Prologue: the Incident that Happened Years Ago That I Don't Even Remember

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"This is the younger version of him, right? Oh, please . . . Cliche." -Akira Eliza.

Boring species introduction (skip if you wish)

Five species remain domestic types. This is because they all have something they can give to others through natural body occurrences. They each have special abilities. The dryads have healing properties in their blood and bodily functions. The elves have intense senses that can pick up the finest of details. The Werewolves were once of royalty and some are born as a Fenrir. They have natural fighting skills that exceed others. The Dwarfs have intellectual abilities and the power to create just about anything that is deemed "exceptional.". They can stand the harsh elements of the continents. And the vampires can come up with outlandish remedies of utmost quality to help the sick and injured.


Touching the wand with my fingertips, I grit my teeth as a tremor made my hand shake. I stubbornly tried to make my hand lie still. I knew I wasn't supposed to touch his wand. But surely this wouldn't cause too much trouble? If anything, mommy will get mad at him instead for not putting it up and out of my reach . . . My grip on the wand tightened, so much that I could see my tiny knuckles turn white. I let out a screech as pain throbbed in my skull. My head was swimming in pain, and I suddenly felt miserable. I wanted to lie in bed and sleep. I accidentally threw the wand across the room. It snapped easily; too easily to be real, even. A cold, rotten feeling of dread quickly stabbed my stomach like a knife. Wasn't it supposed to be made out of wood? It wasn't supposed to break like that. I prepared for his wrath, even though I knew that he wouldn't be coming home soon. There's nothing wrong with dreading something until the dread goes away. Even if it comes back to bite you later. I knew what I was doing. I know he told me it was dangerous and that interrupting a spell could have unique causes. Each consequence was different and random. I should have listened to him . . . Why did I decide to do it anyways? I want to see mom now . . . I heard a soft whisking sound and snapped my head in the direction above me. A girl floated delicately in the air, and deliciously (but daintily) stepped onto the ground, one foot at a time. It was as if she had never seen such a place as my brother's magic room before. She was transparent and it was easy to see through her. Her black hair ended at her feet. She had a smile carved on her pale face, but the rest of her looks faded. I couldn't see her eyes or nose, and I could hardly see where her hair was at the top of her head. From what I remember from my Mythology classes (when I wasn't sleeping) she was a Noppera-bo, or a faceless ghost. I do fancy a ghost story.

"Well, isn't this interesting." Her voice was light and airy. it reminded me of wind chimes or hanging ice sickles clinking together.

"I know . . . I shouldn't have touched his wand . . . " My ears folded back and my tail hung low.

"Mom just made cookies. . . I want some. . . " The delicate, painted-on smile that formed her blood-red lips snarled, revealing the ugliness of her perfect white teeth. Her head jerked back. You could easily tell that she seemed disgusted.

"No, you may not see your mother." She spat.

"Why is that?" I asked and stood toe to toe with her.

"What is your name?" I demanded. Looking at her up and down, she had pale white skin. She had a white dress in the same shade that clutched and hugged her body, though it didn't seem like it was tight. A Valknut hung down her neck, signifying that she had connections with Odin. It pays to not sleep during Mythology class, thank Izu. Her lips were so red they looked like they could ooze blood any minute. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. A soft smile clung to her lips. She looked like a doll.

"Who are you?" My tone was softer this time. It was more like a whisper. Her arm elegantly lifted up to brush my cheek, before it rigorously swished away, as if she was disgusted to have touched me.

"Oh, I can't tell you that." There was something about her that I couldn't pin. and I'm pretty sure it was dangerous. I've always liked ghosts; They have always intrigued me. But this is the last thing I expected. I wasn't sure if I wanted to get out of the room or stay with her at this point.

"You have a lot of love in your heart, don't you, Noroi?" Thats an odd question. It never occurred to me that I'll accept pretty much anything with open arms. She was silent for a heartbeat. and within that heartbeat, I longed to feel her hair or the texture of her arm. I wanted to know what it was like to blink through her eyes, or see the tiniest detail on her skin that you wouldn't notice unless you stare at her. The sound of her voice was euphonious, gripping me with want so hard it made me want to choke.

" Yes, I suppose I do." I implied hesitantly, swallowing the lump in my throat.

" You know what you did. Something must be taken in return. Something must even the balance. You're startlingly mature for your age. You must understand." As sublime and lissome as she was, I knew better than to be captivated by her.

" Yes, I understand. I'm guessing I'm going to be killed?" My assumptions were right. a cruel smile cracked her lips, and she hugged her sides as she laughed. I stood there blankly, waiting for her to be done. As humiliated as I should have felt, I felt my body slowly melt in front of her like steam leaving a bathroom after a shower. I felt myself ebb away, held captive by her beauty. As hideous as she was, as hideous as my fixation was, I felt myself love nothing more than her. Never have I been so complexed by mere life. Never have I been so mesmerized by a mere presence. I couldn't stop my hand from swishing towards her cheek. Her face went blank. She stood up and let my hand be. She let my hand lay there flat on her cheek, neither leaning in or leaning away. My thumb circled around on her cheek.

" I'm going to take away your love, Noroi. I'm going to make sure that you love no one. Anyone you love will be killed and forgotten." The look she gave me was more cold and emotionless than my mind could ever fathom.

" My curse is this: You may love nothing or you will shed blood on every step down the path you choose to take. The roads you walk on will be lined with corpses and the rivers you drink from will flow with blood. The food you eat will be of entrails and the words you speak will be of conversations never to be spoken. These words will forever ring in your mind, the one memory you can regain; The one memory up to now that will not be lost."

" Yes . . . " I whispered.

" I don't need to love anyone but you." I mumbled. The smile never left her lips.

" There is one way you can break the curse. Have someone love you. The curse will take form of a great beast that can not be slayed; only caged by the one who loves you."

" Yes . . . " I whispered once more, then locked lips with her.

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