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"Fuck fuck fuck ! This can't be !! Not again !!!" I cursed, while riding the bike with above 80 km/hr. As once again I got late for the restaurant, for getting orders for delievery. 

I stop the bike with a jerk and saw it was red light, I looked at my wrist watch, there wasn't much time to waste on this stupid red light even there is no traffic police here. I gave a evil smirk and race the bike.

Yeah I broke the signal as I don't want that old ass to cut my small salary into very small one. I was accelerating the bike, when I heard someone yelling "STOP !!" I looked behind and shit here my luck comes.

Not a traffic police, but a police officer was behind me. Should I have to run ? Oh what a stupid question ? Ofcourse you should ! I race the bike again. I am a good rider after all. Going between and through the vehicles then I saw an alley.

Best thing to hide, I turned my bike to that alley and saw behind that police must be left so far from me. I smirk and about to exit that alley when the exit was blocked by the bike. I pull the break so hard.

The bike stop and I hop down from it, looking here and there whose bike is this. "Caught you !" That's what I heard from my behind. I turned around to only find that devil police who was chasing me a while ago, with a damn face. He got that angelic face for sure but I know he gonna be devil now.

 He got that angelic face for sure but I know he gonna be devil now

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He was wearing the black glasses and a smirk on his face. I was wearing my helmet. "So, Miss. If you forgot then lemme remind you that You just broke the signal." I was just looking at him, he is the one to caught me. Before him there was no one until now to catch the Bae YN.

He must be clever. "Hello ?" He waved his hands in front of my helmet. Now he will ask for fine. Whyy whyy now ? I just wanna reach restaurant as soon as possible. "How much?" I asked.

"Well not that dumb" he mumbled but it was audible to me.

"What ?" I asked.

He shook his head "Total of 17000 KRW As you broke the signal, and you were riding above the speed limit"

My jaw touched the ground when he told me the fine. "17--17--17000 ?? When did I ride above the speed limit ?" 

He nodded "Just when I was following you, your speed was above 100 km/hr."

What the --? No this can't be 17000 KRW just for a fucking fine, no way YN, Find a way ! I looked at him, he was writing something on the slip and handed me a fine slip too. 

"But I don't have money." I replied well yes right now I don't have that money he is asking for.

"Do you have phone ? You can transfer the money too." He is so smart, so clever devil. 

"No I don't use these things. I even don't have a account." Well I am not lying tho.

He looked at me as he wasn't able to saw my face because of my helmet and gave me a suspicious look.

"See if you keep making it puzzled then your time will waste and the fine will be increase, and in addition I will take your bike too."

"Oh why can't you understand ? I really don't have money right now, and I am saying the truth." I whined.

He looked at his wrist watch. "Whatever you have right now give it but make it sure you have to come station for paying the rest fine."

"I have nothing right now leaving bike and me, and if you are not believing then check me." 

"Ok then I am taking your bike with me." He said and approached towards my bike but I stopped him.

"No ! I will pay you later, I promise" I showed him my puppy eyes, why this drama isn't ending ?

"See miss I don't have much time to argue with you, It's better to pay the fine or leave my way" 

"Nor I have time, That's why I am saying leave me !" I whined again stomping my feet upon the ground.

He crossed his arms, and looked at me. Then my phone rang, I looked at the caller id 'Old Ass' Uhh he will surely gonna cut my whole salary, now it's the time for taking out the Ace YN. Yess, I thought it will be easy but I feel bad for you Devil.

"Okay wait !" I said and called my friend 'Jimin'. "Jimin I will gave you a number send 17000 KRW to it."

He started shouting so madly upon the phone even that was may be audible to the police officer, that he gave me a weird look.

"I will give you your money back !! Send it you bitch." I said once again when he calmed.

"Tell me the number?" I asked from that police officer.

Then he told me the number and Jimin transfer him the money. I cut the call "Now done ?" I said and he nodded. When I was going to the bike I stumble upon the foot and was about to fall down.

But thinking that he will save me, I was falling down in slow motion thinking that my prince charming will save me until my ass kissed the ground so hard. And i realised the devil will always be the devil. He didn't even more a bit, just that cold expressions was covered on his face.

I got up, it's so embarrassing. Think of something else YN, he was about to go. When I roam my eyes all around to find a way, my eyes fell upon my bike. I smirk. 


YN was about to sit on her bike, but that bike fall on her instead. Jungkook looked back and his eyes widdened looking at her lying down under the bike.

"See how heartless you are, aren't you gonna help me ?" She cried from there. He go there and tried to remove the bike from her, and keep it on stand. Then looked at her, she was still on the ground breathing heavily.

She extended her hand and he was just looking at her. "Help me !" He then also extended her hand and she hold his hand to get up. She got up and then removed her hand from his. Then she sat on her bike without saying anything. 

And gestured towards his bike which was blocking the alley. He go to his bike and drive that way, YN smirk and mumbled "Not that clever. I am sorry Mr. Devil but your fault you waste my precious time" And laughed like a maniac while accelerating her bike on the way.


Jungkook now reached the police station. he entered inside his cabin to found his best friend Taehyung sitting there. Taehyung found his presence and asked "Bro what took you soo long ?"

"Nothing, just someone broke the signal again. And where these traffic police are going hm ? There was no traffic police that time. It was just I was behind that person so, I caught her breaking the signal."

"Her, means a girl ?" He asked and Jungkook nodded. He slide his hands inside the pocket of his pants, when he frowned. And started getting worried. Taehyung notice that and asked "What's wrong ? Is your member missing?" He laughed so hard while Jungkook glared at him.

Taehyung looked at him and gave him a serious look "What happen ?" He asked.

"My wallet and mobile phone is missing."


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