Universe's Epilogue

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Zi was spending time with Xi. He asked her out for a "date". He wanted to just spend a lovely time with her, away from everyone. Just him and his love. They went around 1 kilometer away from their home and walked through a beach now observing the sea and surroundings. Both are happy as never before.
However, after some time both Zi and Xi felt strange presence behind them.
They turned around and saw strange dark looking drone. He was wearing a black cape that shrouded his whole body, he had a beard, cap on head with gray short hair and his colors were changing constantly.
Zi put Xi behind him.
   "Who are you?" Zi stated with dark confidence.
   "Hades. But you can know me as Solver." Hades stated, while looking at the couple.
   "What?" Zi raised his voice.
   "Yes. I'm Solver. Part of him. The calm and strategic one." Hades shrugged.
   "How? How did you find us?" Zi clenched his fists.
   "Well... this is my planet." Hades smiled and titled his head.
   "What? Your planet?" Zi's frustration was at maximum level now.
   "This planet, Haven as I called it, is a planet in a Star System away from everything. It's safe place. It's well, haven. I created it and those who deserve it reach it, through Phase Symbol." Hades approached furious Zi.
   "What?" Xi asked confused.
   "I allowed you to phase out here. You are here, because you impressed me for the last time. Enough to let you live on this peaceful planet." Hades crossed arms.
   "What? Why?" Zi cooled down a bit.
   "I'm more pragmatic version of Solver. I'm calm, strategic, pragmatic, realistic, neutral part of Solver. There is also a other part, which is angry, revenge driven, destructive, furious, a bit cringe in my opinion. Called Cyn. I'm Solver's created host. Cyn is Solver's taken host." Hades explained a bit.
   "So... with who we were struggling?" Zi asked and grabbed Xi's hand tightly.
   "Me. However I was away. I was there, but not so present. I... this host... Hades was focused on Silver-4 planet. Planet that was nullified in the end. There were things happening on such big scale you can't imagine." Hades sighed deeply.
   "Okay... and? You want to explain everything and then kill us?" Zi pulled Xi to himself.
   "No... I was defeated." Hades smiled awkwardly.
   "How?" Xi confused looked at Hades and then at Zi.
   "On Copper-9. I was defeated. Cyn was defeated. I'm now free of hate, of revenge, of destruction. Cyn is still there, in drone's tail." Hades giggled.
   "What? How? I have no words to explain what I feel of think."Zi was dazed.
Xi kissed Zi.
   "So maybe you will explain?" Xi suggested.
   "Sure. I have a lot to explain, to tell you and one big good surprise for you. But maybe we'll return to your place? Everyone should know it." Hades suggested too.
   "So you are not going to kill us?" Zi asked and squinted in intimidating way.
   "No." Hades replied, while looking at Zi and Xi.
   "Hmm." Zi pointed at the direction where to go.
When they reached a base, everyone was surprised by new drone. Zi and Xi explained that it is Hades, Solver. After short explanation what the hell is going on, Hades began explaining story that happened back on Silver-4 and then on Copper-9.
It took several hours. Everyone was listening like they were forced to listen. Tea and coffee was in use all the time. It was during day, so it was warm, so everyone was outside near a fireplace.

After several hours of explanation.

   "I have no comment." Zi stated, while leaning on a chair.
   "So wait. You took me and changed me into Stalker Drone? Cordie too?" Klein asked confused.
   "All of that really happened?" Cordie asked.
   "Who the hell was Kass, Ravanas and why they were so strong?" Veli asked, leaning against Zi.
   "I know you have a lot of questions. I'll answer to all of them, but later. Now I have a surprise to you." Hades smiled.
   "Meaning?" Ai titled his head.
Hades used Solver Power and all Drones that survived Silver- 4 appeared behind him.
All drones that survived Chromium-5 got up from the surprise. Same to Silver-4 survivors.
   "You both reached the same planet, same Haven and you lived next to each other for months, without knowing it. Both of you impressed me enough to let you in here. Even in my dark age. But now? Without consuming-driven aspect? I'm glad." Hades nodded.
Cordie saw someone that looked like Voidoff from Hades' story.
   "C... Cordie?" Voidoff raised his voice. He was trembling, shocked, paralyzed.
   "She does not remember you. Her and Klein's memories have been erased and changed, but I'm sure you will manage to make her fall in love with you again." Hades stated with bit of nice sounding voice.
Voidoff approached her. Everyone looked at him and Cordie.
   "So... I was in love with you?" Cordie asked, embarrassed and blushing.
   "I... I mean... yes?" Voidoof was blushing and embarrassed too.
   "So... maybe... we'll go and get know each other? Again I guess?" Cordie laughed awkwardly.
   "S...sure..re." Voidoff smiled awkwardly and both of them went to a bar.
Ai punched Veli softly and pointed with her eyes at Quasar.
   "He looks so good. I'm going to talk with him." Ai winked at Veli and got up and approached Quasar.
   "Hey!" Ai waved at him.
   "Hello." Quasar checked Ai. She noticed that.
Ai laughed.
   "Oh, it was that obvious? I'm sorry! I... I just admire your look. I led city with hundreds of drones and never saw a drone like you! What a shitty compliment..." Quasar rolled his eyes from embarrassment.
Ai giggled again.
   "No problem! That was nice! So original compliment! Maybe we'll go for a coffee too?" Ai pointed at a second bar.
   "My thought exactly." Quasar smiled and both went to that bar.
   "Am I only one that thinks Ai and well, Acacia looks very similar? Ei asked.
   "Of course!" Acacia and Ai replied at the same time.
Both of them looked at each other and then pointed at each other with a smile.
   "I can't wait to talk to you!" Acacia stated with a grin on her face.
   "Same!" Ai smiled genuinely.
Orion approached Zi.
   "So... wait. You are Zero? Firewall Drone?" Orion asked and looked at Zi.
Zi got up.
   "Yes. You are Orion?" Zi asked.
   "Yes! SO... so it means you are my production line brother? I never thought I'll see you again!" Orion raised his voice from excitement.
   "I didn't know I had a brother." Zi laughed.
Both of them hugged each other.
   "Oh my overheated oil! You are so cute!" Cedonia raised her voice and ran to Xi.
   "Hi! I'm Cedonia! Hades told me that you were D-Drone too! Now you are just a W-Drone and you look so cute! I love your story!" Cedonia was excited so much.
Xi giggled and blushed.
   "And I must say that even Hades' description of you couldn't properly explain how beautiful you are! Your legs! I see it for the first time on D-Drone." Xi smiled at Cedonia.
   "Well, yeah! But thank you. You are so nice! Your thick brunette hair are so lovely! I want such hair too!" Cedonia was grinning so much.
Ei was talking with Klein. They were talking about Klein's past. This was very interesting.
   "So Hades. What about Kass? And Ravanas? So he wanted to be revived in Sathas, if he would die?" Zi asked Hades out of sudden.
   "Yes." Hades nodded.
   "So... I killed Ravanas in the end? I killed Sathas, but he never regenerated. I killed him completely." Zi tilted his head a bit.
   "Exactly. So you killed a probably most powerful drone, most powerful after you of course, even without knowing it. Cheers to you!" Hades took a sip of his tea.
Tau sat down near Verosi.
   "Hey! General." Verosi said it with cute voice.
Tau looked at her with surprise.
   "Heh. I forgot even that I had this role. And you, princess of Chromium-5? Nice to meet you." Tau winked.
   "Nice to meet you too! Heh, princess. I didn't hear it for a long time. Nah... I'm not." Verosi was smiling.
   "Well, you definitely looks like one." Tau pointed at bar.
   "After you general." Verosi joked.
Tau laughed and both went to bar too.
Hayter and Dalissa approached Ei and Klein.
   "Hey! Klein! It is so nice to see you again!" Hayter smiled.
   "I really would love to say it too, but I don't remember you. But I want to meet you! Again?" Klein smiled too.
   "Dalissa. You are probably the most adorable drone I'ver ever seen and heard about. You are so awesome! Shy, silent hero of Silver-4!" Ei hugged Dalissa.
She hugged Ei too.
   "Hah, thank you! Really! You are someone I'd want to be! So humorous! So positive! And your long hair! So beautiful!" Dalissa looked at Ei's hair.
Ei blushed.
Avi was sitting on the chair listening to everyone.
Seth approached her and crouched next to her.
   "Hey! You are Avi, right?" Seth asked.
   "Hey! Yes! You are Seth, right? With hardlight weapon?" Avi leaned against a back of the chair.
   "Yep. I was impressed by the stories Hades told about you. You really managed to create a spaceship? I mean, if not for sabotage, working spaceship? This is far better than my hardlight!" Seth smiled genuinely.
   "Haha, yeah. But nothing spectacular. Please... tell me you have your hardlight weapon with you." Avi brought her head closer to Seth.
   "Of course! But in our city. I'll show you for sure! But first, do you have any interesting inventions here?" Seth looked around.
   "Of course. I'm not engineer just for spaceships. Come I'll show you." Avi got up, took Seth's hand and pulled him as she was walking to her house.
Ultros sat down next to Veli.
   "Hey." Veli looked at Ultros.
   "Hey. I had to talk to you." Ultros replied with a smile.
   "Me? Why?" Veli crossed her legs.
   "I have a weakness for pink gorgeous girls." Ultros laughed.
   "That was very direct." Veli stated.
   "Oh yea, I'm very direct person. No time for small steps. But for real, you are really Zi's daughter I heard so much? Daughter of Dark Hero?" Ultros looked deeply at Veli's eyes.
   "Yeah, heh. You are the most golden drone I've ever seen. I have a special golden drink that has same color I'll show you! Maybe this will help you with properly asking me out." Veli winked flirty and got up. Ultros laughed and also got up.
   "Ey! Gorgeous Pink was good one!" Ultros tried to explain himself, when he was walking near Veli.
   "Maybe it was. But I'd like you to ask me out in proper way first." Veli stood up in place and moment later Ultros too.
He looked at her with confusion.
Veli punched him in a chest.
   "Ha! Got you! Don't worry. I'm just playing with you. Indirectly you took my direct joke too much." Veli laughed.
   "Okay, this will be interesting! Can't wait! Alright! To the bar! Show me this golden drink! But first! Veli... will you go hang out with me?" Ultros asked.
   "Oh damn, you really did that. Now you impressed me so much. Of course!" Veli winked at Ultros.
Tesseract approached Orion and Zi.
   "So you are this legendary Zi? The most powerful drone to ever exist?" Tesseract stretched his hand to shake hands with Zi. Zi did the same and both shook their hands.
   "Yes, but former. I lost my powers and Firewall System. I... well... used powers too much too often... too powerful." Zi shrugged.
   "Not really." Hades interjected.
   "What?" Zi asked, looking at Hades.
   "You didn't lose anything. You still have powers... you are like me. You are Solver's power. You just have to activate them." Hades leaned against back of the chair.
   "What? I tried and didn't work." Zi raised his eyebrow.
   "Because you did that in a normal way. You have to start from the beginning, activate all codes, all programs one by one." Hades took his tea and raised it in the air and then took a sip of it.
Zi was confused, but did as Hades said and began trying to activate his powers.
After around 10 seconds. Zi immediately fixed himself. He was now looking exactly before the overload.
   "What? How?" Zi looked at Xi.
Xi smiled seeing her husband in perfect condition. She wasn't concerned anymore about it.
   "So... I thought this is the end of the Firewall, but here we are." Zi put hands behind him.
   "That's good actually. I always wanted to meet the legendary Firewall Drone in perfect condition." Orion laughed.
   "It seems Firewall will never end." Tesseract punched Zi in the arm and laughed too.
   "Well, this is interesting outcome." Zi shrugged with smile on his face.
   "There is so much you don't understand about yourself." Hades winked and took another sip of his tea.
Acacia approached Xi.
   "Xi. The cutest Disassembly Drone I've ever heard about. Now a Worker Drone and now she is even more cute. You story is so exciting! So... uplifting!" Acacia grinned to Xi.
   "Well, thank you! You look and act like a perfect mother figure!" Xi also grinned to Acacia.
Acacia blushed. A lot.
   "So you are Alpha Drone? One of the first?" Zi crossed his arms.
   "Yes. I'm. But this is nothing. Firewall Drone. Literally a Wall." Tesseract laughed and along with him Orion and Zi.
Hades was just sitting on the chair and drinking his tea, listening to all of the stories.
   "So wait... wait. Did really Cyn was defeated by just eating her core by, well, random Worker Drone? And now she ended in her tail?" Zi looked at Hades.
   "Oh yeah. Funny story indeed. Well, she is on Copper-9 and I'm here. Very interesting outcome. Cyn's revenge was what made all of us, me to be so aggressive and dark." Hades winked and continued his drinking, smiling, happy, good that he is finally free from being evil and that he has some potential friends, that after a long time of being suspicious, they had every right to be like that, will eventually acknowledge that Hades, Solver is not evil anymore. This was a better beginning for Solver too. Hades was drinking his tea observing everyone around. For half of the second his eyes changed to a color that never appeared on him before. The pale yellow color, then it returned to normal colors like nothing happened.

This was the moment where all drones began to get to know each other, to befriend them and to create feelings to them. All survivors unified and began creating a new city, to connect Chromium-5 part with Silver-4 part. After several months, the new city started to actually look like a real city. Operation of recreating whole Drone's society was just a matter of time. Even Hades was very helpful. Everyone was still suspicious about Solver itself, however after some time everyone acknowledged that most probably Solver is not evil anymore. Especially when he explained a story about Earth and Cyn. He was welcomed to a society.
The new City, Heaven City as it was named was prospering well, expanding well. All drones created a new, bigger, better family and together they created even better future together.
They could always phase out somewhere else, even to Copper-9, however they decided to leave everything behind and focus on this planet. They loved their new place in universe.
The final story of the survivors of the Evil Absolute Solver age has finally ended.
Now the age of prosperity, peace with the Good Absolute Solver has begun.
This was as much unexpected as much welcomed by everyone.
All survivors, all drones from Chromium-5 and Silver-4 after everything, after all struggles, all deaths, kills, sorrows, rages managed to end up in a better future.
Everyone finally began to live happy life, away from everything.
Everyone finally started to live as they wanted and deserved.
This was a bittersweet ending... despite everything. So much deaths and destruction so only few drones from Steel-1, Chromium-5 and Silver-4 could live in peace together and to remember everyone that sacrificed themselves for their final dream...
Despite all of that... all of them lived their best lifes together... and forever...

                                                            The End

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