: A Day of Reflection

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Harry woke up feeling the weight of yesterday's emotions still heavy on his chest. The tears he had shed in front of Cyrus and Selene had brought some comfort, but they had also opened a floodgate of memories that he hadn't allowed himself to think about in so long. As he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, he knew he wasn't ready to face the day. His head was a mess, and his heart wasn't much better.

"Talon," Harry murmured, his voice hoarse from last night's emotional exhaustion.

Talon, always attentive, was by his side in an instant. "Yes, Master Harry?" His tone was calm and soothing, as it always was in moments like these.

"I... I need a day off," Harry admitted, rubbing his temples. "I'm not feeling up to it today. Can you inform all my teachers? Get the homework from them and bring it back here?"

"Of course, Master Harry," Talon said with a slight bow. "I'll take care of everything. Would you like some breakfast first?"

"Yeah... something light," Harry replied, still staring at the ceiling. "Thanks, Talon."

Talon nodded and left the room, his steps light and quick. As the door closed, Harry let out a deep sigh. He hadn't really taken a day off since he'd come to Darfea. He'd been too busy, too focused on immersing himself in this new world, trying to forget the old one. But after yesterday... he just couldn't push those memories away any longer.

He closed his eyes, and his mind drifted back to his old world—back to Sirius.

He was back in Grimmauld Place, sitting at the long, dark wooden table in the kitchen. Sirius was there, leaning back in his chair with a grin on his face, laughing heartily. They were planning something—maybe a joke on one of the other Order members. Harry could almost hear Sirius's voice echoing in his mind.

"Merlin's beard, Harry! That was brilliant!" Sirius laughed, his eyes sparkling with the thrill of mischief. "We'll have to tell Moony about this one when he gets back. He'll love it."

Harry chuckled, feeling the warmth of the memory wash over him. He remembered how safe he had felt then, even with the war raging outside. Being with Sirius, his godfather, had given him a sense of family he hadn't felt in so long.

But then, just as quickly, the memory shifted to that fateful night at the Department of Mysteries. He could see the look on Sirius's face as he dueled Bellatrix, the taunting grin that was so classically his... until it wasn't. The moment when Bellatrix's curse hit him squarely in the chest, and he fell through the Veil.

"Sirius!" Harry's younger self had screamed, rushing forward, desperately trying to reach him, but Lupin had held him back.

"Harry, he's gone!" Lupin had said, his voice filled with anguish. "There's nothing you can do."

The pain of that moment, the realization that he had lost Sirius forever, came crashing back. Harry opened his eyes, forcing himself out of the memory. His breath was heavy, and his chest tightened.

"Damn it," he muttered, feeling tears prick at his eyes again.

Talon returned shortly after, carrying a tray with a light breakfast—some toast, fruit, and a warm cup of tea. "Your breakfast, Master Harry," he said, setting the tray on the small table beside Harry's bed.

"Thanks, Talon," Harry said, taking a deep breath to steady himself.

Talon watched him for a moment, his expression unreadable. "Is there anything else you need, Master?"

Harry shook his head. "No, just... just some time. I'll call you when I need you."

With a bow, Talon left the room again, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. He nibbled at the toast, but his appetite wasn't really there. His mind wandered again, back to another set of memories—this time, of Ron and Hermione.

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