CH 18: Interlude: Part Two - Talon at Morgana's Crater

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Talon's life at Morgana's Crater was different from his routine at school. While his duties still revolved around Harry, the environment here allowed for a more relaxed pace, and there was a certain rhythm to life that he had come to appreciate deeply. The Crater was a place of power, mystery, and ancient magic, and Talon felt its presence in every corner of the vast fortress.

The day began much the same as at school, with Talon rising before dawn to prepare for Harry's morning. However, in the Crater, his responsibilities extended beyond just attending to Harry. The five Custodians—Valeria, Emma, Theron, Lira, and Caelum—had their own expectations of him, and he often found himself assisting in tasks that maintained the Crater's delicate balance of power and secrecy.

This particular morning, as the first light of the sun barely touched the horizon, Talon was already up and moving. He prepared Harry's bath and laid out his clothes, as was his custom, before quietly waking him.

"Master, it's time to wake up," Talon said softly, standing by Harry's bedside.

Harry blinked awake, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. "Morning, Talon," he greeted, his voice still thick with sleep.

"Good morning, Master. Your bath is ready, and your clothes are laid out," Talon informed him, stepping back to allow Harry space to get up. "Would you like anything special for breakfast?"

Harry considered for a moment as he stretched. "Actually, I'm craving something sweet. Maybe some of that honeyed bread Valeria makes?"

Talon nodded. "I'll see to it, Master."

As Harry went to the bathroom, Talon made his way to the kitchen, where the Crater's staff was already busy preparing breakfast. He found Valeria, the Keeper of the Veil, who often took on the role of overseeing the Crater's daily meals, her hands already working deftly with ingredients.

"Master Harry has requested your honeyed bread for breakfast," Talon said, bowing his head respectfully.

Valeria looked up, a faint smile touching her lips. "He has good taste," she remarked, her voice as smooth as the ancient spells she wielded. "It will be ready soon."

"Thank you, Lady Valeria," Talon replied, stepping back to let her work. He knew better than to linger in the kitchen when Valeria was busy—her magic had a way of making the air hum with energy, and it was best to stay out of her way.

As the bread baked, Talon attended to a few other tasks around the Crater. He checked on the state of Harry's room, ensuring it was tidy and comfortable, then visited the Crater's library to retrieve a book Harry had mentioned wanting to read. The library was one of Talon's favorite places in the Crater, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls that whispered secrets of the past. It was a place of quiet power, and he always felt a sense of awe when he entered its hallowed halls.

On his way back, Talon passed by Emma, the Shade of the Throne, who was deep in conversation with Caelum, the Steward of the Eternal Library. They both acknowledged Talon with a nod as he passed, their expressions thoughtful as they discussed matters beyond his understanding.

When he returned to the kitchen, Valeria had finished the honeyed bread. He took the tray from her with a grateful bow. "Thank you, Lady Valeria," he said.

"Tell Harry to enjoy it," she replied, her tone warm.

Talon returned to Harry's quarters, where Harry was now dressed and ready for the day. Talon set the tray on the table, arranging the bread and other breakfast items neatly.

"Here's your honeyed bread, Master," Talon said, pouring a cup of tea to go with it.

Harry smiled as he took a seat. "Thank you, Talon. You always know how to make things just right."

Talon inclined his head, a small smile of satisfaction on his lips. "It's my pleasure, Master."

The day at the Crater was often quieter than at school, allowing Harry and Talon to relax more. After breakfast, Harry spent some time in the library, and Talon accompanied him, carrying books and taking notes as needed. The Crater was peaceful, and the only sounds were the rustle of pages and the distant hum of magical wards.

Later in the day, Talon found himself assisting Theron, the Guardian of the Arcane Wells, with a task in the Crater's lower levels. The wells were a place of immense magical energy, and Talon's role was to help maintain the wards that kept the power contained.

"Hold this steady," Theron instructed, his voice a deep rumble as he adjusted one of the warding stones. Talon held the stone in place as instructed, his own magic humming faintly as it interacted with the ancient energy of the well.

"Good. Now, step back," Theron ordered once the stone was secure.

Talon obeyed, stepping back to watch as Theron completed the task with a few final incantations. The air around them crackled with energy before settling into a calm, steady pulse.

"You did well," Theron said gruffly, giving Talon a rare nod of approval.

"Thank you, Lord Theron," Talon replied, grateful for the acknowledgment.

With the task completed, Talon returned to his primary duties, ensuring Harry had everything he needed throughout the day. He served lunch in the courtyard, where Harry was joined by the five Custodians for a rare, informal meal. The conversation was light, and Talon hovered nearby, ready to attend to any request.

"Talon," Harry called softly as the meal wound down.

"Yes, Master?"

"Join us for a bit," Harry invited, motioning to an empty seat.

Talon hesitated but obeyed, sitting at the edge of the group. The Custodians, while powerful and sometimes intimidating, were always fair and had come to respect Talon's unwavering loyalty to Harry.

"How are you finding the Crater, Talon?" Caelum asked, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"It is...unlike any other place, Lord Caelum," Talon replied carefully. "There is a depth to it that I am still discovering."

Caelum nodded, pleased with the response. "Indeed. The Crater holds many secrets, some of which may yet reveal themselves to you."

The rest of the meal passed pleasantly, with the Custodians sharing stories of their past exploits and Harry contributing tales of his own experiences at school. Talon listened attentively, feeling a sense of belonging in this circle, even if his role was a more subdued one.

As evening approached, Talon prepared Harry's room for the night, ensuring everything was in order. The nightly routine at the Crater was much like it was at school, though there was an added layer of relaxation here. The energy of the Crater seemed to seep into everything, making the air feel more restful, more serene.

When Harry entered the room, Talon was ready with the usual preparations. The massage was slow and deliberate, easing away the day's tension and leaving Harry relaxed and content.

"You've outdone yourself again, Talon," Harry murmured, his voice thick with sleep as the massage came to an end.

"Thank you, Master," Talon replied, covering Harry with a blanket as he settled into bed.

"Goodnight, Talon," Harry said, already drifting off.

"Goodnight, Master," Talon whispered, stepping back into the shadows.

As Harry fell asleep, Talon quietly left the room to attend to his remaining duties. There were still preparations to be made for the next day, but as he moved through the Crater's halls, Talon felt a deep sense of fulfillment. His life at Morgana's Crater was rich with purpose, every task he completed bringing him closer to mastering his role as Harry's devoted servant.

The Crater was a place of mystery and power, but for Talon, it was also a home—a place where he was valued, where his efforts mattered. And as he completed the last of his tasks and prepared for sleep, Talon felt a profound peace settle over him, knowing that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

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