Chapter 5.1: Convergence of Chaos Continued

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Suddenly the sword is blown from his hands, and he's covered in ice.

"Step the fuck away from my sister," Stephanie says as she stands in front of Ashley in a protective posture.

The rest of us gather around Ashley as he breaks free, prepared to fight should he attempt to attack again. She's our sister and it doesn't matter if she goes overboard, we stick together.

"Apologies, I got carried away and the prophecy could have been ruined. It will not happen again," he says before turning to leave.

"That's enough for today guys," I tell them. "Let's get Ashley up to bed. It's been a long day, and we'll discuss this incident later."

Ashley wakes up a couple of hours later and apologizes for almost killing Annie and Miranda. It's scary that she has so much power, but we've always been there for each other, and we'll get through this together. Everyone showers and reconvenes in the kitchen for dinner. Tonight's menu consists of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, and cornbread.

"I need to wash laundry," I tell Miranda as I set the table.

"Me too," Annie nods in agreement. "I know it's not technically safe for us out there but I cannot put on any more dirty clothes."

"We'll go out together. Do it quickly and quietly, then return to the hotel," Miranda says in her usual authoritarian tone.

Sydney takes a bite of her food. "This is good, Mary."

"Thank you," I reply around a mouth full of food.

"Who's thirsty? I made lemonade," Miranda asks.

"Yay, diabetes for everyone," Annie says sarcastically.

Miranda rolls her eyes before getting up to grab the lemonade. "Ha, you're a fucking comedian."

Dinner goes smoothly as we share some laughs about the fights from earlier today, we even rave about how powerful Ashley is. She's still a little sad about what happened, but we reassure her that everything is fine. Once finished, we clean up the kitchen and head to bed.

I wake up at an ungodly hour this morning to gather and load my dirty laundry in Miranda's SUV before heading off to the twenty-four-hour laundry mat. After a copious amount of whining, Miranda finally agrees to stop so I can get coffee along the way. 

Thankfully, the laundry mat was empty, so we had all the machines to ourselves. The whole ordeal only takes us about two hours and soon we're packing our folded clean clothes back into the laundry bags as we prepare to leave.

"Let's throw the bags in the trunk, and we'll pick up some food along the way to the hotel," Miranda says as we leave the laundry mat and head for her vehicle.

"Stop right there and give it to us," a voice says.

I know that voice but it can't be. How did they find us? I look across the street to see the demons we fought a few weeks ago staring at us with murder in their eyes.

Ashley offers her bag with a confused expression. "Our laundry? You want us to give you our laundry?"

"Not your laundry you incompetent fool," Torran yells back.

"We have been informed that you've discovered what the Master to All seeks. Turn it over, and we may let you live," Aromech adds calmly.

Now, I'm the one sending them a confused look. "What the hell are you talking about? We didn't find anything."

"You dare lie to us?" Bolrath answers with a snarl.

"Enough of this," Torran interrupts. "If they wish to lie, so be it. It will only make their deaths sweeter as they tell us with their dying breaths."

They attack at once and I'm so tired of fighting these assholes. Miranda and Annie defend themselves against Bolrath and Torran in the middle of the street. I'm fighting Aromech on the sidewalk and Orthraz is fighting Stephanie and Sydney in the field across from us. Fighting them after going against Buranath doesn't seem so bad now because we're faster and stronger, we can use a little of our powers too.

Annie ducks as Torran throws a punch and comes up with a swift uppercut to his face. Miranda conjures her sword before swinging the blade and cutting off his head as he flies back from the force of the uppercut. 

Bolrath sees Torran die and starts attacking wildly with barely contained rage. In the field across from us, Stephanie is striking Orthraz with lightning as Sydney blocks his every escape with force fields.

"Here, use this," Miranda yells as a spoon appears in Sydney's hand.

"What the hell am I supposed to do with a damn spoon, Miranda?" Sydney shouts in agitation.

"Shit! I'm sorry. It was supposed to be another sword," Miranda replies before running to jump onto Orthraz's shoulders.

She brings her sword down and impales him threw the top of his head. Now, Aromech is fighting desperately as he sees another brother fall. He's going wild which causes me to stumble back a little while trying to keep up with his flailing. In a split second, I create an illusion of him knocking me to the ground. A cruel smile forms on his face when he thinks he has the upper hand.

"Tell me where it is?" he says to the illusion of me.

"What is it?" the illusion yells back. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"The thing that can kill the Master to All," he growls.

My illusion smirks at him. "Even if we do have it, I'd rather die than give it to you."

He smirks back. "Then you will watch as I kill each of your sisters until you tell me."

Before he can move, Sydney throws up walls to keep him in place. He starts pounding on the walls, trying to break them down. Just then, Bolrath tucks tail and runs while Miranda opens a portal for our escape.

"Let's get out of here. We can come back for my vehicle another time," she says, motioning for us to run through. "Hurry up. I don't know how much longer I can keep it open."

I let the illusion fade just before Aromech breaks through the walls and follows my sisters through the portal. I land on the floor of the hotel lobby as the portal starts to close but before I can get up, something hard and heavy lands on my back.

Turning around, I see Aromech on top of me. "Shit. He came through."

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