Chapter 16.1: Mourning and Confronting Continued

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The normal daily operations of Orchard Landing are pretty quiet during the five-day period. The top Mutanen Sihiri was liked by everyone, and they're sad to see them go. Soon the five-day period is over and it's time to see the judgement. 

Each member has the symbols indicating where they'd be sent to and it's no surprise that the unruly have the symbol of the half circle with fire. However, everyone is shocked when one of the Mutanen Sihiri representatives has the same damning symbol. Many of our people are upset at the ancestor's decision but there's nothing we can do about it. It must be respected.

As we bury the Mutanen Sihiri representatives in the burial grounds of our ancestors, we say the burial chant.

"We give thanks for your honor and courage,

Your loyalty will be forever remembered,

We mourn the loss of a great life,

It is time to go to the land of the Gods,

For eternal watch over your people,

May the afterlife be forever good to you."

Once we finish doing that, we move on to the others. As we light the fire to those judged to the graves of the devil, we chant the curse that will condemn them to an eternity of despair.

"You have broken your vow and disgraced our people,

You shall burn in the afterlife in the fires of hell,

May the demons tear the flesh from your bones and rip you to pieces,

For that is your punishment for eternal misery,

May the graves of the devil forever torment you."

Being Over Lord to the Mutanen Sihiri is very stressful. We've been flying all over the damn country trying to keep our people happy but keeping the government happy takes a lot of time and energy. The USSNA never returned our calls to set up another meeting to discuss what they're doing, but they showed up today unannounced to rant about what happened in Las Vegas.

"This cannot continue. Your people are getting out of hand," Frank yells at us from across the table.

"It's not like we're telling them to cause mass chaos across the fucking country," I shout back.

"The damage that was caused in Las Vegas costs the government millions!" John screams.

"Our people are upset and are lashing out. I know that's no excuse, but they feel mistreated," I plead with them. I'm trying to hold my temper, but these guys are really pushing it.

John snorts. "Mistreated? You have superpowers, magic, how can you feel mistreated?"

Right, because we possess magic, we're supposed to be the happiest people in the world.

I roll my eyes. "We aren't allowed to use them for the sake of keeping magic a secret because we don't want to cause chaos if people were to find out. You fear us. My people aren't free to be themselves. We should be working toward a way to introduce it so that all can live peacefully as they are."

Charles makes an indignant sound. "We do not fear you. You need to be controlled so that this shit doesn't happen again."

This time Ashley snorts. "You do fear us otherwise how can you explain all the experiments on our people and the weapons you're creating against us?"

They're speechless and turning red with anger but David is the first to lose his cool. "You're snooping around our facilities?"

Annie raises a brow at David. "Facilities? So, there's more than one, good to know. And no, we aren't snooping around your facility. This information was found out by accident."

"Well as recent events have proven, we've clearly underestimated you and your abilities," David responds in a low tone. He's back to being just as observant as usual.

Miranda looks at John. "We are not as naïve as those before us. Why are your men provoking our people?"

He paused for a second. "Those weapons are merely a precaution, nothing more. My men do not provoke your people."

"It is clear that you cannot be trusted. Your people committed atrocities against our people, how do you plea?" Stephanie asks them.

Frank let out a hefty laugh. "You have already judged us the enemy when we're only being cautious. This isn't a trial. You do something to us, and you commit an act of war. You'll be damning your people to genocide."

This is starting to piss me off and I send him an angry look. "Are you threatening us now?"

"No, we want to keep the peace but if your people keep getting out of hand, we will handle it and you'll only be called in to collect the bodies," he says pointedly.

I don't understand how they can't see they're in the wrong. "Release my people from your facility and if you have more at other facilities, release them too," I command.

They're quiet for a few minutes while we're locked in a stare-down between us and them, but my sisters and I are not backing down.

Finally, John breaks the silence. "Fine, we'll release them as a token of good favor."

Miranda holds up one finger, a sign telling the gentlemen to wait a moment. We're communicating with Annie mentally.

Annie: "Mary, do you remember where our people are being held?"

Mary: Not exactly but I remember what the offices look like.

I send her mental images and I hear my sisters gasp as Annie relays the images to them. As soon as we're done communicating, Miranda opens a portal to the very hallway I was in.

"After you, gentlemen. We'll take that token of good favor right now," she says as she waves her hand for them to lead the way.

The men sit in shock, and it takes a minute for things to register before they move from the table. We're led through and toward the offices holding our people. There are eight in total, some battered and bruised and others recovering from whatever surgery was performed on them. Miranda opened another portal, and we were gone in an instant.

Sydney escorts them to the meeting room and starts healing those who need it. Not knowing the extent of their mistreatment, I have the staff prepare food and drinks. Once everyone is healed and fed, we begin asking questions. It seems the USSNA has a knack for knowing where magic users are. 

They provoke them into using magic and then arrest them for exposure. They tell us the USSNA has been testing weapons on them, drawing, and testing their blood, and even dissecting them to see if they're different on the inside.

I'm fuming by the time they're done telling us everything. It's heartless for the government to do something like this. It's determined that out people were held there about four to six months between the eight of them. I offer them a place to stay since there is more than enough room here, but they decline, saying they only want to go home.

Instead of having multiple drivers drive everyone home, Miranda teleports them one by one home. It's pretty late by the time she finishes, so I grab some wine and some glasses, and we relax on the couch reflecting on the events of today.

"Those guys are douchebags," Ashley says.

"I agree. We need to keep an eye on those guys. I don't trust them," Stephanie replies before taking a drink.

"We shouldn't trust them. However, our primary focus is our people. Malcolm will spread the word that we're negotiating peace with the humans. Hopefully, that will keep the attacks down for a while," Miranda adds.

"Hopefully, because this shit is tiring," I reply but I can't shake the feeling that things are only going to get worse.

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