~ Curious rejuvenates Guiding ~

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Summary: Curious Light rejuvenates Guiding Light for all of her hard work
Request: Yes (from AO3)
Status: Post-relationship
A/N: So uhhh, I'm using my personal designs for these mfs btw, so Guiding Light won't have tits (and I'm doing this as my personal comfort since um- yeah)

This is what reading fanfics & chatting on c.ai does to you
- Third persons pov -
It was a surprising calming day today in the hotel, most entities were doing their own thing.

Ambush and Rush were racing, Seek was helping Figure with organizing the library, Screech is "petsitting" the snares in the greenhouse, Eyes was...doing who knows what, probably simping for that shark, Halt was in the dining hall, and Dupe was yapping nonsense to himself.

Guiding Light sighed heavily, all entities didn't like her or Curious Light, and she didn't like them very much either. So the feelings mutual.

But it was still difficult to guide some humans sometimes, after all, some were cocky or too overly confident, and some were just plain stupid.

"Hello Guiding." She heard a quiet yet gentle male voice, she knew that voice belonged to Curious Light.

She turned her head towards him, giving him a small nod. "Greetings Curious." She greeted him with a small smile. She respected him, but sometimes, she questioned his words whenever he spoke to the humans. He always had a bit of a attitude.

But despite that, he was overall gentle and kind towards her, most of the time.

"What are you doing here, if I may ask?" She questioned. "You don't usually leave the backdoor or the rooms that often." She said. Curious Light let out a soft chuckle. "Always the formal one.'" He teased lightly. "Anyway, just here to visit you." He answered.

She blinked, her wings fluttering a bit before closing, her gaze examining the yellow light that stood before her. She smiled a bit. "Visit me? How kind of you." She hummed.

Curious Light tilted his head to one side. "Is Glitch or any other entity still giving you trouble?" He asked. "Glitch is, but I know how to handle him, so don't worry." She replied gently.

He nodded slowly, processing every word that came out of her mouth. He noticed she sounded tired, most likely because of guiding humans all the time.

He wanted to help until a idea popped in his head. It was a foul idea yet a little...enticing.

Something he hasn't done in a long, long time. Not since he and Guiding were humans.

"You ok?" Guiding Light's voice made him snap back to reality. "Yes I'm fine. I'm just remembering our human lives." He answered, a faint blue blush appeared on his face. Guiding let out a soft chuckle. "I see." She hummed, before sighing. "You know, I do have a idea that might help you get your energy back." He said.

"Oh?" She raised a brow before feeling a gentle hand caressing one of her wings, she blinked in surprise.


She immediately caught on, and even at this realization, her face turned bright yellow. "Curious, I do not mean to ruin your...idea, but do you really think this is a good idea? I don't think--" "Seek and Figure managed, Jack and Hide as well, and Ambush and Blitz as well." He cut her off.

He had a point.

Seek can morph anything he wanted, Hide who knows what they can do, Blitz has her ways.

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