Getting Back On Track

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Kians POV

we have 1 month left and yesterday we finally started talking again "what you guys want for dinner" I ask them "Soup" JC yells , he has an obsession with soup "what kind" I ask "POTATO" he answers, which is his favourite.


"This soup is amazing, thanks Kian" Bethany exclaims "oh it's nothing" I say back "so are you guys like back together" JC asks "ya I.. I guess we are" I say. "YAY that's exciting" JC yells. "Hey" Beth says as I'm cleaning up dinner, she grabs my chin and tilts my head in her direction and kisses me.

- so looks like everything is back on track but you never know I they will hit another bump in the road, this chapter was really short but the next chapter will be longer I'm sorry if you didn't like it😓

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