CHAPTER SIX: The Goodbyes

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Sarah and I snagged a perfect table by the pool, with the vibrant LED lights casting a magical glow over the entire area. While she headed to the bar for some beer, I opted for a refreshing strawberry spritzer. As we relaxed and sipped our drinks, I couldn't help but take in the lively scene around us. The pool was filled with a mix of people, from young couples stealing kisses in the water to a group of friends dancing by the pool's edge. At the bar, I noticed a few guys casting glances in our direction, but I knew their attention was squarely on Sarah, who seemed to be making a dent in the beer supply all on her own. I couldn't help but worry that she might overdo it before the night was over.

As we savoured our drinks in a cosy silence, the captivating melody of good music filled the air. Time seemed to slip away unnoticed until a quick glance at my watch nearly caused me to choke on my drink.

"Look at the time, Sarah; it is a quarter to six, and we are still here. Surely, Dad does not expect us to stay here this late."

"Oh come on, Shelley, it's not that late. Live a little, will you? How can you be thinking of leaving here when we are surrounded by these sexy and good-looking men?" She gestures with her drink towards the men gathered around the pool.

"Have you seen the guy at the bar? Oh, wow! He could sweep me off my feet right there on the counter. His clothes are practically begging for help, especially those pants. He's been eyeing you since we arrived. And is it just me, or does he seem a bit uncomfortable sitting down? Maybe it's because his trousers are a tad too snug at the crotch. Do you think you might have caused this, Shelley?" she teases.

"Hey, I'm not the only one in this room, you know. Are you already drunk? That's the fifth bottle since we got here. I know you're a wild one, but seriously, slow down. Are you trying to drink yourself to death or something?"

I leaned forward and whispered, "Is there something you want to talk about? I know this may not be the right place or time, but I'm here to listen."

'Nonsense,' she says waving me off as she throws back her drink. "This is an outing, not a therapy section."She remarked.

Leaning back in my chair, memories flooded my mind as I gazed at Sarah. Back in high school, she was known as the wild girl who loved sneaking out to parties. Despite her invitations, I always declined due to my aversion to crowded places. I had hoped she had outgrown that phase, but here we were, and something seemed different this time. There was a palpable inner turmoil that she seemed to be struggling with. I couldn't help but feel concerned. As she continued to speak, I couldn't shake the feeling that she was holding something back.

"Remember this; You know, back then, there was a time when men would throw themselves at me," she said, taking a sip of her beer, "but not anymore. I don't even remember the last time I got some action. Although lately, I've noticed that you've been getting a lot of attention. I saw the way that guy looked at you when you introduced him to us. I was invincible to him. Are you sure you're just friends?"

"What do you mean you were practically invincible?" I asked bitingly.

"Come on now, Shelley, don't be naive. You and I both know that when it comes to us, I am prettier and the source of attention in any room."

In fury, I got off the chair and glare at her. "You know what? I think I should find our parents and let them know that it's getting late. We should call it a night. You can choose to join me or stay; I don't care."

I pushed my way through the crowd. "How dare she say something like that? That bitch. Is she trying to say I don't deserve Ben's attention and that I am not good-looking enough for him? Who does she think she is?"

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