Lotte x reader Too far (M NSFW)

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The night was starting to wind down for us and our little game night, it wasn't anything overly exciting but it kept Akko out of trouble for the night so it was alright, we were starting to pack things out and my girlfriend Lotte decided to head out early to get back to there dorm before curfew came into effect just incase, I planned on going with her but Amanda asked me to stay behind and talk to me about something "What do you need?" I asked tucking the last of the games away "I just have a question for you" she says "Well what is it?" I asked "How are things going between you and Lotte?" She asked "Seriously? That's what you wanted to ask me about?" I asked "What? Can't be curious as to how my friends are doing?" She asked "It's fine Amanda, look I want to see Lotte before I have to be in my room for the night. We can talk more in the morning" I say but she stopped me "Come on man, I'm just checking in on you and her" she says "Good night Amanda" I say before I left, I headed down the hallway towards Lotte's room but ran into Professor Nelson along the way "Hurry up young man! Curfews in a few minutes" she says "I know, just coming back from a game night with my friends" I say "What kinda game night?" She asked "Just some board games, keep Akko out of trouble for the night" I say "Mmm alright, get going" she says so I continued on my way but by the time I reached the hallway where Lotte's room was the light dimmed signaling it was curfew and we had to be in our dorm very soon "Thanks a lot Amanda...." I grumbled before I headed to my room, I got inside and upon closing the door saw Lotte standing in the middle of my room in her underwear "H-hey..." she says. I took a look at her and saw that she wasn't comfortable in the slightest and even looked scared "Lotte what are you doing?" I asked "L-let's... ah you know..." she says, I walked over to her taking a hoodie off the end of my bed and handed it to her "Put this on" I say "Y-you don't like it?" She asked "I do, but I know your not comfortable, I can see you shaking" I say, she very quickly put the hoodie on which was way over sized for her so it covered her enough to hide everything, we sat down on my bed and she looked a bit better then a few moments ago "How'd you know?" She asked "It's not you, I know what you like, you'd never do something like this. So who put you up to it?" I asked "Amanda did..." she says "I tried to tell her I didn't want to but she said it'd be okay and you'd like it..." she says, I slipped my arm around her and pulled her a little closer "I'll talk with her in the morning, from now on you don't do anything you don't want too." I say "Okay" she says "So.... wanna cuddle for the night?" I asked "Yes please" she says "Alright, let me get changed" I say getting up "Can I sleep in this?" She asked "Of course you can, you look adorable in it" I say making her blush a little before she smiled. I grabbed a pair of shorts out of my drawer and headed to the washroom I had attached to my room. When I came out I saw her laying in bed already so I walked over and climbed in with her, she very quickly snuggled up with me burying her head in my chest. I slipped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head "Good night" she says "Good night" I say before we closed our eyes.

I woke up the next morning and she was still curled up with me so I just laid there watching her sleep soundly, I remembered what she said last night and I started to think about how to deal with Amanda because I wasn't letting this slide, Lotte told her no and she still pressed it which pissed me off. I was broken from my thought when I felt her start to stir a little in her sleep, I smiled seeing her look so happy in her sleep but before long her eyes fluttered open, she yawned and stretched some before she curled up again "Is it morning already?" She asked "Unfortunately it is" I say before my phone buzzed and when I checked it I saw it was Akko who was looking for Lotte "Akkos looking for you" I say "Mmm she can wait..." she says, "I'll let you keep the hoodie if you get up" I say "Okay" she says, I slipped my arms from around her and got up stretching some before I stood up and tossed a shirt on along with some deodorant, she grabbed her things and headed to the washroom to get changed while I finished getting dressed, once she came back out I slipped my arm around her waist which surprised her a little but she smiled knowing what I was doing and we shared a quick kiss before we left my room together which was at the worst time as Holbrooke was standing out in the hallway speaking with Professor Finnelan "Ah shit...." I mumbled as the pair noticed us "Did you just come out of his room?" Finnelan asked immediately "Y-yeah..." Lotte says "What were you doing in there this early in the morning!?" She snapped "She stayed with me for the night" I say "She what!?" She shouts "Yeah? You know we've been dating since the third week of school. This was bound to happen at some point" I say "You can't just sleep in the same bed as her!" She snapped "AHEM! If I remember correctly, you snuck your now husband into this school to sleep with him! Several times!" Holbrooke says "well I ahh I didn't... well uhh" She stammered tripping over her own words "Oh Finnelan was a rule breaker in her youth was she?" I asked "When it came to her boyfriend she was" Holbrooke says, Finnelan grumbled a little "Besides if there anyone you should be having a chat with, it's Amanda" I say "Oh? How come?" Holbrooke asked "Well the entire reason she was even in my room in the first place was because she wanted to talk to me about Amanda trying to get her to sleep with me when she didn't want to" I say "Wait so she didn't want to stay with you for the night!?" Finnelan asked "No not like literally sleep, the other one" I say and she was taken aback "Are you serious?" Holbrooke asked "Y-yeah, she tried to get me to, even after I told her I didn't want to" Lotte says, Holbrooke and Finnelan looked at each other than back at us "I'll have a nice chat with Miss O'Neil" Finnelan says before she turned around and left "Judging by you two, I'm assuming nothing... explicit happened?" Holbrooke asked "No, Y/n's too nice and is happy to wait till I'm ready!" Lotte says "Alright, as long as you feel comfortable. You two may share a room together" she says "Thank you" I say "I know teenagers well enough to know if you want to do something, you will. Whether we allow it or not" she says "I'm not going to say your wrong" I say "I'll deal with Miss O'Neil, I can assure you she won't be pestering you about such things again" she says "Thank you" I say "Yeah, thanks" Lotte says "Enjoy your day" she says before she left.

We eventually found ourselves at Lotte's room with Akko and Sucy "So how was your night?" Akko asked curiously "Nice" Lotte says "Did anything happen?" She asked "No we just cuddled the whole night" she says "So... why did Amanda get dragged down the hallway?" Sucy asked "Poked her nose where she shouldn't have" I say "What do you mean?" Akko asked "Do we tell them?" I asked Lotte "I'd rather not" she says "Okay" I say, Akko got a rather frustrated look "Come on! Something happened and you two know what it was!" She whines "It's personal to us, it's not your business. It wasn't Amanda either and that's why she's in trouble" I say before we heard more commotion coming from the hallway so Akko peaked outside the door for a few moments "Uhh guys! Come here!" She says so we all walked over to the door and checked out what was going on only to see Finnelan walking out of Green team's room with suit cases and a few other things. As she came toward us she noticed Lotte and I standing there "She's being expelled" she says taking all of us off guard "Expelled!? What did she do!?" Akko asked "It's none of your business" Finnelan says "Professor we didn't mean to get her expelled" Lotte says "Well it's too late now, it's already been decided" she says before she promptly left "We have to talk to Holbrooke! We can't let Amanda get expelled!" Akko says "We can't Akko, if she decides Amanda's expelled then she's really mad about this, she's let you get away with so much as is. If she's willing to expel her over this alone then it's bad" Sucy says "So we're just going to sit here while our friend gets kicked out!?" Akko asked, I looked at Lotte who seemed to be really upset which made me sighed "Fine let's go talk to Holbrooke" I say.We found ourselves at Holbrooke's office not long after where Akko promptly knocked on the door rather roughly "Oh now what!" We hear who sounded like Badcock snap, when the door opened and she saw us standing there her scowl only worsened "No" she says "We're here to talk to Holbrooke" Akko says "About Miss O'Neil no doubt" she says "I don't want her to get expelled, it involved me" Lotte says "You may come in a speak, the rest of you have to wait out here" she says letting Lotte in "What about him? He's a part of it too!" Lotte says "Nah I'll stick out here, your better at this then me, I'd just make it worse" I say "Oh... okay" she says before the door closed.

After an hour or so it opened again and out came Lotte who looked a lot better than when she went in "She's not getting expelled anymore" she says which made them let out a sigh of relief "So what is happening to her then?" I asked "An apology, if anything like this happens again no matter how small she's expelled, and she has both detention after classes, and has to clean up the school for the entire month" she says before the door opened behind her again and out stepped Amanda being held by the arm by Finnelan "Hey Y/n, I already apologized to Lotte so here yours" she says but I held my hand up "Don't apologize to me, if it didn't make Lotte so upset, I'd have let you get kicked out. There's how much you pissed me off with your little stunt" I say crossing my arms "Sorry..." she says rubbing the back of her head "Try it again and no one's saving your ass next time" I say "Language!" Finnelan says so I just left walking away from it all. I eventually was back in my room just pacing around as I had worked myself up and couldn't calm down, Lotte opened my door and slipped inside closing it behind her "Are you okay?" She asked "Hmm? Oh yeah, just worked myself in a little bit of a rage" I say continuing to pace around, she walked over and grabbed me from behind her arms wrapping around my waist "Don't be mad at Amanda, she just wanted us to have some fun" she says "You know it's not that simple for me" I say "I know... but is wanting your friends to have fun such a bad thing?" She asked "When it involves your friends private life and makes one of them both scared and uncomfortable yes" I say  "Maybe she went too far, but she had good intentions" she says "Why are you defending her?" I asked "Because, if I wasn't in your room last night we never would have gotten permission to keep staying with each other" she says letting me go, I quickly turned around and slipped my arms around her and picked her up "Will you be happy if I pretend not to be angry with her?" I asked "It's a start" she says smiling, I gave her a kiss before I set her back down on my bed where we laid back down together and just cuddled for the day.

Authors note! I've changed the character rule some and will do stuff with the other professors! As it says in the rules chapter now most of the relationships with the professors I haven't done yet will be platonic relationships. There may be the odd off shoot chapter that's a serious relationship but most will be platonic.

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