The end

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Mork pov:

Pi distanced from me
He thinks I'm a good match for Bam
But I don't like her that way

I decided to end this misunderstanding
I went to bam

Mork: bam stop making my boyfriend distance from me

Bam: huh but I didn't do anything

Mork: save it I know you're lying we might be friends but I don't want you making my boyfriend misunderstand me

Bam: but I love you Mork

Mork: I have a boyfriend

Bam:but Mork

Mork: shut up I'm going

I left

Ugh I was Walking home and texted pi

I wanted to go back to him
Hug him
Feel his warmness

I decided to go to his house
He hasn't replied
I felt something is off
Because he always does reply

I ran to his house
My heart was beating so fast

I knocked the door

No one answered.

I knocked and knocked


I felt really bad then turns out the door is open
I ran inside
I scream


I ran upstairs to his shared room with his brother


I saw the most heartbreaking scene in my entire life

Pi laying there looking lifeless
His phone on his hand
And he was

Smiling ?!

I ran to him

I cried

I felt his heartbeat

I called 911

They are on the way

I looked at pi again
Then at his phone
It was still open
He didn't do it only a few minutes ago
I can save him right?
I grabbed his phone
It was my message
He wrote a reply but didn't send it

"I love you too Mork... I wouldn't survived this much without you"

I cried
Tears pouring down my eyes
I'm sorry pi
I should've done this faster
I'm sorry
It's all my fault

I looked at his room

I saw a piece of paper

"To Mork"
On the title
I grabbed it and put it on my pocket

The ambulance came
I helped them carry pi and we reached the hospital emergency room

I stood there watching pi enter it in a bed
He looked so lifeless
I was crying non stop

I just want my love back

My pi

My soft cheeked boy

Suddenly I remember the letter

I opened it

" dear Mork
If you read this I want you to know how important you are for me my first ever love with you will always hold a special place in my heart I don't think I'll survive but I'll always be rooting for you I'm glad you entered my life for every smile laugh and happiness you brought me in my heart will forever have a piece of you

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