Chapter Seven: The Departure.

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It was Friday night, exactly two days since that phone call from the devil's creation, Claire. I couldn't lie, I was a bit shaken up from her words but I doubt she was capable of getting away with anything. She is dumb and doesn't know anything expect getting anything that moves and breathes in between her legs. But at the moment, she has Niall on lock and I can't be nowhere near him, not until she leaves him alone and stop being so obsessed. But who wouldn't be? It Niall fucking Horan, the one with the beautiful crystal blue eyes, and his blonde/brown hair. I would be too. It's just Claire is on some totally different level and it's very creepy that the boys even agree she's a big creep.

The boys are spending the night since it's their last day here in London and then they were off to start their world wide tour. Meaning their covering the whole damn world. Entirely. They still don't know about the phone call with Claire, knowing them they would confront her right away which would make her do something absurd.

I place my head on Louis lap and rest my legs on top of Harry. Liam was sitting on the floor craddling Lily and Zayn was sitting on the love seat, texting constantly on his phone. Probably Perrie. That's when I remembered to ask.

"So, guys.. What about the rest of the girls? Are they going with you?" I asked.

"Like Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle?" Liam spoke, making Zayn raise his head up paying attention.

I nodded quietly, not knowing what would be the answer. The girls have been on tour with them before and I haven't, making it a possibility that they would be able to go on tour.

"No, because of Claire remember?" Louis said.

"Oh yeah.." I said calmly.

"The girls miss you! Your all they ever talk about when we take them out!" Zayn laughed.

"Yeah, like Eleanor example" Louis said preparing to change his voice to a similar attempt to Eleanor's "Where's Julie? I miss her! My best friend! We need to go shopping soon with Perrie and Dani.. I miss her Lou!"

I laughed hysterically, acting having tears brim my eyes. I was touched though that my best friends missed me just as much as I did. I haven't seen her since Lily was born and I did miss having my girls around since I was always surrounded with these boys. But I was also going to miss this too, the way they make me laugh with stupid comments but their my boys and I love them. I think these next two years are going to be hectic for me. Going to university, taking Lily everyday to daycare and soon enough when the boys are back.. She's off to preschool, and having that bitch Claire on my watch 24/7. I've notice that since the phone call, i've had these two different looking men watching my ever move. The write down information and wait till I move to a different location, was she really this weird? It's scary knowing that men follow you. It's funny how they think I don't know that they park at least ten feet, across the street of my flat.

"Hey Julie, you okay?" Harry asked, rubbing my leg.

"Yeah, i'm fine just thinking about you guys and Lily" I smiled.

"What about us and Lily?" Louis questioned.

"Well, next time you see her which will be like the middle of september.. She'll be three..and in preschool" I said with a huge smile across my face. (she'll really be two, but trying to speed up the process a little!)

"Although we can't take breaks back home, we can still watch her grow up"

"I know Lou, you've already have so far.. Have you seen her photo album with each of you guys? Wait till she gets older.. "

"What if she ask for her dad?" Liam asked "Does he have an album?"

"Yeah, but it barely has any.. You know just the ones when we went out"

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