Chapter 2 (NEW)

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Honestly, I didn't think the day could get worse, but it did. After spending the rest of the day either cuddled up on my bed in my blanket or eating meals when my mom was otherwise occupied, a knock comes on my door around nine o'clock at night from none other than Parker Garrets, the star of the high school basketball team. Apparently word didn't get around the school about my "migraine" because there he stands with a bouquet of roses and a poster than reads, "Will you go to homecoming with me?"

Most girls would be drooling at the looks of good ol' Parker Garrets. He is a handsome sight with his short but messy black hair, light tan skin, and 6'4" frame, but my heart is pounding so hard I can barely think in fear of his safety. What if I accidentally melt him just like my backpack?

"Hey, Parker!" I exclaim, trying to recover from my moment of panic. He grins and I can't help but smile back, waiting for him to proceed.

"Alleah! Hey, I was wondering if you would be my date at homecoming?" he launches right into his question and I can't help but smile a little. I'm sure he has a bunch of friends in his car, just waiting to see what I'll say. I'll surely say yes to be kind, but I am a little surprised that he asked me. I don't know him super well because I don't hang out with the athletic group, but he is a nice kid and it would be heartless to say no.

"Yes! I would love to go with you," I nod and step off the doorstep on the porch to accept his offerings. He happily hands me the bouquet of roses and the sign to accompany them, but he doesn't let me off that easily. Apparently he has to document the moment because as soon as I have the items, he pulls out his phone and takes a picture of us with me holding the sign and roses. Even though I feel like crap from laying around all day, I decide to be a good sport and go along with it.

"Thank you so much," he says, looking at the picture to make sure it's good. Apparently he's satisfied because slides his phone back into his jeans and takes a step off the porch.

"No, thank you," I reply, turning to head back inside. My heart is still thumping and the threatening awkwardness is seething in, so I quickly end the conversation. "I can't wait! Have a great night, Parker!"

"You, too, Alleah!" I hear him call as I close the door behind me. I lean back against the door and sigh heavily, thanking the stars above that I didn't melt anything or turn him into a toad. I must learn to control these abilities before I go anywhere in public because a backpack is one thing, but a person? I simply couldn't live with myself if that happened.

"Who was that?" my mom calls from her hobby room. I take a deep breath and walk down the hallway to show my mom what I'd received. She's right inside the doorway with a needle and thimble in her fingers trying to mend a stitch on her apron. I can't help but smile when I see her reading glasses at the brim of her nose and her dirty blonde hair is in one of the messiest ponytails I've seen with strands flying in every direction possible. I have one of those moms and I love it about her.

"Oh, you know, just a hobo asking for some cash," I joke, holding the sign and the roses right in front of me so she can see. She turns in her chair and pulls her glasses off so she can see. Her expression lightens up instantly and she claps her hands together with excitement.

"You got asked! I knew you would!" she giggles and gets up, giving me a hug. I hug her back tightly at first, but as soon as my fear strikes again, I hesitate and pat her back until she pulls away.

"He's really tall, Mom," I waggle my eyebrows up and down, laughing when she mimics me.

"It makes sense because you're also tall," she beams, the corner of her eyes wrinkling up with her giant smile.

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