Chapter 6

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By the end of two weeks, I was fully capable of using my powers. They ranged from being able to fly, turning invisible, turning objects into completely new things, and other little things. After knowing what I was fully capable of, I understood why Zemlicka wanted Andrew and I so bad.

"High five, Alleah," my father held up his hand and grinned, giving my palm a good slap. "I'm so proud of you, sweetie."

"Thanks, Dad!" I smiled happily and let out a small giggle. "Now we can go save Andrew and get him back for good!"

"That's very true, but Alleah," he paused looking at me in a serious tone. "Will you promise me something?"

"Promise you what?" I wondered. I could tell something was really bothering him, but I just couldn't think of what now.

"Please promise me that no matter how hard you fight for your brother, please and I mean please," his hands went together in a plead, "put your safety over your brother's. I know how much your twin means to you, but I need my daughter to be safe. After all, she's all I have," he pursed his lips and pulled me into a hug. "And I really love her, if you hadn't noticed already."

"I love you too, Dad," I said, hugging him back. "And I promise that I'll be careful, just for you."

"Thanks, Alleah. I really appreciate it," he told me, giving me another tight squeeze. "I've enjoyed having my girl around too much."

"I've enjoyed being with my dad actually with me," I replied. It was true; after having all that girl time with my foster mom, I was grateful to have some boy time as well. It was a wonderful change up.

Just as my dad opened his mouth to say something else, I felt my phone vibrate against my butt, making me jump violently at the sudden energy jolt. Reaching back into my pocket, I retrieved the phone and pressed the answer key, once again not bothering to check who it was.

"Sorry, Dad. One second," I whispered before putting it up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Alleah!!!" a familiar soprano voice sang into my ear and a high frequency.

"Hey, Jess," I chuckled, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "What's up?"

"Like oh my gosh, you're alive!" she squealed. "You survived!"

"Jess, I'm pretty sure I'm surviving even better than I was before," I chuckled, shaking my head as my father raised his eyebrows at me.

"Ummm, what do you mean?"

"I mean being with my father has made me safer and in better survival than I was before," I replied as I walked slowly over to the couch, taking a seat.

"So Oliver isn't lying?" she asked. "I surely thought he was fibbing when he told me you were with your father. I didn't realize your mom had even been married."

"No, Jess," I chuckled. My father took a seat next to me and put his arm over my shoulders happily. "I was adopted and now I'm with my biological father."

"WHAT?!" she screeched, once again making me wince away from the phone and making my father grip my shoulder anxiously.

"You and Ollie are going to make me go deaf at sixteen years of age!" I complained.

"Sorry," she said softly. "I'm just a little...surprised? Completely shocked? Yeah, you get the point."

"Me too, Jess," I admitted. "Another piece of shock...I have a twin brother!"

"You have a twin brother?!" she shrieked. "OH MY GOSH!! No way!! Is he cute?"

"Cute?" I started to laugh. "Jess, he's my brother. I'm pretty sure I don't have feelings like that for him. I could care less what he looks like, as long as he has good hygiene. I haven't actually seen him yet either, but my dad says he's like me, just a boy version."

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