The Tour

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Jc's POV

I get a call at 3Pm when I was in the middle of editing a video for my channel with Kian I answer the call and it's JJ (Joseph) "DUDE GUES WHAT" "JJ I was editing a video man your timing is not good" "JC JUST GUESS WHATS HAPPENING" "idk man what's happening" "ok so I got a call saying that we are going on tour for KnJ" "what that's awesome!" "But there's more" "what?" "Well we got one extra place which means one extra person to bring" I start freaking out "JOSEPH are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask "BETHANY" we both scream together.

Bethanys POV

When JC called me it was pretty hard to believe that I was going on tour with them, after my motavatour I didn't think I was gonna go on tour again. I was thrilled except for the fact that Kian is gonna be there. The tour goes on for 4 Months and starts in a week so I better start mentally preparing myself

Kians POV

I'm excited to go on tour but Bethany is gonna be there, how am I gonna go 4 Months living with her?

- - - 6 days later - - -

Bethanys POV

Ok everything is packed and I'm already i think to myself. I get a text from Kian and then realize that I'm in a groupchat with JC and JJ "already and packed?" Kians text asks "I'm ready as I'll ever be" I reply" "Kian we live with you, you could have just came up to my bedroom and talked to me" JC says "ya JJ" agrees" "haha" I say, it is now 11:35 PM and I am so tired and I should rest "I'm
Gonna go to bed goodnight guys" I exclaim "goodnight Beth" everyone says
And I shut my eyes and drift off to sleep

-hope you liked this chapter :)

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