Chapter 10.1: Unexpected Request For Help Continued

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This announcement leaves me stunned. Not only was the Master to All our long-lost father, but the Master Demons are technically our brothers. This is so messed up and just as I think this crap with the demons is over, he tells us this.

"So, you're saying that we have the same father?" I ask for clarification.

"This is true," he responds. "The others did not know until I recently informed them of our joint heritage."

This time I narrow my eyes at him. "So, the reason you were helping us is because you know we are siblings?"

"Again, that is true," he replies simply. "I also did not want to see our father succeed."

Ashley explodes off the couch. "You didn't tell us? You show up, barely help, then disappear and allow us to be hunted like animals!"

"I had to be careful. I am sorry if this upsets you," he responds to her outburst.

Her brows reach her hairline as her eyes widen. "Upsets me? Yes, I am upset. I just found out that I am related to the very things that tried to kill us."

This is not going well, and I need to put an end to this conversation quickly. "Ashley, please calm down."

"Calm, down? They need to die just like their father. Problem solved and no portals needed," she replies with a crazy look in her eyes.

"Whoa, okay wait a minute. No one is killing anyone," Miranda commands.

Ashley pauses in surprise but shakes it off quickly. "I cannot believe you guys don't feel the same way. They tried to kill us. Now we're one big happy family? Un-fucking-believable."

I think she's blowing the news out of proportion. I'm not happy either and I don't want to kill them but that doesn't mean I've forgotten everything we've been through either.

"No, that's not what we're saying, Ashley," I start, but she storms out of the living room.

"Fuck you all. I'm out of here," she tosses behind her.

"I am sorry if I have caused any problems," Buranath says softly.

Sydney folds her arms. "You're fucking sorry? We were fine without knowing this information. What were you hoping to gain by telling us this?"

Buranath sighs heavily. "I had hoped it would persuade you to help us get home. I have seen how close you are. It was not my intent to divide."

"Yeah, well you didn't divide. She just needs to cool down," Miranda answers. "I think you should leave. We'll discuss your request. Good night."

I walk Buranath to the door and slam it shut behind him because my night has been ruined. We clean up silently before heading to bed and I can't stop thinking about the news of having demon brothers. Demon brothers who tried to kill us. My family's more fucked up than the Adams family. I walk to Ashley's room to see if she calmed down a little but when I open her door, the room is empty.

Ashley is still gone when I check on her this morning. She must have been really mad last night. I go downstairs to eat breakfast with my sisters. After some grits, bacon, toast, and my required two cups of coffee, I head to work in a terrible mood. 

Traffic is lighter than usual, especially given the nice weather. It's pretty warm in Chicago for it to be October. I pull into an open parking spot and walk into work. Right as I approach my locker, I see Rebecca coming from the shower room.

I wiggle my eyebrows in mock seduction. "Morning, sexy."

"You're so stupid, Mary," she replies with a roll of her eyes.

"How was last night's shift? Anything exciting?" I ask as I change.

"Nothing exciting ever happens to me," she laughs. "You guys always bring the excitement to me."

I put my hands over my heart. "True, I am the light of your life."

She ignores my ridiculous reply and starts dressing. "How was your night, Mary?"

I relay last night's events of Buranath coming over to apologize and how I should have known he'd want more than that. How apparently he and the other Master Demons are the children of the Master to All, thus making us siblings. I tell her how he wants Miranda to open a portal to their world so they can return home and how Ashley had a temper tantrum about everything before storming out of the house.

Rebecca slams her locker shut. "See, excitement!" She's dressed now and it's time for her to head home.

"Not the kind of excitement I want," I reply as I turn to leave. "Go home and get some rest."

I head toward pickup to grab my gun then walk out to my cruiser. While driving, Buranath's question is still on my mind, and I wonder if Miranda can open a portal to their world. It appears they are eager to return home. Hell, I want them to return home. Earth is no place for them and staying would only cause problems I don't want to think about.

After a couple of hours and a few rounds around the city, I decide to get some lunch but along the way I get a call over the radio about a robbery in progress. Looks like my lunch will have to wait. I turn on my siren and speed through a few lights to the scene. There are two police cars already there when I pull up. Currently, someone is trying to rob the gas station.

I speak to the other officers, so I'm up to date on their progress. Apparently, the man inside has a gun and all the money in the register. The owner was able to alert the authorities while handing over the money. Now, the robber is holding the owner hostage. I'm never going to eat lunch or get off on time if we can't end this situation quickly. I really don't want to call in reinforcements.

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