Chapter 11: A Test of Sisterhood

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We never physically fight each other in anger. We argue like most siblings but never take things this far. I dodge a kick from Sydney before flipping away from her next hit. We aren't seriously trying to hurt each other. I think it's all the pent-up frustration erupting, and we're trying to get it all out.

I throw two punches at Sydney, but she blocks them before returning with two punches of her own. Miranda delivers two spinning kicks to Ashley, and she dodges those while going low to punch her in the stomach. Stephanie and Annie are dodging each other's attacks and missing every hit they throw.

Finally, Sydney separates everyone with her force field. "This is ridiculous!"

"You don't fucking say," I reply breathlessly.

"I hope you got that out of your system because if this shit happens again, I will kick all your asses and I won't feel bad about it afterward," Miranda yells angrily. "Now, get your shit together."

We apologize to each other as we catch our breath and Miranda shakes her head in disappointment.

"We're letting them come between us. Look at us fighting. This isn't how we work things out," she chastises.

"All the more reason for them to die," Ashley answers in a straightforward tone.

"Or we can just send them home and never bother with this shit again," Annie retorts.

Ashley throws her hands in the air. "That leaves the possibility of them coming back."

"Everyone needs to take a breather. We can come to a solution without violence," I tell them.

I don't understand why everyone is so beside themselves. We stand around in the backyard trying to come up with different solutions hoping that we'll never be bothered by the demons again. We want to go back to our normal lives as much as they want to go back home. Surely there's some way to do this but neither of us can agree on anything. Even Ashley has gone quiet.

"Where is Ashley?" I ask as I look around.

We were so busy chatting that we didn't notice her walk away. At the same moment, everyone turns toward the house. I can see her hovering in the living room through the windows. The Master Demons are hovering in the air as she sucks the life out of them.

I take off running toward the house. "Goddammit, Ashley."

"Will you stop trying to kill them," Annie yells when we make it to the doors.

Unfortunately, we never make it inside the house. Ashley stops us in our tracks, and I scream as I begin to slowly wither away. The pain is too intense, and I start shaking. Ashley is losing her damn mind but I'm sure she only wants to keep us from stopping her, not kill us as she kills the demons. I did not go through hell and back just to be killed by my own sister.

"Hold on guys, we'll get out of this," I struggle to say.

We're turning grayer as the life is being sucked out of us. I drop to the ground because I can no longer hold myself up. Crawling slowly toward the door, I pry it open and with the last of my strength, I create an illusion of snapping Ashley's neck. I watch as she drops to the floor, and we're released from her hold instantly. My color slowly returns and I'm able to stand on shaky legs. The demons run out of the house quickly.

"Miranda, please open the portal. Now," Buranath pleads. "Forget about being allies. My promise still stands. We will not attack you again."

It takes Miranda a few tries, but she's finally able to open one to their world with the help of Buranath. Each of them says goodbye and apologizes again as they step through. I turn toward Sydney as the portal closes.

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