Chapter 1 (NEW)

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[A/N: Hey, everyone! It's been a long time, but I'm so excited to be posting this new version! I was going to wait until I finished the story, but I finally decided to start posting it because I'm really happy with how it's turning out. My plan is to add updates to the old version of this story until the newest version is complete. I will then either add a separate book for the old version or completely get rid of it, making this book the new and updated version only. Let me know if you'd like me to keep the old version around or not, but I don't plan to at this point. Thanks and happy reading!]

Chapter 1

"It actually makes me really mad how perfect you look even when you don't try

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"It actually makes me really mad how perfect you look even when you don't try."

I shoot an amused look at my best friend, Jessica, who is giving me a very grumpy expression. I can't help but glance down at my black running shorts poking out under my oversized grey v-neck tee. That only makes up about half the catastrophe; my bun is holding only a small portion of my dark brown hair while the rest of it points in every possible direction.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Jess," I chuckle, pulling my ten pound backpack higher up on my shoulders. "I got ready in like ten minutes today and I'm pretty sure every guy in the school will be repelled. "

"Nonsense," she shakes her head, making her curly caramel hair bounce up and down with each movement. "I'm surprised Oliver hasn't come and made out with you yet."

"Jessica, have you smelled me?" I ask, ignoring her comment about Oliver. I pretend to start lifting up my arm as if to have her smell under my arms, but she quickly grabs my elbow and shoves it back against my side before I can blink.

"No, but I'm good! Promise," she waves her hand in front of her face as if to swat away a bug. "I doubt Ollie cares though..."

"For quite possibly the millionth time, we don't like each other," I grimace. There's almost nothing more obnoxious than people thinking you're in a romance with your best friend. "We're friends and that's all."

"Right. Well, I'll see you at lunch, Alleah. Don't do anything fun without me, okay?"

"I wouldn't dream of it, Jess."

She gives me once last grin and turns to run for her English class. She's only about 5'3", so she disappears into the crowd quickly, but she can be heard from miles away. I smile to myself and head to Algebra, my first class of the day. I'm not much of a math fan, but I sure do love my class because Oliver is in there with me. Jessica likes to think we're in love with each other, but when you've had a best friend like Oliver since your first day of kindergarten, dating them just doesn't seem like a smart thing. The possibility of breaking up such a great friendship is too much to even think about.

"I take it there's volleyball practice after school?" Oliver asks as I pull my seat out and slide in my chair. I set my backpack down gently next to my desk and brush a piece of loose hair from out of my eyes before responding to his question.

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