CH- 24

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Pond enter the door silently as it's already eleven In night he thought maybe everyone already slept so he trun and start walking like a cat but when he walking to be his surprise everyone sitting on living room like waiting for someone and he know who then he move his gaze to look at his dad he is busy on his phone but his expression is really scary pond get worried maybe dad will scold or say something to him so he think to better go into his room without any noise

Pond as he about to start walking to go into stairs his dad called with his deep anger voice "Where do you think you are going?" Pond didn't bother to reply he again start walking to go his room but he suddenly jump

"Don't you understand human language huh? We all waiting for you here and you ignore and even I ask and you ignore huh?"  Tay shout his eyes red with anger who scared everyone on there but pond didn't show any expression not even Joong both normal Gemini look at his brothers and confused but he didn't say anything and give attention to his dad talking as he  again said

"Come here we have to talk you remember right?" Tay said but this time in soft voice as New held his hand on him to cool down his husband and he also know his stubborn son may he is still angry with them......

"I know but I'm just going to fresh up then I will talk as I'm feeling exhausted" pond said calmly without showing any expression and didn't bother to more nor even listen what his dad about to say he start walking and got into his room for fresh up

When pond get to his room new look at the direction and then move his gaze to look at his husband who is now boiling but still try to control calm himself but he it's doesn't work so tay got up and go to kitchen for drink some water to cool down, New again look but now to his sons who is sitting infront of him who he s busy on there phone

New seeing everything but didn't say to anyone as they mind there own business and he know why it's happening like that in this house who never happen like that he can't understand and take it, he get up and go to his husband

"Honey please calm down if you like this  then how we able to talk with them huh? Yk joong also upset with us like pond but he understable so he knows and didn't say or argue but yk pond we know how is he like that if you still like that we also like that and I don't this please " he said holding his husband arm and place his head on his sholder from behind

" I know dear and I'm also trying my best but you also know if I'm not strict then they will never agree for that, and EarthMix also coming in few days I'm just worried about everything " Tay said still on that position but hold his wife hand on his

"I know but I'm also worried I don't want to see my child like this please can you try to be calm and please don't shout at him na " new said softly

"Ah ok......I try my best but today we have to clear everything we need to talk so I try my best " tay said moving his wife infront of him and hold his waist while facing and kiss his forehead, but they don't know there whole every seens capturing by someone people in the house who also came out and joining there brothers while giggling

"But I think it's late why not we will talk tomorrow huh?"  New said placing his hand on his husband neck are rubbing softly

"No I don't think we ha-"

Tay about to say something but there talk and everything distributed by phone ring and when they look at screen it's " Mix calling" they again look at each other then screen then eachother and smile and patted to pick up but before tay said smiling giggle and new also join

"I think we not alone, They are also agressive to know about here condition"

But they don't know there son's sitting together there while looking at them , there patners they all smile forgeting about there argument just smile to see the thingd enjoying they where happy to have a parent's like them they they look at each other smile and pond said while looking at his parents and then to his brothers

"I love my family, and I'm sorry"


I'm sorry guys I take time to update but I'm really sorry I'm so busy these days cause I'm moving to my country to another and just yesterday I landed.... I'm so exhausted and tierd and yeah I was supper busy but I think now I will get some maybe I will update try to be daily

it's okay short, but also boring I think you guys enjoy please don't sad I have many stories in my mind but I don't have time to write if I get i will write it!!

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy! Give feedback back I'm waiting!! :) <3

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