Day Off

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Caitlin's Pov:

This morning I woke up with a pair of arms around me. When I looked over I saw Barry snuggled up to me sleeping peacefully. I looked over at the alarm clock that I don't actually use for alarms and saw that it was currently six forty five in the morning. I normally get up at about seven in the morning and Barry normally gets up around eight. However today is both of our days off so we decided to sleep in. It seems though that sleeping in is something that I have trouble with. I sat there just staring at Barry and thinking when Frost decided to have a conversation with me.

"Good morning Caity." She said in an unusually happy tone for her.

"Good morning Frost how are you today?" I said also in my mind as to not wake Barry.

"I am good are we going to S.T.A.R. Labs today?" She asked.

"No today is our day off." I said.

"Yea a day with just Barry and I." She excitedly exclaimed causing a small giggle to escape my mouth.

"Are you forgetting someone?" I asked snarkily.

"No I don't think so." She said teasingly.

"Really Frost not cool" I exclaimed with a huff accidentally out loud causing Barry to wake up.

"Really what is so uncool." Barry asked sitting up.

"She said that because it is our day off that she gets to spend all day with you and not me." I said fake pouting.

"Well I could always just spend the day with someone else." He said laughing.

"Hey not fair." Both Frost and I say at the same time.

"I am just kidding I will spend time with both of you today because even though you both can't be in control at the same time you can see, hear, smell, taste, and even feel what the other feels while they are in control right?" He asked trying to reassure us.

"I mean yeah but still she is being mean." I said crossing my arms.

"Caity come on I was just playing with you." Frost said slightly annoyed.

"I know Frost just giving you a taste of your own medicine." I said laughing again.

"You two are like sisters." Barry said laughing as well.

"We are not." Both Frost and I said at the same time.

"Let me guess you both said that at the same time. How about this I will spend the first half of the day with you Cait and then the second half of the day with Frost." Barry said trying to compromise.

"Deal." I said sticking out my hand.

"Deal." Barry said shaking my hand endorsing my goofy joke.

"So Cait what do you want to do today?" Barry asked sitting up.

"Well Frost said that for the first part of her time with you today she wants to train then she wants you to take her out for dinner. I however do not care what we do today as long as it is with you." I said sitting up and hugging him.

"Well i was thinking since we are dating and you are also a scientist what if we got you a job at the CCPD with me?" Barry asked nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

"Well I mean I don't have a degree in forensic science I have one in biochemistry. I also work at S.T.A.R. Labs. What would I do that would be helpful?" I asked even though I wanted to say yes instantly.

"Well you have expertise in things that I don't. Like you can analyze poisons just by looking at people." He said getting out of bed.

"That is not necessarily true but I tell you what let's go to S.T.A.R. Labs and ask Dr. Wells." I said also getting out of bed.

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