Part 11

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Julia woke up in the Institute, not knowing how she got there. She slowly got up and realized that she's in her room. She looked in the mirror and she was wearing Alec's T-shirt and his shorts. What the hell?! She thought as she exited the room and made her way to the main room. There she found sitting everyone, Izzy, Alec, Jace, Magnus, Clary, Izzy's and Alec's parents and Luke. She leaned against the doorframe and looked at the bunch of people who didn't notice her. "Hello. What the actual fuck happened? How am I here? And it couldn't be Magnus' magic. This was stronger. Sorry Bane." Magnus sent her a middle finger along with a smirk. Others smiled and looked down. Alec walked up to Julia and led her to the table when he sat her down and he sat next to her. Julia imagined the worst. "Don't worry kid, everything is alright. But there is something we need to talk about." Luke told her as he looked over Izzy's parents and the twins. "About what?" Julia leaned against the table and slightly glared at Luke. "Jules, when we told you, we'll look into Original Family.... We found something." Izzy gulped along with the others. "Clary?" I narrowed my eyes at her and I knew she will spit it out. "Your parents were not your parents!" She shouted in one breath and I was left speechless. "Please somebody explain, before Valentine will not have any eyes." I threatened. "Jules... you're adopted. Well nit adopted but shit this is really hard to explain." Jace awkwardly laughed. "Bane.... I'm starting to not like this." Magnus forced a sad smile. "You were teleported from your biological mother's belly to your well now dead mother." Jay started at him while everyone was speechless knowing that this is a lot to take in. "And Jordan?" Tears were rolling down her cheek like rock when there's an earthquake. "The same thing happened." Jay was breathing heavily still not believing it. "Okay.... Uhm and what do the Originals do with this?" Alec stood up and came up to Jay, and hugged her tight from behind, so she couldn't use her hands. "Your DNA is similar to theirs." Jay wanted to punch somebody, but Alec held her tight. "No.... Magnus Bane you fucking liar!!!" She was trying to get put of Alec's arms with teary eyes and red face. "You and Elijah are both dumb if you think I'll won't figure it out!!!!!" Everyone was confused and silent, thanks to that they could hear Julia's heartbreaking pleads. "Let me go. Please! Alec!! Let me go! Please let me punch that idiot!" Alec smirked but didn't let her go. Magnus who was trembling from fear spoke up. "Don't let her go Alec please." Izzy laughed along with Jace and Clary and parents and Luke. "You're scared of girl, who's 300 times younger than you?" Izzy giggled and even Alec couldn't help himself. "My words sissy." Magnus sighed. "You don't understand do you? She's more powerful than all of us together!!!" Izzy's dad spoke up. Finally. "And how do you know that?" Magnus smirked, when Alec let Julia go. "She'll know in a month." His smirk grew wider as he saw that Julia put two and two together. "You've got to be shitting me! You're not saying... that..." "Oh yes I am." Julia took off her shoe and threw it after Magnus who caught it. "All those years?! Really?! You couldn't tell me?! Because of what?! A fucking suit man that is so scary that I shitted my pants!!" Julia shouted at him and Magnus and everyone flinched. "Okay Julia. We'll talk about this when you'll calm down! For now, see ya." Magnus murmured something and she found herself in the Salvatore house, where she was before. "Look this shouldn't be our problem. Klaus is in the town. We don't know how he looks and even where he is..." In that exact moment the front door opened and Ric came in. "Damon was about jumping at him, when Jay stopped him. "It's not Klaus! Damon calm down! That's Alaric." "How do you know that? And why should we believe you?" Damon scoffed. "Tell us something only Ric knows." Ric was deep in his thoughts and then he spoke up. "Uhm Jay... First time, me and Jenna spent together you walked inside with Jordee just as I was..."Ric started and embarrassment in Jay was getting bigger and bigger by every moment. "Okay it's him!!!" Jay shouted not wanting them to know the rest of the story. "It's me. He let me go. Klaus let me go." Ric stated looking in Jay's eyes nonstop. Jay understood what he meant. "Don't tell me that he has her..." Ric just nodded ad Jay took off. "Who has who?!" Elena was lost.
Jay was running down the street anxiety raising along with stress. She was running down the road out of breath. Finally she got to Ric's apartment. She was banging on the door like a psycho. After few moments Katherine opened the door. "Hey. Why so angry?" She smirked, but her smirked quickly faded away, when she heard a little girl. "No! I wanna my sissy! You're scary!!!" She was running to the door and Klaus was trailing behind her. Jay quickly entered the apartment and took her sissy into her arms. "Jay!!!" Jordan put her hands around Jay's neck. "Hey baby. What's wrong? Did he hurt you?" She quickly shook her head, which made Jay let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding in. "I don't hurt kids." He said nonchalantly. "Yeah right. But I hurt idiots who take my sister!" Jay said standing up with Jordan in her arms. "Oh not so fast. She can't leave this apartment. And soon neither can you." Klaus smirked, but Jay looked at him with no respect in her eyes. "You didn't..." Klaus took a step towards Jay. The way he moved was dangerous yet gentle. "I did." Jay was full of rage. "If you think that you can kidnap her just because of that thing, you're wrong." Klaus' eyes almost fell out of his eye bags. "Who told you?!" "I put two and two together. Asshole." He sighed in frustration and sat down on the couch. "Fine. You're staying here with the little one." Jay scoffed and set Jordan on the floor, and she hid behind her leg. Jay put her hand on Jordan's head to make her more comfortable. "Okay. I have to do some certain things. Don't leave." With that he left the apartment. Jay put Jordan to sleep and went back to the living room, where she had fallen asleep.

Klaus' pov:

When Hayden left Ric's apartment, I went to babysit Jordan just as Jenna asked me to do. I took her to the apartment, and then I was returned to my own body. I wanted to talk with little J, who was in the bedroom waiting for me. I slowly opened the door and entered. Jordan's head snapped towards me and her bright eyes were full of fear. "Hey little J." I smiled as I softly spoke to the little girl. "You don't have to be scared. I would never hurt you. I'm Klaus. Or you can call me Nik." I smiled at the end, when Jordan chuckled. "Why you wanna hurt people. They didn't do anything to you." I smiled sadly. "You're too observing you know that?" I ruffled her hair. "Nuhuh. Damon doesn't know when to shut up." I laughed along with her, cause I got too close and started tickling her. "You know where your sister is?" I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, missing the moments with her. It's been so long since I last saw her. 1000 years. "Which one? I have 2, unfortunately." She looked down sadly. "Why unfortunately?" She sighed. "Elena is never home. She always with Stefan and Damon and flirts with both of them!!" I chuckled. "Spending too much time with Caroline?" "Nuhuh. Aunt Jenna." I smiled at her. "I meant Jay." "Oh. No idea. She's either at home or with Elena solving grown up things." I smiled and tried to leave get Hayden, but J stopped. "You're gonna leave?" She asked with her voice filled with sadness. "Look, I just need to talk with your sister. That's all." "No. You won't hurt her!" With that she ran towards the door.  "No! I wanna my sissy! You're scary!!!" She was running to the door and I was trailing behind her. At the door stood Hayden with Jordan in her arms. Hayden's heartbeat was going crazy just as Jordan's. they are scared of me. Of me... I know they don't remember me, but at least a single feeling that reasures them that I'm no the bad guy here. With no other question I left. Hurt. 

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