Chapter 22

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I opened my eyes to a warm sky blue sight. There were clouds above that swept through the air like smoke and a breeze was blowing my hair around in waves. I looked down to see myself in a purple bathing suit with black swim shorts and purple flip flops protecting the soles of my feet, which were decorated in midnight blue nail polish.

Where was I? I felt like I had just been in a nightmare, an awful one at that. My mother had been dead, my family had been separated, and I'd been kidnapped by the man who supposedly murdered my mother. I grabbed a handful of sand to make sure I wasn't dreaming again and thankfully I wasn't.

"Is our princess finally awake?" I heard my father ask from below me. I lifted my head a teeny bit to meet his happy, bright emerald eyes that were twinkling so fabulously. It was a happy sight to open my eyes to.

"Good thing she got her beauty sleep! Maybe she won't be so cranky later," Andrew grinned at me. I laughed, sending him a playful evil glare. Then I glanced from him back to my father, who was holding a woman who looked just like my mirror reflection.

My mother.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" her sweet, melodic voice asked curiously. I put a hand up to my head and thought really hard about what had just happened.

"I think so, Mom," I said to her, trying to stand up. "I just had a really weird dream. I feel like I've been in a whole other life, just in reality."

"I had a dream like that, too," Andrew said, glancing at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"As did I," my father agreed.

"You're all so silly," my mother grinned at us. "I always knew something was wrong with you."

"Yes, dear," my father laughed, kissing her cheek so lovingly. It made my heart swell up in happiness.

"Whatever, Mom," Andrew chuckled, shaking his head at her sarcasm.

Her blue eyes looked to me and her brown hair blew in the wind just like mine was. The only thing I didn't have from her was my emerald eyes, which I'd gotten from my father, but the rest of her was so similar to me. She looked beautiful and for some reason I felt like I didn't know her, but at the same time I knew I did.

Andrew helped me up and put an arm around my shoulders. I sneaked mine around his waist and smiled to myself. I was the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing twin. He truly was the most perfect brother ever.

"Where should we go, kids?" my father asked as we strolled along the beach. My mother and I kept exchanging happy looks, ones of bonding and strength. I couldn't pull together why she felt so new to me but I loved her with all my heart.

"I don't care, Dad," I shrugged as we kept stepping in the piles of cool sand. My mother and my father had their arms around each other, similar to Andrew and I, but with their hands holding each other's as well. The sight gave me butterflies.

"You don't?" he chuckled, kissing my mother once again on the temple as she leaned her head against his shoulder. Andrew gave me a grin, gesturing to the sight and I nodded, returning the smile.

"Nope," I shook my head, gazing at the members of my amazing family. "Just as long as we do it together as a family."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: We did it! I'm a...Twin?! is completed :) I hope you all enjoyed it! I enjoyed writing it so much and I have to admit, I'm kind of sad it's over! Thanks again so much for reading and voting for this book! You all are amazing! :)

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*Try "The Bad Boy's Sister" by Kaeecoee, now available on Wattpad!*

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