An Eye for an Eye

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This is part of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series.

Reva Sevander had just intercepted the holoprojector that contained Bail Organa's message to Kenobi. After listening to it Reva learned that Anakin Skywalker had a son on Tatooine and a daughter on Naboo. She also knew who they were in the care of, Owen Lars's and Sola Naberrie's families. Despite it having distorted audio, Reva was still able to hear what Bail Organa.

"If he's found you, if he's learned of the children... I'll head to Tatooine. Owen wi- Help the boy. And I'll have Breha go to Naboo. And Sola and her- Help her niece."

Reva remembered Owen Lars, from Tatooine. Reva also learned from Organa's message that the girl who was in the care of the Naberrie family was Sola Naberrie's niece. Reva remembered seeing the little girl out with her aunt and uncle when she, the Fifth Brother and the Grand Inquisitor showed up hunting down a jedi that was seen on Naboo.

Blinded by her rage, Reva had her sights set on finding Vader's children and killing them as revenge against Darth Vader for killing her friends when she was a youngling. Reva decided to go to Naboo first and hunt down his daughter.

Lita was out with her grandparents, Aunt Sola, Uncle Darred and her cousins, Ryoo and Pooja, at the Royal Academy of Theed. While her grandfather, Ruwee, did teach at Theed University, he was getting wrapped up in spending time with his family. Yesterday, they got a white protocol droid named D-3PO for Lita, not only as a tutor for different languages, etiquette and hospitality, but also as a companion for her. Most of the teachers were droids, but there were a few human and humanoid tutors.

It was then Sola was approached by a female pink gungan with blue eyes named Shu Shu. Shu Shu was a close friend of the Naboo family and knew them well. The look on Shu Shu's face was of complete fear.

"Sola Naberrie, My've something to tell you," the female gungan said frantically, "Yousa in big danger."

"What do you mean Shu Shu?" Sola asks, "What happened?"

"A lady came here asking around about yousa and yous family," Shu Shu said.

"Do you know who it was?" Sola asked in concern.

"My no know," Shu Shu answers, "But shesa looked to be an outlaunder and with dark hair. Shesa was especially asking about Lita."

All of the color drained from Sola's face as she knows who it was. She had to get her family, especially Lita, to safety. When she found her family she rushed right over to them.

"Everyone we have to leave right now!" Sola said frantically.

"Why Sola? What's wrong?" Darred asked in concern.

"I'll explain when we get home," Sola promises taking Lita's hand, "But we need to leave right now."

The rest of the family didn't say anything else, but they listened to what Sola said and they were heading back home. But little did they know Reva was nearby and was watching them as they were leaving.

I'm going to be doing a part 2 to this and a chapter of what happened when they first saw the Third Sister. Until then, May the Force be with You!

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