Beth, Kian, and Kim

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Bethanys POV

I wake up to Kian flopping on my bed "hey beautiful" he whispers to me and then kisses me "why hello kianeers" I say to him "wanna help me make breakfast?" He asks me "it would be my honour" I say to him as he picks me up and carries me out to the kitchen "hey love birds" JJ says as we walk past him and I giggle. By the time we finished making breakfast it was more of a brunch.

Kians POV

me and Beth have been exchanging kisses throughout the day when no one is looking. "Hey Beth I need you help for a sec" I call out to her from my bedroom. "Be right there" as she enters my room I take her into the bathroom and push her against the wall and we start 'making out'. At one point JJ walked in on us "sorry but dude we need your help" JJ explains "one sec" I say to Beth "wow look at you" JJ whispers to me "ya I know" I say back to him. "What do you need help with" I ask "nothing we just wanted to ask if everything was good with you and Beth" JC says "oh it's better than good" I answer back

Bethanys POV

As Kian walks out of the room my phone starts to, I look who it is and its my old friend Kim. I answer it "Hey Bethy" she says calling me an old nickname. "Hello Kim how are you?" I ask "I'm great, I heard you were on tour with Kian and JC, and someone told me you were dating Kian." She says almost as a question "that is true" I say back "really? I am in love with Kian" she says "back off he's mine" "I'm just kidding Kian walks into the room "1 second" I mouth to him, he turns around and walks out "so your in Phili right" she asks "ya we are" I say back knowing what's coming my way. "So I was thinking," she starts "that I could come and spend a night in the tour bus with you" she says me don't get me wrong i love her but she can be a bit... A bit flirty and clingy. "I will have to ask Kian and JC" I say to her "I will call you back when I get an answer" "ok bye" she says.

Kians POV

"YESSS lets have her over" JC yells "I don't know" I say "COMMON KIAN LETS DO IT" JC says "why do you want this girl to be over so bad" I ask "idk it might be fun" JC says making a face "ewww JC" Bethany says and we all start laughing. "Ok we can have her over" I say "YES" JC yells

- love you guys sorry for the wait xoxo Chan

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