Chapter 10

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It was Wednesday when Jisung's English professor requested he stay back after class ended as he needed to have a word with him.

Jisung immediately thought about his paper that he wrote for their first assignment. It had been a free for all where they chose the topic. The purpose was to give their professor an idea of where they were in their writing skills. Jisung had chosen to tell a fictional coming out story. Of course he hadn't thought about how his professor could very well be unsupportive.

That was, until now. He felt the panic rising in him as he thought back to his story and what he might say to him about it. Or maybe it wasn't the content and his writing skills just sucked? He had no idea what to expect and he hated it. He hated serious talks, too.

Jisung made his way to the front of the room by his teacher who stood near a table that stood front and center at the lecture hall.

"About your paper—"

"I'm so sorry. I should have asked if it was okay to write about such a topic. I know you probably think its weird or gross or unnatural or—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Jisung. Relax a little, okay?" Mr Buren put a hand on his shoulder. "Breath. While I did want to talk to you about the content, that's not what I had in mind."


"I wanted to ask if it, in anyway, related to yourself. Some of the things in there . . . "

"Yeah," Jisung interrupted. He had added bits and pieces of the bullying he had experienced in his younger years when he was outed.

"Just know that this class is a safe place, okay?" Mr Buren squeezed his shoulder again. "If anyone says something to you that makes you uncomfortable, let me know."

Jisung nodded, eyes on the floor in front of him.

"Hey," Mr Buren said softly. "Look at me."

Jisung slowly raised his head, eyes taking in the man in front of him.

He was fairly handsome for a man with the beginnings of greying hair. There were streaks of it in his well groomed beard and the hair he kept pushed back with some gel. He had happy wrinkles at the corners of his eyes and blue eyes that sparkled like a frozen lake.

"There we go," he said. "Now, was all of your story true? Or just a few parts?"

"It was supposed to be a work of fiction with a few true experiences sprinkled in," Jisung explained. "The blueberry yogurt really happened, but the CD didn't."

Mr Buren nodded and crossed his arms.

"I'm glad not all of it was true. Kids can be horrible just because you're different."

"They sure are," Jisung said with a small laugh, getting a little uncomfortable with how long his professor seem to be dragging out the conversation.

"I had some experiences with being different when I was in school as well. Unfortunately it also followed me to college. But, I'm sure your experience in college will be different." He gave a reassuring smile.

"Haven't had anything bad happen yet!" Jisung faked his positivity, just wanting to leave.

"That's good! Keep up the good work!" Mr Buren said, as if Jisung not being bullied had anything to do with Jisung putting in work. Mr Buren's hand found its way to Jisung's shoulder once again.

"Mr Buren!" a voice shouted from the door at the top of the lecture hall stairs.

"Minho! Good to see you. How have your classes been going?"

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