CH- 11

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Phuwin come to home and going straight to his room when Mix call him

"Did you tell them everything son?" Mix ask 

"Yes pa I told them they are happy...and also said when we have a flight to inform them they will go with us to drop me at airport" Phu said 

"Okay! When we booked flight I will tell, so did you eat dinner or you want me to make?" Mix said 

"No pa I already eaten and now I'm so tired I want to sleep okay good night" phuwin said 

"Okay okay go sleep well you have exam too is it in afternoon so it's okay you will can wake up late, good night dear " Mix said and place a kiss in his forehead 

"Yes pa, now I'm going bye.... wait Pa did phi sleep? "

"Hm yes why?" 

"No I'm just asking....he also have exam tomorrow but phi have can you wake him?"

"Oh Phu dear he already told me that's why he sleep early now you go sleep it's already late na...go good night " mix said phuwin nodded and go to his room 

When he enter he look at the wall clock it's says 10:29 pm he go take shower do his night routine and come to bed now its 11 he decided to sleep but before he check phone and sleep.

Note : For some information I will tell you there in about Fourth exam cause in London there is different timing of high school final and university semester as we know fourth is high school student so his final already completed and now he going to admission in university semester 1 but now they are moving back to Thailand so that's why his father didn't admin him university......but for Dunk and Phuwin they are university students who in semester 1 ( phuwin ) and semester 2 ( dunk ) so there exam in same time so after that when final over they going to next semester...but they also not cause they moving and direct going to admission in Bangkok university next semester with same year as in London so it won't effect.


Hehehe short chapter ik.......But I'm hoping you like it:)

Ik ik I'm writing in detail....but idk why I just want to write every movment they didn't I can't help myself to write I'm sorry if I'm disappointed you guys 🥺

And also I'm so lazy to write ....and, my semester test will be start in two maybe I'm going to busy with that and not uploaded...... please bear with this poor of your Author to come back 🥺😭

When it's over I comeback again to upload, okay bye I think I talked too much 😩

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