Yari Makes the World go 'Round, I've Been Having a Blast Without it.

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"Well it's about time we get this shit show moving! That was grueling." -Akira Eliza

The dryads have healing properties in their blood and bodily functions.


At this point, I'm stuck. My mind is empty and from here on out things will be boring and insignificant. And I hate to say it, but Sakamiya isn't the best of company. Sure, his presence alone could be comforting for a while, but it would end up being nice if he could talk. No. It's not that he can't talk. It's that he won't. And that I'm not pushing him to chat away like a song bird. But things could be worse and I could be alone, so I'm just going have to make due with what I've got and bite the bullet. People gave us weird stares as we headed straight for the forest, not even minding the path. There were no walls or magic spells built, but monsters know better than to stray from the forest. They were few and far in between and it would be dumb for one to break into a town filled to the brim with magic spells. And if they were to encounter a mage who has dedicated their whole life to magic? They would be burnt toast. We stepped into the forest without looking back. The first few minutes were filled with silence and occasional looks of boredom, but the deeper we got, the more worried Sakamiya seemed to get. It started with a few occasional glances. Then he would go so far as to turn his head left and right. Sooner or later, he would switch to see what was behind him on the slightest sound. Just the crack of a leaf would set him off. He acted like a pack of wolves would come and bite him in the ass. Not one hundred percent unlikely, but still not likely to happen either. A green tree python was more likely to attack him and bite his ear, considering how he smelled like peaches. I was more than likely to attack him and bite his ear, considering I like peaches . . .

"What are you scared of?" I finally strained to ask once I got annoyed with his actions. He ignored me.

"What are you scared of? Helloooooo?" I waved a hand in front of his face to catch his attention. He finally looked at me. He glanced around for a thin stick, then drew a child's drawing of a snake. Are you kidding me?

"You're scared of snakes?" I crouched down next to him, making him back away a little.

"Right, distance. sorry." He shook his head no and drew a big X over the snake.

"So . . . You're not scared of snakes?" Next, he drew a stick figure of something resembling a human with no hair, with just a circle and lines. Then he drew a snake that seemed massive compared to that size. The snake's mouth was open and swirls were drawn out of it to be, what I can only assume from his five year old's drawing., breath. The eyes had two lines that formed a beam that was directed to the stick figure, where Sakamiya drew a big X over.

"Oh, So you're afraid of snakes with a bad case of onion breath and the literal definition of "death glare.". Got it. What's that called again?"

B-A-S-I-L-I-S-K. Ba-sil-isk. Basilisk.

"And how do I ward off these things?" He stamped out the pictures with his shoe, the shoe that was pretty damn expensive with the FREAKING darts on it, then drew a rooster crowing. He drew it crying and a feather falling from its wing. He circled the feather, the open space between its beak, and the tear. For the lack of talking he has, he should consider being a teacher in the future. Ha. Picture him giving students "the look." through black glasses. That would be hilarious.

"Damn. I had the perfect moment to get that stuff back at the thrift shop. And this is Kamaharia City were talking about here; we won't be able to get those potions so easily anywhere else." I pouted in silence as a wolf barked somewhere far away. He squeaked and got a (little) closer to me.

"Don't worry, it's not going to hurt you any time soon." He used a random stick to write "why, Master?" In the dirt.

"I'm a Fenrir. It'll think twice before getting anywhere near you." His head snapped towards me.

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