Chapter 5

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After it began to get dark, Mykhail went back to his house to lie down, taking off his costume.

"That was great," he said, putting his head on his pillow. "Now I need a nap."

He tried to close his eyes, but to his surprise, he didn't feel tired. In fact, he felt fully awake and energized.

"Uh, this is the part where I sleep. Hello? Body?"

Yet again, he felt no urge to rest. He sat up, examining himself. "All that work and I'm not even a little sleepy? What else has that sword done to me?"

He stared at his closet, where he put the sword. Between the doors, he almost thought he saw the faintest bit of glow from it.

"Well, if that's the case, I'd better find something else to do until tomorrow. Wonder who's up."

He texted Kumiko.

"Are you up?"

And after a few minutes, she texted back. "Yeah?"

"Good. Any ideas? Super bored right now."

"I'll...ask Takehiro."


Afterward, while he waited for a text back, he got on his computer and checked the news. "Let's see what headlines we've made."

Every single news website had pictures of Justice on their front page, asking about his origins and abilities. "Good! Maybe they'll wake up and we can form a fresh society!"

While he scrolled through news pages, he saw a video of an interview that caught his eye.  Once he clicked on it, he saw a well-dressed, fair-skinned man with long black hair answering a reporter's questions.

"Hello, Mr. Toshiyuki Sato! I wanted to ask you what you thought about the recent events that's happened today!" the reporter stated.

The man straightened his jacket and cleared his throat before speaking. "I've taken notice of the...individual calling himself Justice. I would like to make it very clear, this person is not a product of our government. He is an independent and dangerous man, and I would like to emphasize to stay away from him at all costs."

"Really?" the reporter asked, giving him a perplexed look. "How could he have gotten such extraordinary abilities?"

Mr. Sato waited a moment before leaning into the microphone. " a question I cannot answer at this time. Please rest assured we will find the answers that the public seeks, and we will do so in a safe and timely manner."

"Thanks, Mr. Sato!"

He gave her a nod, and the video abruptly ended. Mykhail read the caption below the interview.

"Justice: Hero or CRIMINAL? They think I'm a CROOK?"

Just then, he got a notification on his phone. "Oh, great. She wants me to come outside in five minutes."

He put his costume in a backpack and prepared to leave, but he looked back at the sword.

"Can't fit you in a bag, and I can't really carry you either..."

He held out his hand, and the blade started to come to him, slowly lifting off the ground. "That is still SO cool. Maybe I'll leave you here, for my time of need."

Once he was outside the house, he found Kumiko, Takehiro, and Kurumi standing in his driveway.

"Mykhail!" Takehiro greeted. "I heard you wanted to have some fun!"

"Yeah," he replied. "I couldn't sleep, so..."

Kumiko was in the back, nervously shifting around, while Kurumi put a hand on his shoulder.

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