A demon and an angel

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It was now September,a month neither hot or cold,and summer season was over.Everyone had to wave goodbye to their vacations,and return back to their jobs and school.

It was Saturday,and the streets were busy, crowded with many many people.Odd thing was that all that crowd of people was looking at the same thing.A couple, perhaps,walking together amongst the crowd,which was not a big deal or something to be called odd.However,the duo just didn't seem to match with eachother.

One was a man,which with just by a single look,you would describe as savage.Ferocous,henous,overbearing.If you talked about this man,those are the words that you would use to describe him.His aura was powerful,stopping the passers by near him,and make way for him to pass through.

He was dressed in black simple clothes, that made his powerful physique stand out even more.Bulging out from beneath his jet-black shirt where his mighty shoulders,his thick protruding chest evoked thought of sturdy plates of armor,and his impossibly meaty arms that looked to be made of tightly bound still whips.

His face was intimidating,fearful,cold.He seemed careless about the looks he was receiving from all those around him,it was almost as if he was used to them.His facial features were fierce,a stout jaw, frowned eyebrows that gave him a constant look of intensity and aggression,and fiery long red hair.His eyes though calm,had a dangerous,predatory glint in them,a sign not to mess with him.

His gaze was concentrated on the way ahead and nobody else,his hands were inside his pockets,and his walking was slow,though some people swore that every step the man took,they felt the earth shake.The aura surrounding that man just spoke for itself,that he was dangerous,so no one dared to go near.

Everyone couldn't help themselves from staring at him as he passed through,his look and physique was almost inhuman.. However,not only his appearance made them question things,but the person next to him,accompanying him on his stroll.

A female,shorter than him,beautiful and kind looking.She was smiling happily,with her arms clutching on his,while she couldn't stop talking to him.She seemed to be pretty much blabbering about something to him,but the man showed no interest.

The crowd around them was confused, shocked.Who was that man?Who was that girl?How did they end up together?Who knew.A demon and an angel,a duo that didn't make sence.They could only stare quietly from afar,as the two continue their walk together,unbothered from what the world had to say.

Perhaps,they were just made for each other.It was just right for them to be together.The man,with no space for love and affection because of all the power within him,feared by the world from his undefeatable strength,needed someone like her.

Someone like her,who could offer him that pure,love he needed.




"Yujiro come onnn!,this will be the last shop we'll go!,pretty pleaseeeee?"

"No,we've already seen enough shops for today.Dont make me regret taking you out.Otherwise this will be the last time I will do so",Yujiro scolded,easily resisting the way you tried to drag him in the shop you wanted.

"You're so boring!",you pouted letting go of his arm,and crossed your arms annoyed from his stubbornness.Besides,it's not like you had made him carry all your shopping bags or something...

"You own me for making me do this.I'm not your little boyfriend to carry your things",he sneered and you giggled,but tried to hide it.

"Come on!Would you really let a lady carry her own things?",you batted your eyelashes and he clicked his tongue in annoyance,but didn't say anything.You smiled to yourself victoriously,and looked at the time on your phone.

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