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Once we got back to the mansion I sat down on the couch in the living room. "Why did you want to leave Aya? I don't understand. I thought that you liked it here, that you liked being here with me." Wolf asked me as he bent down to my eye level. When I looked into his eyes I saw nothing but pure sadness in his eyes. It hurt my heart to see that.

"I didn't do it to get away from you I promise. The reason I tried to leave is the same reason I leave every place I stay at after a couple of days."

"And why is that?" he looked confused but curious at the same time.

"Because my parents are dead and nobody else wanted to take me in. So I had to run from the cops because I don't want to go to an orphanage. I have been here for a couple days and to me that means that it's time to move on to a different place." I looked down at my hands after explaining my reason to him. I hate talking about this stuff with people.

"Aren't you old enough to live on your own? I mean obviously you are living on your own right now, but I mean legally live on your own." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm only 16. I have to be 18 in order to legally live without guardians." After I explained that he nodded his head and moved to sit next to me.

"You know that you don't have to worry about the cops finding you here right?"

"Why do I not have to worry about the cops finding me?" I was really confused when he said that because, I mean, we are currently in a big ass house. How would this mansion go unnoticed by the police?

"We aren't anywhere near the city. In fact, we are so far into the woods that it would take hours maybe even days to get back to a road. So you can stay here as long you would like, and no one will ever find you." Rolf said and the end of his comment made me slightly uneasy.

"You just made it seem as if you were going to murder me. Then after hide me somewhere in the woods." I slightly laughed after I said that and he looked at me weirdly. I think he realized what I meant because he laughed a little bit too. "So Rolf. I was wondering if you get as annoyed with me as you say you do. Then why did you talk me into coming back and staying here?"

"Well, I can deal with your thoughts as long as you keep my brother happy. But if you break his heart I will not hesitate to break you." I knew he was serious so I just nodded my head and didn't make a comment. I didn't even think of a comment.

"Rolf, leave her alone. I think you may be scaring her. And you will not hurt a hair on her head do you understand me?" Wolf's voice was so demanding and powerful that his voice boomed in the room. It scared me a little because of how loud he was. I kind of found it attractive how dominant and in control he could be.

"Ew. No. No, do not think that stuff about my own brother. It's not right." Rolf said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Well then, maybe you shouldn't read my thoughts. I mean you could just put a mental wall so that you won't know what I'm thinking." I said trying really hard to not laugh. But I cracked once my mate starting laughing at the comment.

"I'm going to my room." Rolf huffed and stomped like a four year old all the way to his room, which made us laugh even more.

We finally stopped laughing after a couple minutes, and then turned on the TV. We sat on the couch and started to watch a random show that was on, since we were too lazy to change the channel. We watched whatever the hell was on for about an hour.

I started to get hungry since I didn't eat this morning, and it is now around two in the afternoon. I stood up and tried to go to the kitchen. But he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. "Where are you going?" he looked at me nervously. He probably thought I was going to try and leave him again.

"I'm not going to leave I promise. I just need to get food." He looked relieved after that was said and nodded his head. Then he let go of my arm so I continued going to the kitchen.

Once I was in the kitchen I walked around a little bit to try and find where everything was. As I was going through the cabinets I heard someone chuckle from the doorway. I turned around to see Wolf leaning against the frame of the door. "Do you need some help with finding things?" he said sounding and looking really amused.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know that you have no idea what you are looking for." He started chuckling and slowly made his way to where I am.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I guess the world will never know." I smiled innocently at him and started walking to the opposite side of the kitchen. He noticed what I was doing and immediately stopped.

"Why are you walking away from me? I'm just going to help you get food and find everything." He laughed and just leaned against the counter that was behind him. I sighed and walked over to him slowly just to bug him a little bit. I guess he got tired of waiting for me to make it to him, because he stood up and grabbed me by my waist. Then he brought me towards him and leaned against the counter again.

"Are you happy?"

"Yes. Yes I am. But only because I have you in front of me." I started blushing at what he said and looked down at the floor. "Now let's get to making you some food." He then stood up so that our bodies were gently touching each other. And just to bug me he moved sideways and then went to make some food.

"Tease." I thought I said it quiet enough but I guess not.

"I am not the only tease here." He said and laughed when he looked at my reaction. I just glared at him then went to sit down on a stool near the island. I like the fact that he is willing to cook for me. It means that he won't expect me to cook for him all time and that he can make edible food.

When he finished cooking Fettuccini Alfredo with tuna he separated it onto two plates. Then sat down right next to me. I smiled at him and he gratefully smiled back, then we started eating our food. We would occasionally have a conversation, but other than that it was a quiet meal.

We finished eating and I got up to clean the dishes like I have been doing. This time he took the plates before I could and started cleaning them. I went and dried them after they were washed off. I then put them in the dish washer. I have a feeling that this is going to become a routine for us.

The rest of day was spent watching TV, eating snacks, and getting to know each other some more. It was starting to get late so I got up from the couch and went upstairs to get changed.

As I was looking for a shirt to wear I felt the presence of someone behind. I turned and saw Wolf walking into the room with only a pair of basketball shorts on. He was carrying either a shirt or a rag. "Do you need something to wear to bed?"

"I think I might have a shirt I can wear. But I'm not completely sure."

"Then wear this." I turned around right when he threw what he was holding at me. I quickly caught it and saw that it was one of his shirts.

"You really want me to wear one of your shirts?"

"Yes I do. I think that you would look adorable in it."

"But you wouldn't see me in it since we are in separate rooms." I was confused as to why he would want me to wear one of his shirts if he won't even see me in it.

"About that. I was thinking that maybe, if you were okay with it, we could share a room. I know that we haven't known each other that long, but you're my mate and I would like you to be closer to me." he was really nervous while he asked this and then looked at the floor afterwards.

"It depends. Do I get my own closet space?" we laughed after I said that and he just nodded his head. I agreed and he helped me move all of my things to his room. It was two doors down the hallway from mine. I then immediately went to the closet and started to put all of my clothes away. Once I finished that I grabbed a pair of black pajama shorts and went to the bathroom and got changed.

I walked out of the bathroom after changing and brushing my teeth. He saw me and smiled widely at me, then patted the spot next to him on the bed. I walked over and climbed onto the bed and layed down next to him. He then wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I rolled onto my side to face him and smiled. We got cuddled up and comfortable and then fell asleep like that.

Taken By His BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now