Chapter 19: A Testament of Power

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I stand there in shock for a second because I know the guards have seen us before. "We're here to speak with John, Frank, David, and Charles," I tell them. "We have something important to discuss with them."

"I said get down now!" one of them yells at us again.

I'm growing impatient with their inability to listen. "Seriously? We are the Over Lords, leaders to the Mutanen Sihiri, they know who we are."

Still, none of the guards will listen. "This is your final warning. Get down on the ground now and place your hands behind your head."

Miranda scoffs. "We don't have time for this shit."

She waves her hand, and their weapons disappear. That shocks the guards for a moment before they grab their tasers and point them at us.

Sydney raises her hands in a harmless gesture. "We don't want any trouble. We really need to relay some important information. Seriously, what's the deal?"

One of them unexpectedly fires their taser at Stephanie, and she goes down convulsing as the electricity courses through her body. I deliver an upper kick to the guard's face and send him flying back. Annie flips forward onto the shoulders of another guard before flipping back to fling him across the lawn. 

Sydney throat punches the guard before turning to deliver a swift kick to the temple. I hear slapping and grunting sounds coming from behind me and turn to find Ashley sitting on top of the last guard slapping him repeatedly.

She slaps him. "This is for attacking us."

Another slap. "This is for tasing Stephanie."

Another slap. "And this is for pissing me off!"

"Okay Ashley, enough," Miranda says as she teleports her away from the guard. "Let's head inside."

We seriously need to discuss the guards' behavior with John. That situation should not have happened. However, I should have known something was wrong because as soon as we stepped inside, more guards were waiting with guns aimed directly at us. John, David, Frank, and Charles are standing right in front holding weapons that resemble the ones I saw in one of the offices.

John speaks first. "So you're here to finish what your people started at the other facilities."

I balk at his implication. "We had nothing to do with that. We came here to tell you we found out who is behind all these attacks. We wanted to inform you in hopes that we can work together to stop this."

"You're lying! It's no coincidence that after you took over the attacks started happening. Turn yourselves and your people over to the United States government and no one will get hurt," he yells back.

I throw my hands in the air in frustration. "You're crazy."

"Yes, we are crazy. Crazy for thinking you could govern yourselves. Your kind needs to be isolated and controlled," Frank says angrily.

"Let's go to the conference room and talk. No need for violence. Tell your men to stand down," Annie states calmly.

David cocks his head with one brow raised. "Are you refusing to surrender?"

I can't believe these guys are serious. "No one needs to surrender anything— "

Shots ring out before I can finish my statement. A few bullets manage to hit us before Sydney throws up a shield.

"Fuck! That hurts!" Annie cries as Sydney heals us.

"They're trying to kill us," Stephanie calls out as she looks at all the bullets hitting the shield.

"Let's kick their asses but don't kill anyone. We're not the monsters they say we are no matter what they do," I command.

After everyone is healed, we're ready for action. Sydney thrusts her shield out toward the guards. We move fast as we dispatch guard after guard. The ground trembles before Stephanie lifts it and throws a group of guards through the glass entrance but more guards keep coming. Miranda teleports guard after guard out of the facility. I notice that John and the others are hiding behind a desk away from the fight.

We're trying our hardest not to kill the guards but the more we fight the more they come or get back up. Ashley must be fed up with it because soon everyone is screaming as their life is slowly being drained away.

I place a hand on her shoulder. "Ashley stop. We are not killing them."

"You guys never let me have any fun," she whines. "Besides, I'm only trying to weaken them, so they won't keep getting up. That way— " she trails off.

John is pointing a mysterious weapon at us that's shooting a loud sharp sound. We scream as each shot causes debilitating pain. It's scrambling our minds, making it hard to think and hard to use our abilities. Miranda tries teleporting us out, but we can only go a few feet at a time. 

I hear laughter in the background as we lay there suffering from the pain. Stephanie manages to conjure the wind to blow pieces of glass shards in his direction. The pieces pierce John and David in the chest. The piercing sounds stop as they fall to the ground.

I lay there breathing hard as Ashley raised her hand and slowly made a tight fist. John and David scream while grabbing and clawing at their bleeding chests. Soon the room is silent as their hearts give out. This is not what I expected to happen when we came here. I get up slowly to survey the damage and see we need to get out of here fast.

"You're not leaving this facility alive," Frank screams as he aims another mysterious weapon at us and fires.

I start feeling strange. The weapon is making me feel nauseous, dizzy, and faint. It's hard to move and to think.

He starts laughing. "You are much stronger than the others we tested this on. It shoots magnetic fields in excess of one billion Gauss. That's usually fatal but not for you, huh? Well, I guess I'll have to see how long you last. Maybe make it stronger and test it on more of your people."

I can feel the anger coursing through and around us. These people have the nerve to call us monsters when it is they who are the real monsters. Our powers flow through us as our eyes flash. Bright light encases our bodies as we start floating in the air. He keeps shooting the magnetic fields at us, but we continue to glow brighter. 

We glow so brightly until finally the power blasts from our bodies. The building shakes, glass falls from the windows, and there's shouting in the background. The last thing I remember before darkness takes over is the screams of Frank and Charles.

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