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Rikki's p.o.v

*ring ring*

That's my phone! I pulled it out and looked who is the caller.

'Oops, dad is calling. But I called him that I spent the night in Zane's place.'

Hi dad." I answered, stiffling a yawn. We stayed up late watching movies, so I'm little tired.

'Hi Rikki. Listen do you know a hooligan called Nate?' Dad sounds furious.

"Nate? What did that idiot do this time?" Nate would be perfect match for Charlotte. Better not think about, otherwise I'm gonna vomit.

'He rode his bike around here and stole the badge from mine! If you find him let him have it and get the badge back.'

I can so see the look on dad's face. He would hit Nate himself if he could.

Will do dad. I'll ask help from Zane. He knows how to handle Nate." They used to be friends afterall.

Thanks Rikki. Dad cut the call.

'Now to wake Zane.' I got up and left to find my boyfriend. This is going to be a long day.

Samantha's p.o.v

Can't fight the Moonlight, my ringtone sounded from my bag just as I left home. Smiling at the irony of the ringtone I'd chosen I answered the call. "Hi Rikki. What's up?"
'Sam do you remember the bike my dad is always working on?' Rikki asked me, she tried to sound casual, but I know that something is bothering her.
"Of course I know it. Did something happen?"
'Nate stole the badge from dad's bike. I asked Zane to help me out, but I need something to do. Cleo and Emma went swimming, but I don't feel like it.'
"Meet me at JuiceNet then. I don't have anything else to do. If we get lucky we'll see Zane maim Nate." I smirked at the memory of how I broke that idiot's nose once.
'Cool, see you there. Thanks Sam!' Now she sounds like the Rikki I know.
"Don't thank me yet. Now move it!" I ordered her playfully.

'Yes your highness.' And there comes our new inside joke.

Knowing that Rikki is already feeling better I placed my phone back in bag and headed towards JuiceNet. Somehow I get the feeling that everything will turn out just fine. Sometimes it just takes more time.

Rikki and Samantha sat in one of the booths, talking about the new products Sam had for The Ocean's Pearl. So far they had added modified hair clips, combs, small mirrors and other small stuff. Just take something plain, decorate it with seashells, pearls etc and voila! People wants to buy them.

"The trick is that you have to know what people like to buy. Or what is practical." Samantha smiled and wrote some of the ideas down in her notebook.

I'll let you handle that Sam. I'm not of a people person." Rikki replied and took a sip out from her smoothie. "Hey Zane." She smiled to her boyfriend when he slipped in the booth.

"I got the badge from Nate. Now all we have to do is return it to your dad." Zane kissed Rikki before she had a chance to speak.

Sam shook her head jokingly. "You just made her day Zane. Now you can safe Terry's day too."

"We better get going then." Zane pulled Rikki with him. "You coming Sam?"

"I'll see you two later." Samantha gathered her things and left the cafe. She had some shopping to do.

-Next day-

-Rikki's house-

Terry Chadwick smiled widely as he operated the grill with practiced ease. He was glad to have the badge placed back to his bike and to have the bike fixed. But what made his day was when Rikki and her friends told their biggest secret to him. Now he understood why Rikki wanted to stay in the Gold Coast so badly, not just because of her boy friend, but the fact that she would have to leave her mermaid sisters behind.

You seem to be taking this all well." Samantha had come to stand beside Terry and together they looked as the three couples goofed around together. "What do you think about this?" She asked.

Looking up from the grill Terry just smiled. "I'm just glad that Rikki trusted me with her biggest secret. I promise not to tell anyone, but don't hesitate to ask if there is something I can do to help you girls."

Samantha smiled knowingly. "I appreciate it... Did Rikki ever tell you about my inheritance?"

"She did mention it briefly. What about it?"

"I was thinking about giving my other yacht as a gift to Rikki. When she is old enough to live on her own that will be perfect for her. To have instant access to water will be a plus." Samantha explained.

"If it's charity..." Terry started., but Samantha raised her hand.

"No, not charity. Think of it as a gift. I have more money than I could ever spent and I won't probably ever use the yacht that I will keep. Swimming is much better than sailing."

"Thank you Samantha. Oi, if you want to eat come and get it while it's hot!" Terry hollered teasingly.

Laughter echoed around the backyard of the Chadwick house as seven teens and one adult began to eat.

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