CH 9: A Return to Routine

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The next day, Harry returned to class, feeling a little more composed than he had the day before. The weight of seeing Ginny at the school still lingered, but he had made a decision—he would ignore her. It was the only way he could think to protect himself from the painful memories and emotions that her presence stirred within him. He resolved to push those thoughts aside, to focus on his studies and his life in Darfea.

As the day progressed, Harry fell back into his usual routine. The structure of his classes and the familiarity of the school environment helped to steady him. His friends, Cyrus and Selene, kept a watchful eye on him, offering support when needed but also giving him space to process everything in his own time.

During one of their lunch breaks in the Great Hall, Cyrus leaned over to Harry. "Are you holding up alright?" he asked, his voice low enough that it wouldn't carry over the noise of the hall.

Harry nodded, though his expression was still guarded. "I'm trying. It's just... I have to keep moving forward. I can't dwell on it," he said, picking at his food.

Selene chimed in, her eyes full of understanding. "If you need to talk about it more, we're here. But if you want to focus on school and forget it for now, that's okay too."

Harry appreciated their support, but he didn't want to delve deeper into the topic. "Thanks. I think keeping busy is best," he replied, forcing a small smile.

The weeks passed, and Harry stuck to his plan. He avoided any places where he thought he might run into Ginny, keeping his mind occupied with his schoolwork and other responsibilities. It wasn't easy—there were moments when the memories of their time together threatened to surface, but Harry forced himself to stay focused. He threw himself into his studies, determined to excel in his classes and continue his progress in Job Counseling.

His sessions with Jacob, his Job Counselor, continued as usual. They were slowly but surely narrowing down potential career paths that suited Harry's skills and interests, though they hadn't quite found the perfect fit yet. Harry appreciated the process, even if it was taking time. Jacob's guidance was helping him to think more clearly about his future, something that had always seemed uncertain back in his old world.

One afternoon, Jacob leaned back in his chair, looking thoughtful. "You've mentioned an interest in combining magical combat skills with something that involves strategic planning and leadership. Have you ever considered a role in magical law enforcement or perhaps in a more diplomatic position within one of the councils?"

Harry pondered the suggestion. "Maybe," he replied slowly. "I'm still not sure. I want something that feels right, something where I can use what I've learned but also... do some good."

Jacob nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Keep that thought in mind. Sometimes the right path becomes clearer after you've explored a few wrong ones."

At night, the familiar routine with Talon provided Harry with a sense of stability. After a long day of classes, he would return to his dorm, where Talon would be waiting to help him unwind. The massages, now a nightly ritual, eased the tension from his body and helped him relax. It was a quiet, comforting way to end the day, and it allowed Harry to find some peace, even if only for a few hours.

"Thank you, Talon," Harry murmured one evening, his voice heavy with fatigue but filled with genuine gratitude.

Talon nodded silently, his hands continuing their soothing work across Harry's shoulders. Though Talon rarely spoke, his presence was a constant source of quiet support that Harry had come to rely on.

As he drifted off to sleep each night, Harry would tell himself that he was doing the right thing by ignoring Ginny. He had to move forward, to focus on his life in Darfea and the future he was building here. It wasn't easy, but it was the only way he knew how to cope with the complicated emotions that her presence had stirred within him.

And so, life continued much as it had before. The days and weeks slipped by, filled with the usual rhythm of classes, Job Counseling sessions, and quiet evenings spent with Talon. Harry's resolve to ignore Ginny held firm, and slowly, the initial shock of seeing her at the school began to fade into the background. But deep down, he knew that the past wasn't something he could ever fully escape—it would always be a part of him, lingering just beneath the surface, waiting for moments like this to remind him of where he had come from.

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