CH- 25

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Pond Naravit is a type of man who rude arrogant harsh heartless...but he also have a soft side who not much people know cause he never shown not even to his family, but sometimes he do somthing for his family who they never expect even rarely show his soft side of his family, but this little bit of soft side rest assured his family cause they know they love each other

Yes pond is always stubborn harsh son of TayNew he unapproachable not even to his parents but they also know this son of his what matter he do but still he willing to do everything for his parents like if they want to accept somthing to him... first he ignore and his parents say again he have to accept no matter what causes he really love his family, he is not good in showing affection or words...but he do by showing action he always show his love by action and they know even everyone of his close know about this

Like just as he coming downstairs he look at the direction where his dad sometimes ago sitting with his brother's but now he don't only his brother are there he again sta walking and move his gaze to finding him and when he look at the direction where his parents cling to each other he smile and all his sadness and anger on that time like they going from him, he don't say he don't like when his dad said to join him but he don't like the way they do , he willing to accept this for ther happiness cause his family happiness is everything for him so he can, but he also not like cause he still think he still young and have to work many things he don't want to involve in these business things this early at his age but what can he do his parents want so he accepted

He already accepted to join the company from tomorrow after the day but rude cause before telling him anything his older brother agree on behalf and his dad also agree with that, so now he just want to hear his brother apology cause he already forgive him but still want to play, and before coming to enter into house he thought so much and after the thinking of many things he accepted everything in his destiny written and he decided to tell after the freshing cause he don't want his parents to worry about him and also he drink some drinks with his friends and want to refresh after the what he almost doing but disturbed by his brother call, he annoyed at that time but now he is okay

He go sit beside his brothers they look at them and smile then they all move to see there parents who busy on there own world, while taking the call they see when they pick up the call first they shocked after just in few minutes there smile again come back there face, he smile too with his brother's, they don't know what's there parents are talking and with whom but they happy after they do many arguments nagging they again feeling this feeling the feeling of love

Pond smiling to seeing this and there brothers also looking to him and smile they think now the stubborn rude of there brothers now okay while seeing his experience, pond also feel his brothers gaze looking at him he also moved to them while saying "I love my family, and I'm sorry"  they also smile to hear and without thinking next joong Gemini hud him from side and look at his parents who still busy in talking to phone and with eachother smiling, they break there hug and Joong thought to talk to accept his fault

"Pond I'm sorry, I know you mad at me but please don't be much I know I'm wrong to accept what dad said but please try to understand I'm really so sorry pond you can say whatever you want cruse me as much as you want but please brother don't be mad at me please I'm sorry"

After the apology of Joong pond just smile while looking straight to his brother eye who also looking at him with concern and worried he smile again and said with his most deep voice but softly as he don't want anyone to worried about him

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