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I felt a quick tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see all four of my friends with balloons, flowers, and Camila was holding out a cupcake with a small flame from a candle.

"Hurry and blow it out before we get into trouble." Camila laughed.

I gave them a slight smirk and blew out the candle.

They didn't talk to me all day yesterday but my birthday was a sure fire way to make them break the ice.

And they did.

"Thanks, girls." I smiled and started my line of hugs with Normani.

"I'm still mad at you but I love you. I was gonna bake you a whole cake but you only
deserve a cupcake." Ally smirked.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her into a big
hug to pick her up off of her feet which resulted in some hysterical laughing. Ally is wrapped around my finger most of the time.

After putting her back on the ground, the bell began ringing and the girls handed me my presents before walking me to class in our little squad.

I took my seat in the back so the balloons and shit wouldn't be in the way. I think it's sweet but I hate when people bring balloons to school because I'm probably going to lose them.

After Ms. Hansen finished calling for attendance, she stepped in front of the class and began speaking. "Now, I want you all to read the first scenes of Romeo and Juliet. Take out a piece of paper and write down all the things you don't understand. You can talk but please be respectful to those around you." She smiled, looking over every student then stopping at me, "Oh, happy birthday, Y/N."

"Thanks." I blushed but quickly regained myself so I wouldn't look like a idiot.

The girls sat close by me so they could talk but I stayed out of the conversations. Sometimes I didn't feel like I connected to them so I laid low for my own personal reasons. Mostly because make up and Forever 21 doesn't always interest me.

I tapped my pencil on the desk before looking up at the clock to see its only been 10 minutes.

I internally groaned and scanned my eyes around the class to accidentally meet Ms. Hansen's. A small smirk formed on her face before she looked down at the papers on her desk to continue scribbling.

My face began getting a little heated before I looked back down at my book and started flipping through pages so it'd look like I was actually doing something.

I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I carefully pulled it out and read the text.

Camzila: go to the bathroom like really quick. I got a present for you

Y/N: I really don't wanna get up but fine. be there in a second.

I got up from my seat and slowly strolled up to Ms. Hansen's desk, "May I please go to the bathroom?"

She smiled, "Yes you may, but take a pass."

"Sure." I responded before grabbing a pass and heading to the only clean bathroom in this whole disgusting school.

I walked into the bathroom to see that there was no one even in there. "What the hell, Camila?" I whispered to myself.

"What?" Camila said behind me which made me jump.

"Fucking shit. I hate when you and Lauren do that to me." I complained while trying to get my heart to calm the fuck down.

Camila sent me this half smirk and giggled, "Sorry, Y/N. I just didn't think you'd get here this fast."

"Yeah, well I wasn't working so why stay in class?" I smirked, sitting on the counter beside the sink.

"Ms. Hansen on your ass again?" She laughed walking over to the mirror and brought out her favorite mango lip gloss. She's used that type of lipgloss ever since I met her.

I shook my head, "Nah, not today. She actually went easy on me today."

Camila put the cap back on the gloss before quickly swiping her tongue over her bottom lip while walking over to me. She stood between my legs and gripped my hips, "How about I go beg your precious English teacher to let you off detention for your birthday? Maybe she'll understand."

"No. That's ok. My birthday will be very special tomorrow. Trust me." I felt a little awkward being with Camila after I went through all of that with Dinah but she didn't notice.

Camila's hand latched around the back of my neck and she pulled me into a kiss. I met her lips and felt a little uncomfortable so I pulled away.

"What?" Camila laughed, looking back at my lips.

I shook my head and bit my lip, hopping off the counter. "I gotta get back to class. I was adventuring before I came in here."

"Oh." Camila sadly said moving away from me.

I kissed her cheek and looked back to her saying, "I'll see you before detention, okay?"

She nodded and I exited the bathroom before running into Mr. Robin and falling on the ground.

He stood with his hand on his hips, "Where is your pass?"

I felt down my body before getting up and smiled, "I think I left it in the bathroom."

"It is a hazard to not have a pass with you at all times. You're obviously trying to skip out on some class. May I know who's?" He said with a proper yet boring drawl.


Robin perked up with a smile, "Very well then. I'll deliver you to her class room."

If I didn't know any better, this bald, lonely man had a crush on my Dinah.

What are the odds.

We made it to her class and he held me by my arm and walked me in.

"Ms. Hansen," He said in a stern yet happy voice, "I found a nuisance that belongs to you galavanting around this campus. I thought I'd do what I could to return her for you."

"Why thank you." Dinah said with a smile.

I glared over at Mr. Robin, "I already told you I was at the bathroom and my pass was in there if you would've just let me get it. I left it on the sink when I was washing my hands."

"Ms. Y/L/N, sit down." Ms. Hansen directed me before getting up to walk towards Mr. Robin, "I actually have a question for you sir..." She faded off into the highway and kicked my seat to the back of the class before sitting down angrily. Why the hell am I always in trouble?

"Were you really messing around in the halls?" Lauren smirked.

I shook my head, "No. Camila asked me to meet her in the bathroom. She started getting handsy and I pushed her off and left her there. I just couldn't bring myself to do anything." Ms. Hansen walked back into class with a goofy smile on her face.

The bell to have us released from this period rang and Ms. Hansen called out, "Don't forget to read the first few scenes and write down what you don't understand." I packed up my bag and heard my name from the front of the class, "Y/N. Stay after, please."

What have I done now?

The class filed out with Normani being the last one to leave and close the door.

I slipped my backpack onto my back before grabbing my balloons and flowers.

"You won't me to take those until later?" Ms. Hansen looked up with a smirk while she messed with the top buttons of her blouse. I nodded and put them on her desk. She stood up and leaned in to press her lips to mine and move them for a second before she pulled away, "You're gonna have a very happy birthday today." She sat back down in her leather chair and waved me off, "Now stay out of trouble and meet me here after school."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I responded, almost skipping out of the room.

The Woman at the Bar ➳ Dinah JaneWhere stories live. Discover now