JJ's Plan

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It's been a week now and no one is talking to each other, we are now in Pensilvania. "Hey JJ can you ask Bethany to pass the ranch?" Kian asks me. I look over to Bethany and she rolls her eyes. "THIS NEEDS TO STOP I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS ANYMORE" I yell at all of them and go into the bathroom and slam the door shut. "JJ" I hear Bethany say "go away Bethany, you don't make things any better" I say to her which makes me feel a bit bad afterwards. In my head I'm trying to think of a plan to get them to talk to each other again. And then it just hits me. "Everyone in Kians room now!" I yell out as I exit the bathroom. "Why my bedroom" Kian moans. I gather everyone in the bedroom and lock the bathroom door from the inside so no one could get in. And then I leave the bedroom and the person who made the bus made it so you can lock the person in the bedroom😂 "JJ WHAT THE HELL" I hear JC scream "you guys are staying in there until you sort out this nonsense" I tell them


It's been 4 hours since I locked them in there and they haven't said anything "DUDE JC IM GONNA PEE MY PANTS" Beth yells "BITCH BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR" Kian yells "JJ IM NOT EVEN KIDDING I WILL KNOCK THIS DOOR DOWN" JC screams "no you won't, Kian will kill you if you do" I yell back.


It was past midnight and they were all awake and begging to go to the washroom "JJ..." JC says "JC WHY THE HELL, AND ON MY BED" I hear Kian yell at him. I laugh "well you could always change into Kians cloths" I tell them "goodnight guys" I say "JJ NO" they all yell "you better sort things out fast or your gonna starve to death" I say. I wake up and I hear the door handle radalling "ok Beth give me the bobby pin and let me do this" I hear Kian telling her. I smile at the thought of them working together. "Don't bother breaking out, I'm letting you guys out" I say. I look around for the key but I can't find it. "Dude I can't find the key" I say nervously "stop playing with us" Bethany says "I'm not" I yell at them. "I NEED TO FRICKEN PEE" Kian yells "I'm sorry" I'm calling a guy I know who can get us a spare key.

Bethanys POV

We have been stuck in this room for over 14 hours and we all need to pee and we are so hungry "guys he's gonna be another hour" JJ says "REALLY DUDE" Kian yells "chill Kian it's only and hour" I tell him "ONLY AN HOUR, I NEED TO PEE" Kian says

- - - 1 hour later - - -

"Ok he's here" JJ says "YASSSS" we all say together. I walk out of the door and see JJ standing there and I slap him across the face "ya go Beth" JC shouts "wtf was that for" JJ says "for locking us in" I say to him and then go up to him and hug him "thank you" I say "for what" he asks "for making things better between me and Kian and Jc" I say "oh no problem" he says back "NO I REALLY NEED TO PEE" I say racing into my bathroom.

- do you think Kian and Beth will get Back together or not???

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