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"Aya" I heard someone say next to my ear. I groaned and turned so that I was facing away from the person. I was hoping that they would leave me alone, but it didn't work. Because I felt the person start to shake my shoulder and said my name again, but louder this time. "What do you want?" I groaned to whoever it was because I was too tired to figure it out at the moment.

"I'm trying to wake you up so that you can eat breakfast and get ready for the day, but if you don't want to then okay." I distinctly heard that it was Wolf this time. I turned back over and opened my eyes. There he was bending down to be at eye level with me. He smiled and I rolled my eyes at how he's happy in the morning.

"I will go get changed and then I will be in the kitchen." He nodded his head and stood up completely. He then walked out of the room and closed the door after. I got up and walked over to the bag that has my clothes in it. I opened it and started to go through it to find an outfit for today. I finally decided on; pair of light blue, acid wash skinny jeans, a black TRXYE sweatshirt, a white knit beanie, and a pair of all black Vans.

After I got changed and finished the rest of my morning routine I went downstairs and to the kitchen. I saw that Wolf and Rolf were sitting down and eating already. I walked in and went to get some food. As I passed Wolf he grabbed my waist and pulled me down onto his lap. I laughed and try to stand up, but he wouldn't let me up.

"I need to go get food." I whined and he laughed, but he let me go. I stood up and got food then sat down next to my 'mate'. I just sat and ate my food while Rolf and Wolf talked and ate. I finished eating at around the same time as them, and I picked up all the plates and silver wear we used. I brought everything over to the sink and washed it all. I was about to dry it all but, the man who is my mate, took them and dried them for me. I complained that I could do it myself but he wouldn't listen to me.

When all the dishes were done I walked out of the kitchen and went to go back upstairs. I was about to step onto the first step, but was stopped by him grabbing my wrist. "I was thinking that we could go somewhere today. Would you want to?"

I smiled and nodded my head and he smiled too. I then followed him out of the palace, or castle, or whatever the hell it is. We then got into a car that was going to some unknown place. "Where are we going?" I asked because I like to know what's going on.

"We are going to a place that you don't get to know about yet." He said and laughed after. I rolled my eyes and got comfortable in my seat. I just looked out the window the whole time.

We drove for about an hour then the car came to a halt. I looked around at where we were, and I got nervous. Because we were stopped in the middle of the forest. "Why are we stopped here?" I asked and tried to not show my nervousness, but failed.

"Don't be afraid we are just out here to have a picnic. And to just talk and hang out without people being around." He said and rubbed circles on the back of my hand soothingly. I relaxed a little and walked with him.

"Why are we going to have a picnic if we just ate breakfast?"

"It's not going to be for a while so don't worry." He said and chuckled a bit.

We were walking for about fifteen minutes before he stopped. He sat down on the ground and I did the same. We sat for about two hours just talking and spending time together, then it was time to have a picnic. He got up and told to stay where I was and that he would be back in a second. Then he was gone in a flash and back the same way.

"How can you move that quickly?" I asked in complete awe. He just chuckled and sat down next to me. I was waiting for him to answer, but he didn't. He just unpacked some food and drinks for us both.

Taken By His BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now