flowers - dekubaku

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its friday, but katsuki is all but happy.

he wakes up in a bad mood, a frown etched onto his lips. he gets ready and stomps down to the kitchen for some breakfast before class.

there he sees his friends, expect mina. he tried to ignore them and peacefully make his food, but once they saw him it was over.

"bakugou!! come over here!" denki yells from the small island, making katsuki sneer and flinch slightly from the sudden ringing noise in his ears. he was still getting used to the hearing aids.

"fuck off. its too early for you idiots." katsuki grumbled, pulling out a pan.

sero rolled his eyes and used his quirk to wrap around katsukis wrist, dragging him over. he shouted and struggled, but huffed in defeat as he was forced to listen in on their conversation.

what was weird was that kirishima was blushing. katsuki had never seen him blush like that, and it was throwing him off. "what's up with you, shitty hair?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

kirishima turned ever redder, avoiding eye contact. "i-i saw the flowers blooming outside this morning and... well i'm going to pick some and give them to mina, and ask her to be my girlfriend." he stuttered out.

katsuki wasn't surprised. "okay." he said boredly, only wishing to cook his breakfast.

"come on, bakugou. give your best friend some encouragement!" denki exclaimed, patting kirishimas shoulder.

katsuki rolled his eyes, "no. i hate this kind of stuff."

"this kind of stuff?! but its love! it's so beautiful!" denki sighed wistfully, the back of his hand on his forehead.

"whatever, i don't see the big whoop." katsuki shrugged, then turned to leave. "now leave me alone assholes, i wanna eat in peace without you guys yelling in my fucking ear."

"fine, mr. grumpy. jeez, he's in a bad mood today." denki grumbled.

kirishima nodded, "yeah, i wonder what's up with him."

"isn't he always grumpy though?" sero grinned.


after eating breakfast by himself— and maybe watching izuku from the corner of his eye when he stumbled down the stairs-- katsuki started making his way to class on the cobble trail leading to u.a.

"oh! kirishima, you're so sweet!"

katsuki paused as he turned to see mina and kirishima under a cherry blossom tree, both their faces red as they stood close together. mina had beautiful white tulips in her hands as she smiled at them, "they are so beautiful, thanks." she said softly, and that was a little bit of a shocker to katsuki since usually she was... loud.

but for some reason, a feeling of hot jealousy boiled in his veins. seeing kirishima have more balls than him was frustrating...

"mina, will you be my girlfriend?"

katsuki watched as mina nodded and then leaned in, pressing their lips together in a gentle kiss. it looked like it came out of a movie, with the cherry blossom leaf's falling around them as they embraced.

𝐝𝐞𝐤𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮/𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐤𝐮 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now