The Flash Begins

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 My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. I am a CSI at the CCPD but with the help of my friends I look for other people like me. I am known as The Flash.

Barry's Pov:

 I just returned from my trip to Star City hoping to find The Arrow in the hopes that he can finally help me find out who really killed my mother. I was in my lab analyzing some fecal samples from a crime scene I got called into earlier when Iris walks in. When I was a kid Iris was my childhood best friend and crush but when my mother was murdered and her father Joe West adopted me I started to see her as more of a sister.

"All right I am ready to see this atom smasher smash." Iris said walking up to my desk and stealing a French fry.

"I don't know if I can your dad needs me to work a case." I said getting up from my chair.

"But this is your dream your little nerdy dream and besides I know that you want to see Caitlin." She said taking another fry.

She wasn't wrong I had become friends with Caitlin and Cisco over the years when we were in college together. However once Caitlin got engaged to Ronnie we haven't spoken too much. Why? You may ask. Well I will tell you. You see I have a massive crush on Caitlin but I have buried it down ever since she started dating Ronnie. The only reason I even offered to take Iris to see the particle accelerator turn on was because Caitlin texted me asking me to be there.

"Of course I want to see her Iris but we have barley spoken since she got engaged to Ronnie. And hands off my fries." I said snatching the cardboard tin away from her.

At that exact moment Joe walked in and my computer dinged with the results from the tests.

"I think the Mardons are hiding on a farm. The fecal material contains an antibiotic and only four farms in the area still use it. I bet you will find a sweet Shelby at one of them." I said giving Joe the results.

"Well dad since Barry solved your poop problem do you think we could go to S.T.A.R. Labs and he can see Caitlin." Iris said causing a slight blush to find its way onto my face.

"Fine go." Joe said handing me my coat.

It was a bit of a walk to S.T.A.R. Labs but once we got there we were standing in the front row. I saw Caitlin up on the stage and when she saw me she gave me a slight wave. The presentation started and the Dr. Harrison Wells walked up to the stage. As he was talking a guy who looked like he was only 19 ran up and grabbed Iris' bag.

"My bag it has my laptop in it which has my dissertation." She said clearly nervous.

I sprinted after the kid but as I was running I saw a quick glimpse of Caitlin. She was looking at me with a look of concern and confusion. I ignored it for now and kept chasing the kid. I rounded a corner outside the building and the kid smacked me in the face with the bag. I tried to reason with him but he hit me with it again before hopping the fence only to be stopped by Eddie Thawne. Eddie was a new transfer from Keystone.

"Drop the bag or do you want to find out the hard way that you are not faster than a bullet." He said as the kid put the bag down and got on the ground.

I left S.T.A.R. Labs felling embarrassed and headed back to my lab. It started raining so I turned on the news to see what was up with the particle accelerator. As the reporter was talking there was a very loud sound and orange light erupted from the building. I walked up to the sky light window to close it when all of the sudden I couldn't move. I looked up and saw a orange lightning bolt strike me throwing me into my shelf of finger print chemicals. The last thought I had before blacking out was that I hope that Caitlin was ok.

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