The Club

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Bethanys POV

It was the last day we had in Toronto and we were invited to go to this club for a party. The party started at 8PM and went till 1AM and Kian promised me he wouldn't drink so I wouldnt have to drag is sorry ass home.


we entered the club around 8:40PM and instantly JC and JJ went to the bar and me and Kian went to the dance floor to dance.


JC and JJ have been drinking for some time now and are pretty tipsy, me and Kian however were aware of everything that is happening, I had just ate some shrimp and didn't feel to good "Kian I'm gonna go outside for some air" i say to him "ok I will be over by the bar with JJ" he says "No drinking!" I yell "only one drink" he asks almost begging "ok one drink but no more" I say walking outside. I walk out the front and around the corner of the club, I hear someone following me so I look back and see JC standing there holding a half empty beer bottle "are you from tennasee" he asks me "cause you the only 10 I see, and girl I could do you" he says tryna 'pick me up' "JC your drunk" "oh I'm as sober as they get" he replies
He pushes me against the wall which actually kinda hurts and kisses me. Don't get me wrong he's a good kisser but I don't like him in that way and the smell of alcohol is so strong and I can barely stand it. "JC get off of me!!" I yell at him "oh baby I know you want this as much as me" he whispers "NO JC GET OFF OF ME YOUR HURTING ME... JC!!!"

Calums POV

I was walking to the club and Ashton, Michael, and Luke already went inside. I heard some faint screaming so I ran around the corner of the club and noticed that Bethany Mota was fighting to get JC Caylen off of her "JC GET OFF OF ME" she yelled trying to shove him. "Hey JC" I said, he faced my way and saw that I was there "get off of her man" I say as he stands up and walks towards me "omg Calum" Bethany says "thank you!" She says mumbling "you wana fight" JC comes closer and I can smell the alcohol in his breath "no man I don't wanna fight just leave her alone" I yell as he swings a punch and me and I duck before he can hit me. I run at him and push him to the wall. "Leave her alone and we won't have to fight" I say to him. He runs at me and almost trips as he pushes me to the ground, I roll over so I'm on top of him and punch him "now are you gonna leave her alone" I say as he moans in pain. He gets up and walks into the club instantly Kian runs out and Bethany jumps over ad hugs me to thank me.

Kians POV

When I come out of the club all I see is Beth hugging Calum Hood "Beth are you ok" I say and she looks over at me and starts crying in my arms "no I'm not JC tried to make out with me but he shoved me against the wall and it really hurt" she says under sobs
"Where is he" I ask Calum "he went inside" Calum replies. I walk inside and see him standing there buying another beer with a black eye. "JC outside Now!!" I yell at him. Surprisingly he follows me outside and right when we turn the corner I punch him so hard he falls on the ground, I pick him up by the shirt "what the hell are you doing attacking Bethany" I yell at him, he just looks at me blankly so I punch him again "let's leave" "what about him" Bethany asks "he can get a cab" Kian says not caring "he can get a ride with me" Calum says.

Bethanys POV

I go to bed that night thinking of how sorry I am for JC and how he was drunk and sad and didn't know what to do


I wake up on our couch and notice that Calum is sitting on the ground next to me "JC" he says "mmhh" I mumble "tell me the whole story of why you did that, and you know exactly what I'm talking about" he tells me "well I was just angry and depressed that Kian got Bethany and so I drank a lot and thought that it would make me feel more confident and then I got beaten up by you and Kian" "ya I'm sorry about that" Calum says in his cute little ausie accent.

-was this a good chapter?? I think this one is my favourite so far

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