Meeting the Senator

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3rd person POV

Ahsoka and Anakin are walking down the hallways of the Senate building towards Senator Amidala's quarters where Ahoska will meet the senator for the first time since she became Skywalker's Padawan.

Anakin glances down at his almost trembling Padawan.

"You alright, Snips?" He asks

"Yes Master." Is her only reply

She hasn't said anything else since last week's mission. The only other phrase she'll say is "No, master" and that's basically it.

Flashback: Planet Shili, a week before today

After a failed mission to save half of the Togruta race, Ahsoka was listening through the door to a meeting between two senators. In hopes that they would talk about something that would interest her enough to take her mind off the mission.

But in fact, they were talking about the failed mission.

"Did you hear about the mission that Master Skywalker, Master Kenobi and Skywalker's padawan took on?" A male voice asked

"Yes, I was highly disappointed they failed, considering their skills." A female's voice said

There's that word again : disappointed

It's the same word that the senator of Shili used with Ahsoka after the mission.

That night Ahsoka had a dream, well more like a nightmare. It was the scene of her talking with the senator of Shili, Gatu.

"You! You failed your own people!" He shouted at her, though Anakin and Obi wan weren't around to see.

They were tending to the wounded Togruta warriors and getting the clones ready for take off.

"I-I'm sorry Senator, I tried, I really did." Replied the shaken padawan

"I am highly disappointed in you Ahsoka."

Her heart sank. She didn't mean for this to happen, she didn't mean for anyone to die. It was a trap that no one knew about. Set up by the Separatists

The senator continued, "You are no longer welcome to Shili, padawan."

"But Shili is my home planet." Her voice quivered

"Not anymore." he shot at her twice but missed

"Good day to you." and walked away

Ahsoka woke up in tears at the memory. It had been haunting her all week.

End of flash back

Ahsoka doesn't know what to expect from this senator, but she really doesn't want to find out either.

She and Anakin have been assigned to protect the senator. There have been many threats towards her as queen and senator of Naboo. So the council sent two Jedi to look after her.


They reach the door to Padme's quarters and Skywalker knocks on the door.

Padme answers cheerfully.

"Ani!" She jumps up and hugs him

Then sees Ahsoka and quickly lets go.

"Good to see you again, mistress." Anakin says as if nothing happened

"And you, General Skywalker." she replies nonchalant

Ahsoka gives them a suspicious look but brushes it off when Skywalker introduces her.

"This is my padawan learner, Ahsoka Tano."

"Nice to meet you Ahsoka." She holds out her hand

Ahsoka says nothing, instead she just bows and shakes the senators hand lightly. The padawan doesn't make eye contact when greeting Padme. Meanwhile her heart is pounding inside her chest.

"Don't worry, there's no need to be shy, when we get to know each other we'll be best of friends." The Senator breaks the ice.

"My apologies senator, she's usually not this quiet." Anakin says confused

"Ahsoka, why don't you go find your room." He suggests

"Yes master." Ahsoka replies before walking away

"Sorry about that Padme, she hasn't been speaking much since the mission. At first I thought she was upset because we didn't save her people in time, but it's been a week." Says the distressed Knight

"I'll see what I can do to help. But now I think it's time for bed, good night Ani." Padme states


Ahsoka wakes up assuming she's first, but when she walks into the kitchen she glances in and notices that Padme got up before her.

Ahsoka tries to shy away before Padme sees her.

"Ahsoka, come sit, have some breakfast." She gestures

Ahsoka's heart starts pounding and she begins to tremble. Instead of sitting with the senator she rushes  back to her room.


About an hour later Anakin walks in to find Padme sitting on the couch watching tv.

"I thought for sure Ahsoka would be up by now." Anakin looks around the room

"She came in earlier while I was eating breakfast and I offered for her to join me, but she practically ran back to her room," the senator replies

"That's odd."

"I'm worried about her, what exactly happened on that mission, anything significant?" The senator asks in hopes of solving the mystery of the distressed child

"Nothing that was all that bad, she already accepted the casualties. Although I did hear two gun shots while Obi wan and I were tending to the wounded warriors."

"Did you ask her about it?" Padme presses

"No, I figured it was the clones goofing off. A little friendly fire helps relieve their stress." Replies Skywalker

"Anything else?"

"Umm, I think she was speaking with the Senator of Shili after the massacre, Besides that, nothing really stands out." He sighs

"I'll talk to him today and see if he'll tell me anything." Padme kissed him on the cheek and left.


Meanwhile in her room, Ahsoka was crying, bawling even. She fears the Senator; Ahsoka no longer knows whether to trust senators or not. And yet, she's stuck in a building full of'em.

So she thought some training might help, but doesn't want to go into the room and pass the senator again. Instead, she force jumps out the window and leaves a note to Anakin saying: "Back in a bit"

And so, she jumps out the window which is, about 13 stories up, not too bad. When she lands Ahsoka sorta trips over herself and sorta twists her ankle a bit. But pushes it to the back of her mind.

Outside the building, Ahsoka practices swinging her lightsaber around and pretending to jump away from invisible enemies.

She does this for about half an hour and decides to get lunch. But where?

AN: I hope this was a good place to end it, sorry if it wasn't. If I didn't explain everything right and you have questions feel free to ask. Id be happy to answer them. I hope you liked the first chapter! 😅. The next one will be up either today or tomorrow. thanks again!

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