CH 13: Whirlwind of Months

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The next few months flew by like a whirlwind, with the steady pulse of school life keeping Harry constantly occupied. Classes became more challenging, but Harry, now fully adjusted to the demands of Darfea, embraced the work with determination. His friendships with Cyrus and Selene deepened as they navigated the complexities of their studies together, often spending late nights in the library or sharing meals in the Great Hall.

One evening, as they sat around a table piled high with books, Selene looked up from her notes and stretched. "I swear, Advanced Necromancy will be the death of me," she muttered, rubbing her eyes. "How are we supposed to memorize all these different rites and rituals?"

Cyrus chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "It's not so bad. Just think of it as a puzzle. Once you understand the underlying logic, it all falls into place."

Harry nodded, his eyes still on his own notes. "And if you get stuck, just ask. We're in this together," he said, glancing up with a small smile. "Besides, it's nothing compared to Gift Training. Now that's a real challenge."

"Don't remind me," Selene groaned, but she smiled, clearly appreciating the camaraderie. Their study sessions were exhausting but rewarding, and the bond between them grew stronger with each challenge they faced together.

As the days passed, the school's usual events and traditions came and went, including Slave Day—a day that Harry had come to understand as an integral part of life in Darfea. This particular Slave Day, however, Harry found himself more contemplative than usual. Although he wasn't interested in purchasing a slave, he took the opportunity to learn more about the process, engaging in conversations with both slaves and sellers.

Approaching a seasoned slave trader who stood beside a line of slaves, Harry asked, "What do you look for in a good slave?"

The trader, a grizzled man with a sharp gaze, looked Harry up and down, assessing him. "A good slave is one that can be molded, who shows both resilience and obedience," he explained, his tone matter-of-fact. "The best ones are those who can be trained to anticipate their master's needs without question. It's about finding that balance—someone strong enough to handle the workload, but compliant enough to follow commands without a fuss."

Harry nodded, intrigued. "And how do you determine that when you're just looking at them for the first time?"

The trader shrugged. "Experience. You watch how they react under pressure, how they hold themselves when they think no one's looking. A lot of it is in the eyes, you see. If you know what to look for, you can see it clear as day."

Satisfied with the answer, Harry moved on to speak with some of the slaves themselves. He approached a young woman who looked to be about his age, her eyes lowered but alert.

"May I ask you something?" Harry said gently, trying not to startle her.

The slave nodded, her posture respectful but cautious. "Yes, Master. What would you like to know?"

"What's it like," Harry asked, "adjusting to this life? How do you come to terms with it?"

The young woman hesitated, glancing around to ensure no one would overhear her answer. "It's... not easy at first," she admitted quietly. "But you learn to accept it. The key is to find peace in knowing your place, in serving well. Some days are harder than others, but... there's a sort of comfort in knowing what's expected of you."

Harry thanked her for her honesty and moved on, processing her words. He continued his conversations with others, hearing different stories and perspectives. Some slaves spoke with quiet acceptance, others with a hint of resignation, but all seemed to have found their own ways of coping with their circumstances.

As the day came to a close, Harry regrouped with Cyrus and Selene in the Great Hall. Cyrus looked over at him, curiosity in his eyes. "Learn anything interesting?" he asked.

"More than I expected," Harry replied thoughtfully. "It's... complex. The whole process, the mindset. I still don't fully understand it, but I think I'm starting to see how it all fits together."

Selene nodded, her expression contemplative. "It's a harsh world, but there's a logic to it. I guess we're all just trying to find our place within it."

Harry nodded in agreement. Though he hadn't made any purchases, the day had not been wasted. It had further solidified his role and his place within the intricate social structure of this world.

The routine of school life quickly resumed after Slave Day, with Harry returning to his studies, friends, and nightly routine with Talon. One evening, as Talon finished up Harry's massage, he could sense that his master was deep in thought.

"Is there something on your mind, Master?" Talon asked softly, his hands pausing their movements.

Harry glanced at him, then sighed. "Just... thinking about the world we live in, and the choices we all make. It's not easy, you know? Understanding everything."

Talon nodded, his expression serene. "It is not always about understanding, Master. Sometimes, it is about finding peace with what is and moving forward with purpose."

Harry considered Talon's words and found a sense of comfort in them. "Thanks, Talon. You always know the right thing to say."

Talon smiled faintly. "It is my duty to serve, Master."

Harry closed his eyes, feeling the weight of the day lift slightly. The pace of life at Darfea continued, each day bringing with it new lessons and challenges. Harry's understanding of his world deepened, as did his resolve to succeed within it.

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