Ursula x S reader It'll be okay

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I was walk through the woods my rifle in hand and my friend beside me along with the rest of our patrol "So how long till we can go back?" 19 asked "You know the rules, not till mid day then second company starts there round and we head back" 01 says "Don't start complaining already" I say "Easy for you to say 07, you do this everyday" 24 says playfully pushing me to the side, we continued to make small talk and banter for a while until everything went silent for a moment before a loud ringing filled my ears, my vision was blurry and unfocused at best. I groaned as I turned to look around and saw a few of our guys were hunkered down and a couple were shooting at something "Waaa... what's going on....?" I asked but I guess they didn't hear me so I went to get up off the ground only to fall back down as I couldn't get my balance for some reason, I tried to get up again but I just fell back down, I looked down to see why I was having a hard time only time find my leg was missing. Immediately I started to panic and started screaming for a medic, I was freaking out trying to drag myself over to my friends but it seemed no matter how far I crawled they were just getting farther away. I felt something grab my arm and spin me around saw the enemy right there gun barrel in my face, there was a bright flash before I woke up in my bed breathing heavily covered in sweat. I looked around for a moment before realizing it was just another nightmare and I safe, I gasped for air for a few moments before I heard a noise outside my door. It cracked open some and in came Ursula, one of the Professors of the school I was staying at call Luna Nova, this Professor was assigned to help me given I wasn't well and they had figured it out very soon after I had arrived here, she turned on the lamp next to my bed using some magic "Another nightmare?" She asked "The fuck do you think?" I grumbled "Do you want to tell me about it?" She asked "No" I say grabbing my blankets and rolling over facing away from her "You know, it might help me help you better if I understand what it is that's causing these problems" she says "Ain't it obvious? I'm fucked in the head, just some crazed lunatic" I say "No your not Y/n, your a young man who needs help" she says "I see things that aren't there, hear voices that don't exist, feel things that aren't real. Sounds fucked to me" I say "You have trauma, it's normal for those things to exist in your circumstances" she says, I didn't respond to her and just laid in my bed "Y/n your still young, whatever it is that happened to you you don't have to let control you like this" she says, with my silence remaining persistent she sighed placed her hand on my shoulder "I hope you can get some sleep tonight, I'll talk to you in the morning" she says before she got up and walked out of my room turning the lamp off with her wand.

When the sun appeared outside my window I rolled over looking at it as I hadn't gone back to sleep and laid there the entire rest of the night, I sighed and got up out of bed before I fell down but caught myself on the window sill holding myself up, I looked down at my "leg" getting my balance on it again, Miranda or as she wanted me to call her Holbrooke had used some illusionary magic to give me back a few missing things like my leg, an arm, some fingers, and to hide some of my deformed body. Technically I did have prosthetics on but thanks to the magic it did seem like I had my actual limbs back, the only issue was I still couldn't feel them so sometimes it was difficult for me to do things, I stood up right and took a few steps balancing on the wall for a while before I was able to stand without needing it, I got dressed and left my room walking out and saw Ursula sitting at the table with Holbrooke "For fuck sakes...." I grumbled seeing them "Oh you're awake" Ursula says "I ain't talking about it!" I snapped "It's clearly a problem that you're struggling with" Holbrooke says "I'm not sharing my past!" I snapped walking over to the door leaving the room. I walked away and down the hallway with students either stepping aside or quickly disappearing into rooms and classes as I had a bit of a reputation for being aggressive as one Amanda O'Neil had found out the hard way when she snuck up on me and scared me resulting in me knocking her out breaking her nose in the process, I walked to the exit to the building and walked out to the field where Nelson often held her classes and sat down on the grass pulling a cigarette out of my pocket and using the wand I was given light it taking a deep inhale of smoke before I let it out with the cloud of smoke disappearing in the wind after a few seconds, after half an hour or so someone came out and it was one of Amanda's friends and she seemed to set up something, I paid her no mind until a semi familiar sound rang out and I looked over to see her shooting at a target altho she wasn't very good and was missing from basically point blank, I just rolled my eyes as I watched her miss shot after shot. After a while of watching her shoot Nelson came storming out along with Finnelan "Constanze! What the hell are you doing!" Nelson shouted "Are you trying to kill someone!" Finnelan shouted as they marched up to her and snagged whatever she was shooting "Pff I wouldn't be worried, she couldn't hit the school if she was standing in the doorway" I say "Your input isn't necessary!" Finnelan snaps "Just saying, no need to be so bitchy" I mumbled "Shooting ain't so easy!" Nelson says, I just rolled my eyes, they lambasted Constanze right there on the spot before Finnelan dragged her back inside and Nelson walked over to me "What happened!" She demanded "It ain't obvious already?" I say "Stop being a pain and just tell me!" She snapped "Are you fucking blind and deaf or can you really not see that she just set it up and started shooting?" I say "Don't get snappy with me!" She shouts "Don't be so bitchy! Or you might just find out that I'm a helluva better shot than she is!" I snapped back "Is that a threat!" She asked "Yes" I say "Get up!" She snapped "Go to hell" I say, she grabbed my arm and yanked me up so I grabbed her wand off her hip tossing it aside before I ducked up her arm twisting it making her yelp, as I drove my knee into her side she dropped down "Come on! You said get up so get up!" I yelled letting her arm go and grabbing the back of her uniform which was my first mistake as she quickly spun around and decked me one making me stumble back some "Now your getting it" she says "Alright, you can throw a punch" I say holding my jaw for a moment, it was about to come to blows completely when a magic barrier appeared between us looking over I saw Holbrooke standing there with Ursula beside her along with Diana "Your coming with me" Holbrooke says staring me down "Great...." I thought.

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