Anne Finnelan x reader Reunion

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I walked around the town I use to live in, I had recently moved back here after a long time in the army, I was now retired with a pension plan and decided to return to my home town and a lot had changed since I was a kid here but one thing was still the same. Witches were everywhere's, with Luna Nova close by the students often populated the streets, so I walked around seeing many of them browsing the street venders for supplies or going in and out of shops, eventually I noticed one of the professors who was keeping an eye on the younger ones and I walked over to her tapping her shoulder "Hmm? Can I help you?" She asked "Yes you can, I'm looking for someone you work with, one Anne Finnelan" I say "She's not here, she's attending to matters at the school. I can pass on a message for you" she says "Sure thing Chip" I say "Chip?" She questioned "You don't remember? I'm offended, you snuck me into Luna Nova once upon a time" I say, she looked at me quizzically for a second before it clicked "Y/n!" She says "I knew you'd remember me Nelson!" I say "How've you been?" She asked "Great, recently retired, moved back here, I'm enjoying life" I say "Retired already?" She asked "Yes, pension for thirty years of service" I say "Well I'll be! Look at you, not even fifty and retired!" She says "Give me two years and I'll be there" I say "So you want to meet you with Anne do ya?" She asked "Of course I do, she still writes to me every month" I say "Well come on! I'll take you to her!" She says "No need to rush, you and I still got plenty of catching up to do as well" I say "Ah save it! Samantha will want to see you as well!" She says "I wonder if she remembers me" I say "Who knows, I wonder if Miranda will!" She says "She's still there?" I asked "Yep!" She says "Oh wonderful, she'll be the one who remembers me on the spot" I say "You did give her quite the headaches" she says "That I did" I say. We took the Ley Line to Luna Nova and almost immediately I got looks from the students but they quickly went back to doing there own thing, we got inside and she lead me down the hallways where we eventually ran into another professor "Nelson, who's this man?" She asked "Ursula, this is Y/n. An old friend of ours! He's come by to say hi and see Anne!" She says "Anne's doing detention today, Miss O'Neil was caught stealing again" she says "Well they shouldn't be that much longer, come with me we'll say hi to the others" Nelson says "Everyone is currently in the lounge" Ursula says "Well that's where we're going then" she says.

We got inside and everyone was looking at me "Nelson, you can't just bring any guy off the street here" the older one says "I'm not, Samantha you remember Y/n don't you?, always use to be around Anne and I when we were in school here" Nelson asked, She gave us an odd look trying to remember "Did you buy me Nightfall?" She asked "I did for your seventeenth birthday" I say, she smiled and asked me how I was doing, I said I was doing just fine and then the door opened to another familiar face "Miranda" I say seeing her "..... what are you doing back here?" She asked "Told you she'd remember me, came by to say hi and visit with Anne, without sneaking in this time" I say "Sneaking in?" Ursula asked "Oh you've never been told?" I asked "No?" She say along with intrigue from the others "Well this all happened many years ago now but"


I waited around near the portal to Luna Nova, it was Anne's birthday and her roommate Nelson was planning a special surprise for her, me. Despite Anne's best efforts and protests it was no secret she liked me, case in point anytime she'd be in town she'd often spend it walking around with me. So I got all dressed up and was going to get snuck inside to spend the night with her "Psst Y/n, over here" I hear Nelson or as I called her Chip call out, I walked over to her, she looked at me for a moment seeing that I got all done up nicely which made her smile "Anne's going to love you!" She says "Yeah sure, let's just get there before we get spotted" I say "Drink this!" She says handing me a potion "Invisibility?" I asked looking at its color "Yep!" She says. I drank it and slowly started to fade, once I was entirely see through I climbed on the broom with her and we went through the portal "So I've arranged for you and Anne to have the room to yourselves for the night, managed to convince Samantha to go to a friends room for the night and I'm staying with a few friends from the broom racing team" she says "Thanks Chip, I owe you for that" I say "Oh just wait till you see the dress Anne's parents sent it! It looks great!" She says as we flew up to there window, Nelson tapped on it and over came Anne opening it "Nelson! What on earth are you going! Curfew is staring in a couple minutes! Get in here!" She says "What? I was just fetching one last present for your birthday" she says "You were?" Anne asked, with the snap of my fingers the invisibility effects were nullified and I became visible "Yes, she brought me along" I say, Anne marched up to my and grabbed my collar "What in the nine witches are you doing here! Do you have any idea how much trouble you'll be in if you're caught!?" She says "Not enough to deter me from coming" I say "Ugh! I can't believe you!" She says letting me go and turning her back to me "Your dress looks beautiful on you" I say ".... Thank you, but don't think any amount of sweet talking is going to make this right!" She says, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a little box with a bow on it and held it out in front of her "I got you a gift" I say "You probably stole it didn't you?" She asked taking it "No I actually paid for it this time, wouldn't want them to see it and think you stole it" I say "Well I'll leave you two to it...." Nelson says opening the door to Holbrooke standing there with her arms crossed "You couldn't have made it more obvious that you were sneaking him in" she says before noticing the jewelry piece I had gotten Anne, she walked in the room and looked at it before grabbing the receipt from the box it was in, she read it over before she looked at me her stern look turning into a more soft one "You know, I figured you to be nothing but a trouble maker. But here you are being an honest man" she says "Uhh th-thanks Headmistress" I say "I told you you'd get in trouble" Anne says "Be a gentleman and put it on for her" Holbrooke says, I did as I was told and slipped it around Anne's neck fastening it "Now stand beside her and lock your arms together" she says making Anne and I get slightly confused but we weren't getting yelled at so we rolled with it and linked my right and her left arm together "You both look good together!" Nelson says "I know, if I didn't know any better I'd say he's a fine gentleman, smile for the camera!" Holbrooke says as a magic camera appeared in her hands, I smiled and the flash went off, we waited for a moment and the picture came out of the camera "Oh look at you both!" Holbrooke says showing us the photo and to our credit we did make a good pair together all dressed up "That's going up in my office, now let me make one thing clear. I'll let you off the hook this time mister only because it's her birthday and I know she'd throw you out the window before she ever let anything inappropriate happen. But next time I won't be so lenient, so please just ask to come visit her next time" she says "Yes Headmistress" I say "Holbrooke will do fine" she says, I nodded and she turned to Nelson "You however aren't so lucky, seriously what were you thinking? Both you and Samantha going to friends dorms on her birthday plus you asked for an invisibility potion earlier this week? You might as well have just told me your plan" she says grabbing Nelson's ear and dragging her out of the room. Anne immediately let go of my arm "I told you!" She snapped "Yeah yeah, but we got permission now don't we?" I asked "Ugh!" She groaned, I grabbed her hand and place my other one on her waist "I've have been practicing my dancing, care to see how I've improved?" I asked "Your a piece of work I swear" she says but put her hand on my shoulder and began to dance with me.

Present day

"I still have that picture!" Holbrooke says before she waved her wand making it appear on the table everyone took a look at it "Anne still looks as grumpy as always" Lukić says "Somethings never changed with Anne" Nelson says "You two do look like a royal couple in that picture" Pisces says "Say Anne should have been here by now" Samantha says, and as if on queue the door swung open to an agitated looking Anne "I swear Miranada I'm going to petrify Miss O'Neil one of these days!" She says storming over and sitting down beside me not even noticing me there, I looked at her and she finally looked up "Oh hello Y/n..... Y/N!?" She shouts "Hello dear" I say "What are you doing here!? I thought you were still over seas!" She says "Surprise, I retired earlier this month and moved back here. I have a home in town" I say, she smiled and laughed a little making a full 360 in attitude "Why didn't any of you come and tell me he was here!? Nelson!" She says "What? He wanted to surprise you!" She says "Oh we should get another photo of you two together!" Holbrooke says sliding the picture of us over to Anne, she looked at it and smiled "If only we could dress you up as nicely" she says "Well actually Anne I had something in mind, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, I brought you a gift" I say pulling out a tiny box wrapped up setting it on the table "Well what did you have in mind?" She asked taking it "While I was in town today I saw a nice white dress, I immediately thought of you when I saw it, perhaps we could take a look after all is said and done here?" I asked "That would be nice" she says starting to unwrap the box "The only white dress that was on display in a window was a wedding dress..." Nelson says seeming confused, Anne looked at me then the box opening it a little bit faster now, she opened it and grabbed a folded piece of paper opening it, she read it before she looked at me with a look that could only be described as "Really?" She looked around the room "You trapped me" she says "So what do you say?" I asked, she closed her eyes and smiled "Of course" she says, I smiled and we leaned into each other sharing a small kiss as she dropped the note on the table that simply said "Marry me?"

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