Chapter 4

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Brew hoped he’d get an answer. Maybe Chill or Jack would open the door. He wasn’t sure who would answer the door, but either one of them would be a welcome sight.

“Coming…” A tired voice called from inside the house, each word drawn out like they’d been spoken by someone deep in a melatonin-induced haze as if they'd just woken up.

Footsteps echoed softly, growing louder as they approached the door. Brew shifted on the porch, feeling the cold drizzle seep further into his clothes, plastering them to his skin. His hair dripping, painting the floor with droplets of water. He stood shivering in the dark, staring at the shadowy outline of the door. After a few moments, the metallic clatter of a chain rattled, followed by the distinct click of a deadbolt turning. The door creaked open.

The hallway beyond was dimly lit, but Brew didn’t need much light to make out the silhouette of the man standing in the doorway. Average height. Average build. Even the guy’s posture screamed “average.” His face, barely illuminated by the weak light spilling in from the streetlamp and the dim light inside behind the figure, was just as plain—indistinct features framed by a mop of unremarkable hair. But those dull, almost indifferent eyes were unmistakable.


"Did I wake you?" Brew asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

"No," Jack replied, rubbing his eyes, his voice flat, devoid of any real emotion except shock and confusion about the unexpected arrival of Brew. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm looking for Chill. Grill said he came here," Brew explained, searching Jack's face for any sign of recognition.

Jack blinked, yawning lazily. "He did. Stayed here for about a day, then said he was heading back home. Haven't seen him since."

A sudden crack of thunder split the sky, followed by a roar that seemed to vibrate the very air. Brew flinched involuntarily, his hands trembling as he reached to his head to grab Bean. The rain intensified, pouring down like Brew had never seen before.

"Sorry, uh—come in," Jack muttered, stepping aside. "You look like a drowned rat."

Brew stepped inside gratefully, muttering a low "thanks" as he crossed the threshold. The house was just as dim and dreary inside, the light bulb had no shade or anything around it. Looking like your average basement light. Again everything about this guy was as average as average gets. Looking around, to see what else was average, Brew couldn't help but notice how everything in the house felt...average. Bland furniture, neutral colors, not a single personal item in sight. No decorations. No signs of life. It was painfully, suffocatingly normal. Looked more like a house that was in the process of being moved out of...rather than a house that someone had moved into ages ago.

"Chill went back home?" Brew mumbled to himself as he paced the small living room, trying to piece together the puzzle. "But he never returned?"

He paused, lost in thought, before a possibility crossed his mind. "Would he have gone to Lance at the academy?"

Jack shook his head slightly, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "Doubt it. Life Hack might know. He’s always outside, watching."

"Charles?" Brew muttered, rubbing his chin. "Yeah, he and Chill don’t get along, but maybe he’s seen something. Where is he?"

Jack shrugged, his face barely changing expression. "Usually outside my house, but since you gave him the Minecraft account… hasn’t he been hanging around your place?"

Brew frowned. "Nah, haven’t seen him, but I think I know where he could be." Brew knew exactly where the guy was. A dumpster outside the academy or by a dumpster in an alleyway. Charles was so predictable.

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