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Cleo was swimming. She knew that it was a few hours before school started, but she loved the reef in the morning sunlight. She didn't expect to see Charlotte and Cindie of all people as a mermaids!

But she didn't feel threatened by Charlotte. No she felt more comfortable with her as a mermaid then just a human, but it was Cindie that set her on edge, she felt wrong like she wasn't supposed to be a mermaid. Cleo shook it off and swam off to tell the others.


Cleo had ran towards the others, even the guys were there. Guy!" She collapsed to her knees. "Brace yourselves I have news!"

"So do we." Bella, Emma, and Rikki stated in unison, Cleo shook her head. Me first. Charlotte and Cindie they, they are.

"Mermaids?" Rikki, Emma, and Bella said together. Yes, how did you know?" Cleo looked at her friends eyes wide.

"Luna gave me this information this morning along with much more, but we'll take about this later, not at school."
Samantha told her in a firm voice. So firm that they all just nodded their heads in agreement.

As they all went on their ways Samantha was called to the Principal's office.

-Principal's Office-

"Ms. Sertori I am glad that you came." The Principal said after Samantha took a seat in her office. "Now it is brought to my attention from your teachers, that you have been finishing work early and have been reading more with your head buried in your books." She held up a hand to stop Samantha from saying anything. "Now nothing is wrong with this, I can assure you, but I want you to take a few test to see where you are in your schooling."

Samantha thought of this and nodded her head in agreement. And so while these test where being done. Emma, Rikki, and Cleo got forced into making a girl beach volleyball team and had to find another member, but they couldn't ask Bella seeing as she was stuck with Cindie as a tennis partners. That only left Charlotte.

They all wondered where Samantha was, seeing as they didn't see her in class, or at all that day...not even during lunch. It made them worried, it wasn't like Sam to just drop out like that.

Turns out that Samantha was taking test to find out what grade level she was doing. So she would be busy for the next week. Maybe even longer, depending on how well she was doing. Emma's thoughts on helping the two newly turned mermaids was immediately shot down by Rikki, but they had voted on it. In the end Rikki was out voted, Cleo could see the point for both yes and no, but her vote was a 'it can't hurt' type thing.

Samantha and Bella voted yes. So they would be helping the new mermaids.

Then Zane came into the room followed by Lewis, Ash and Will. Turns out Nate had called and that he knew about mermaids now, seeing as Charlotte had refused to lie to him. He wanted to know what he did to help her keep the secret.

They-the guys- had to vote on what to do. Help or not to help. Turned out that they all voted to help and welcomed Nate as a member of their group. After laying out the rules of course.

When Rikki started to chat with Charlotte, it turned out that she got along with everyone, now that she was a mermaid Charlotte clicked with everyone. More so with Rikki, than anyone else, much to everyone's surprise.

Charlotte happily joined the beach volleyball team and it didn't take long for Emma, Cleo, Rikki and Charlotte to become great at reading each other, so they could work as a team.

And they had only 3 days to work until they faced their first opponent.

Bella on the other hand, didn't click with Cindie, not at all. They clashed a lot and they didn't have very good team work. They fought all the time, but the coach saw that Bella was honestly trying to get along with Cindie, but Cindie was making things harder than necessary. The coach made a choice that Bella would pass no matter even if they lost. Cindie would fail seeing as she didn't do anything. He even recorded the matches for proof.

They won! Cleo, Emma, Rikki, and Charlotte won. They may have used their powers a little, but the other team deserved it. Emma had a bruise where one of the girls hit the ball hard into her stomach. It was mean and uncalled for.

So this is why they were celebrating by swimming to the Moon Pool. They needed to meet up with Sam and the guys. But Sam never showed up.

Mystical Ocean: The Changing TidesWhere stories live. Discover now