iii | a friend or a foe?

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f r i e n d   o r   a   f o e ?


Darkness and I had never been besties for as long as I can remember. Darkness recoils me like some unseen predator lurking in the shadows, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike. I've always hated it—the way it swallows everything whole leaving no trace, no escape for me to go. The way it fills the space with suffocating silence. The way it seems to swallow me whole. 

And I started to get repulsed by it so much that I started sleeping with lights on every single night.

My parents love me but they call me childish for that.

Mohan is a freak like me, so he understand and let me sleeps with light open, no judgments passed.

And tonight, tonight this darkness haunted me much worse.

For I could see demons lurking in those men's eyes. I could feel wickedness and cruelty reeking off them like a stench, but I knew none of it was directed my way. Even if it did, I could not bring herself to bother about it as much as I should.

I am really a freak.

"Alexander." And that's when I noticed, all of them having a staredown contest between them. 


I shook my head deciding I could mull over it all after getting the hell out of here. These man could kill or do whatever with each other but I am getting my friend out of here as soon as possible. 

And now seemed to be the best time to do so as none of them was focused on us, or I hoped so.

"Mohan," I whispered urgently kneeling beside him. His breath was shallow but he nodded weakly, understanding the urgency.

I glanced back at Alexander and his men holding my breath as I slowly helped Mohan to his feet. My hands shook but I forced myself to stay calm. We had to get out and now.

Step by step we edged backward toward the exit, my heart pounding in my chest. Mohan's weight was heavy against my side, his legs weak beneath him. Every nerve in my body screamed for me to run, to bolt for freedom but I couldn't afford to draw attention.

Almost there. Just a few more steps, and—

"Where do you think you're going, Darcelle Darling?"

The voice was low, chilling, and it stopped me dead in my tracks.

The voice was the same silky voice and its richness now made shivers run down her spine.

And that's when I stilled, my eyes narrowing and a chill crawled up my spine.

Darcelle Darling.

That's what he had called my. 

He knows me.

My mind raced, trying to place him, trying to figure out how he could possibly know my name. Every inch of me tensed, instinct screaming at me to run but I found myself rooted in place.

"So it is Darcelle, is it?" His voice was sharp cutting through the tension like a blade but I could feel his smirk through that tone of his.

A raspy and defiant voice. "Say thanks motherfucker." Now it was Mohan who muttered beside me.

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